Monday, August 04, 2008

Still recharging

Hey everyone, I know it's been a while since my last post, but you probably haven't checked, so it's probably okay. I am going to post pictures soon, I promise. Also, I just realized that I forgot to pay for PAX, so I guess I just screwed myself out of $5. Well I'll get into the post. If you read one part of it, read about the surgery. Conveniently, I start there.

I'm not going by days because things blend together too much.


So on July 24th, I went to get my wisdom teeth taken out. The guy that was dressed in all scrubs was a cool guy because he was wearing scrubs, which he said were optional, but just looked cool. He had something over them anyway. I agree, they really went well with his American flag bandana. The nurse was nice and the doctor was .... well he's just somewhat of an odd guy, but he knows what he's doing. He took out Kathryn's tooth that was shaped like a lightning bolt a few years back.

So they put the IV in my arm, which was the only part that I didn't like because even though they super freeze the skin so it gets numb, I could still feel the needle going into the arm. After that, it was fine. The doctor put some shots into the junctions in the tube and said "Ok, this will take a minute to work its way to your brain." The next thing I know, I can see the doctors standing on either side of me, but it's still dark because I think I had my eyes closed. I really wanted to ask a simple yes or no question, but they kept yelling at me to "stop talking, I was interrupting the procedure." After several failed attempts of asking them, I stopped. Then, I opened my eyes and they were done. I woke up crying hysterically though. Apparently, the drugs make you emotional and they amplify everthing around you, so in reality, I was just moving my mouth and mumbling and they were calmly saying to not try to talk. They said they were taking me into a little side waiting room while I waited for mom to show up. I got up off the chair and got the numbness out of my legs by hobbling the first step, but then I was really fine to walk to the next room by myself, but scrubs insisted that I hold his shoulder for guidance. I remember getting to the bed and saying "Oh I don't need to lay down." So they let me sit up while I waited. I also remember asking the nurse a ton of questions.

After mom came to get me, we went down the street for a blizzard. We were pulling up to the drive through. I remember crying because they didn't save my teeth and I thought that they were really good for chewing. I also remember that I couldn't feel anything in my mouth because it was still numb. As I licked the blizzard, unable to feel it, I also remember saying "Wow, it's a good thing I know where my tongue is, or I'd be screwed."

All in all, the recovery went well. I accidentally swallowed two pads of gause that I had to have over the holes in my mouth for the bleeding. The doctor said in the week after checkup that she doesn't often see someone come back so quickly after surgery as I did. I guess usually people are just tired and want to lay down. I think that this means if I ever get high, I will not stop talking. Anyway, it looks like my mouth is healing well and I can chew things again and I don't have to take painkillers anymore so I am up for anything again.

Trip to grandma's:
I took Kathryn in the truck down to my grandma's house in Vancouver last weekend. We were getting some computer stuff from her. Along with that, I also wound up getting Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator, and MFS 2002 and 1998 and a joystick. We went to the Clark county fair while we were down there too. The truck got good mileage and it was pretty uneventful overall. Also, my grandma bought a couple of DS's to "alleviate fighting" between my other cousins. She has an old PS1, which they apparently fight over a lot. The DS's were pretty cool. I have decided that if I somehow win any money at PAX, I will use it towards buying one. In the likely event that I don't, I'll continue to do odd jobs to save up for one.

Well other than all that stuff, I have been playing tennis and videogames. Not much else has happened. I hung out with Davis a couple times and Lucy once and I helped Davis move some furniture in his neighbor's house and got paid double what I expected to get and I got to hear some great jazz. I'm going to be in Richland from this Friday to Sunday. Other than that, anyone want to hang out sometime?


roo said...

the part about the surgery actually made me laugh out loud. haha.

Davos said...

Also, you screwed us out of not having to wait for you to buy tickets, thus basically negating the advantage that we got by preordering tickets. [Borat Voice] High Five!

On the other hand, you KNOW none of the Asians did either, so we would have been screwed either way.

Davos said...

"Anyway, it looks like my mouth is healing well and I can chew things again and I don't have to take painkillers anymore so I am up for anything again."

Do I really have to say it?

blitzmoose said...

Are you up for being part of a CS:S team for pax?

Are you up for hanging out sometime this weekend?

You have not posted a pic soon. People who say they will and do not are the worst! >_<

Who is roo?