Thursday, March 29, 2007

Look, its clean! No pictures!

So yeah, monday I got a new friend in Chemistry and stuff. I did my speech buddy's intro since we had to introduce our partners. I had a good wording, but I didn't deliver it very well. I was one of the few who did it without a notecard, which is shocking because its less than a paragraph of stuff to say. So on tuesday, not much happened. In APUSH, Mr. Guthrie stepped out for a second and Harry Truman shows up. We got to talk to him and then he left. No sooner does he leave, then Mr. Guthrie shows up again. I bet he would have liked Truman.

Skip to Wednesday I guess.

So yeah on wednesday, my new friend in Chemistry got moved to the spot where that girl that stole my spot sits, so he is Orion's new friend now. So I played some Guild Wars with Steven and I will give you a number and you try to guess what it measured:
What did it measure?

Not my total experience.

Not my frames per second.

It was my ping.

Yeah somebody wasn't turning off the computer after I finished on it. Kathryn just would sign on after I got off I guess and not turn off the computer, so I will check it every day now.
Today, thursday, speeches were on. Sara's speech was not funny, but she played up a few different angles. Danniel Linn's was funny, but Orion was right in saying that he is not the right person to lead. Sam Nelson's was awkward, but I voted for him because he was good. Nick Setterberg's was, well Zack had it when he said that was how to not deliver a speech. Speaking of which, Zack saw us today, not that high chuckle as he passes us. By high chuckle, I mean chuckle while you're high. So anyway, for the vice presidential speeches, Stephen Erickson's was good, but not great. Sai had the best speech of the day and of course I voted for him. Braden's was......nevermind. Sai has made it to secondaries too now, so we will need to get videoing this weekend.

So my speech also. I thought it was okay. It went 8:52 and I was shooting for less than 7:00, soooo it was about 2 minutes long. Despite that, my speech was full of data. Despite this, Mrs. Gade said that I did really good. All the speeches today were good. I got a peek at my grade for it, it was all exceeds standard except for dressed up because I forgot to take off the sweatshirt and clear voice because I doubled back on a couple phrases. I managed to not use my notes as well even though I was holding them for something to nervously death grip while I talked. Even my own group (all girls) said that they would not usually be interested in the topic, but they intently listened to the speech.

Well mom says no online games until my math grade goes up even though I have repeatedly told her that it only changes for a test, so I might get on Guild Wars a bit later than usual today.


Oreo said...

obviously your mom doesn't understand that video games help mathematical intelligence. i mean that's why girls suck at math usually, since they don't ever play video games.

also, props on getting such good (and by good i mean ass-shatty) ping. you pwn at it.

PK Dave said...

high ping=...high lag?