Sunday, February 26, 2006

The owner of this blog went to Maui and all he brought back was this lousy title.

I know this is a long post but there are a few good anecdotes in here so try to get through the whole thing. Take some breaks if you want.I went through about 100 titles on vacation and that one was the last one I got because it was the best. Ok so I'm going to pick up on friday the 17th. Immediately after school, my parents came to pick me up after school. I waited with Zack and Davis while they came. As they pulled in, Zack said "Hey I didn't know you had a brother." I said "Well that's my sister." That was kind of funny. Then I said adios and we took off. We stopped at my aunt's house to pick her up. After that it was a straight shot down to Portland where our plane was at. There were no good flights out of Sea-Tac. So basically there is a lot of freeway on the way and not a lot of cars, so once rush hour was over, we got going up to 70-80 mph the rest of the way. I drove by the way. My dad taught me about speed traps like the one around olympia. After we passed it, I got back up to 70+ mph. As we got closer to Portland, the winds really REALLY started kicking up. It was like 40mph or so gusts that came into the side of the car so steering got really messed up. We stopped at this place about half an hour before Vancouver, Wa to eat at this place that is kind of like Denny's. It was pretty good. After that we visited my dad's cousin and family in Vancouver and headed out to Portland. The bridge across the Columbia river had like 50+mph gusts on it so it was a little nerve wracking. We spent the night in a hotel across the street from the airport and the next morning, at 8:30, we set off for Maui. On the plane, there was this guy that looked really wierd. Later, that guy walked by me to the bathroom and I realized it wasn't a wierd looking guy, it was an ugly ugly girl. OMFG. EWWW. I almost threw up. Luckily the girls I would meet on vacation would be easier to look at. There was this group of ladies around us that turned out to be friends from school and they were going to celebrate their 50th birthdays. They looked more in their 30s or 40s but whatever. I don't think I've ever seen the flight attendants cut people off of alcohol, but there's a first time for everything. They were at least the nice kind of tipsy. The one where they dont punch people. So after that flight, we had a 3 HOUR boring layover in Honolulu. I just played a lot of video solitare. Finally, at about 4:00, we got into Maui. We got a Ford Explorer at enterprise thanks to me because we HAD to have a Ford. Now the cool thing about Maui is the Mustang to other car ratio is about 1:4. Here in Washington, its about 1:60. So along the way to Ka'anapalli, there were whales of course that people slow down on a freeway to look at. Well we can't honk because locals dont encourage that. So a 40 minute drive took an hour and 40 minutes. Once we got to the Westin Ka'anapalli resort/villas(yes that is timeshare), it was almost 6:00. We went down to whalers village and got reservations in our favorite restaurant, Leilanis. We had to wait until 7:00, which wasn't too bad. Basically, we all just looked around. Oh yeah, guess where I saw Maddy? In that David and Goliath's STUPID FACTORY. Oh crap my name is in the title. Just ignore that. So we had dinner and this good dessert that we like called Hula Pie. It has macadamia nut ice cream topped with fudge and macadamia nuts and whipped cream, sitting on an oreo cookie crust, that is in a pool of chocolate sauce. I didn't eat as much as the rest of them all did. After that, we went back and went to sleep. In my staying up late, that whole week, I learned the benefits of watching the Daily show and the Colbert report. On Sunday, we went into Lahaina to see the Banyan tree(I might post a pic of it) and later, we relaxed around the pool and the hotel and some beaches. On monday, we went to this beach up north a bit and played in some good waves. After that, we came back to get ready for our Luau. My mom was reading the description of it. It said that it was a traditional luau with no hooky lau or fire dancing. Basically they took the fun and ripped it out and then stabbed it over and over. I knew it was going to be boring. Luckily, I was wrong. For those of you that have never been to a luau, if you aren't in a group of 8 people, then you are pieced on to tables with other groups. Since we had 5 people with us, we got paired with a couple and their daughter. Talking to her made things a lot less boring. So everyone now is thinking "wait, how did David meet a hot girl and not do anything stupid?" Ok I've got the stupid part. I can't remember her name no matter how hard I try. I wouldn't really type it on a blog though if I did. All I remember is that she lives in San Jose, California, she goes to this school that is kind of a rich person one(I want to say Waldorf, but I'm not sure), she is in 8th grade, and she takes German and Spanish. And her dad's name is chip. So yeah the luau became less boring. Then they left and I was sad. On tuesday, we did more laziness until we went on a whale watching thing. It was pretty cool and the food was good. There was one awkward point when this girl my age completely lost balance and fell on me. Not like the making me fall over but just like hitting into me and grabbing me. On wednesday, we did the road to Hana. It is this day long drive around the east bulge of Maui. The road has a lot of turns so it is easy to get carsick before you get used to it. I'll mainly post pictures so that I don't have to type the names, like the black sand beach called Wai'anapanapa. There was this red sand beach we found that the guide book warned had naked people sometimes were there. This is where Sai says "let's go play melee" There of course were naked people. My aunt couldn't get there because of a hill we climbed, but she wanted to see some red sand so that was my ticket there. Me and my dad went down and checked out a bunch of the ladies and got some sand. I couldn't take a picture but I wanted to. I got one that is of bad quality though! If you want to trick your parents, go around the edge of the cliff, not up it and you can get there without seeing people before its too late. Then your parents can't stop you. Not that mine did. The rest of the day was cool too. At this mall we ate at on the way back, my mom dropped a reciept. i bent over to pick it up. As I got up, my knees went c-crunch and I went c-crap. They hurt until the next Saturday. On thursday, more laziness ensued until me and my dad went to play golf. It went well. On friday, we did more of nothing. On saturday, we came back to Honolulu, three hour layover, then a lot of fast driving home. Now I'm back I think I'll sign on AIM, eat lunch, do some homework, and if time allows, PWNER!


zack0217 said...

Well, I think I died a little inside after reading that whole thing. That's awesome that a hot girl fell on you and such. Next time, take me with you.

Jack said...

if anyone actually read all that, their eyes are probably no longer attached to their head, and are instead on the floor in ashes.

Anonymous said...

first of all, that store i was in had nothing to do with being stupid. plus, my sister dragged me in there.

did you go to the old lahaina luau? that's where we went...and there was no fire or anything. too traditional and very boring, especially since we were at a table with some old guy and his old guy friends. they didn't talk at all.

David said...

well see i had a hot girl so it was fun. yeah zack next time you should come.

blitzmoose said...

WOW!!!!! Waldorf is a real word! google it! This is amazing! David sort of has a long-term memory!

blitzmoose said...

Or better yet wikipedia it. It shows that David may have just heard the word Waldorf on tv and got it confused with real life.

David said...

if waldorf is a private school then I do have a good long-term memory. althought i think not remembering that cool of a girl's name kill the long-term memory goodness.