Thursday, August 25, 2005

felt like another mustang pic Posted by Picasa

Going Back to the nail-foot story, the green is hard plastic on the insole and if the nail had hit the green part, it wouldn't have gone through before I had a chance to stop it. Unfortunately, that dot right on the edge of the green right above my finger is the hole where the nail went through. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 06, 2005

I haven't forgotten to post and I have good excuses.

Ok, lets start from the beginning. I haven't forgotten to post and I'll go through the excuses as I go in the story. Excuse#1. The sunday after my last post, I was waiting for my lunch to finish cooking. I was reading the funnies and decided to read a few that I don't usually read. Sometimes, I read Doonesbury, but not often, and usually agree with it. So I read it and the main character guy is interviewing a "blogger." And they're making him out to be a total geek and loser and such like he has no life and he's pathetic. Then I was like "bloggers are nerds?! How come nobody ever told me this?! GARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Arf!" So I got scared out of posting for a while. So in the week of my last post, my mom got stuck on a jury because she wasn't contraversial enough, so she was gone all day, everyday from wednesday until tuesday, except for the weekend. Sometime in there, I shaved!. Yeah, I'm shaving now and doing it about once a week since it comes back. Someday, I'll grow noticeable facial hair! So about a week after my last post, my family went to Chicago since my mom thinks we should go to places we've never been to before. Well I never need to go back to Chicago again. On sunday, it was the hottest day they'd had in a decade (one hundred and something degrees with like really high humidity, which basically makes it so it adds about ten degrees and makes it hotter in the shade than in the direct sun. Also, the hobos there don't care who sees them open up a garbage can and dive in. There was a White Sox game we went to that was cool because the Red Sox won. On the "Rapid" transit system back, we were informed that (luckily) our stop was the last due to "collision with a person on the tracks. Later in the trip, we went to se a play "wicked" that was bad like I think all musicals are. We also went to the Art museum and saw Dutch paintings and the origional "American Gothic," which for those stupid people is the pitchfork man and his wife. We also wen to the science and industry museum and saw a omnimax(basically like imax, except a 180 degree (not farenheight) screen, so theres no wall at all, which is cool) movie about people traveling the length of the nile. The best part of the place was the U-505 sub that we captured in WWII or WWI. The Hitler one. It was cool to walk in it. Also, we went to a videogames history exhibit, where we played our little hearts out of nostalgaie old videogames, unlimited for five bucks. Davis and Orion are probably fantacizing about that now. We also went to a Cubs game at historic Wrigley field. It was really cool and the fans are really intense, so I was glad the cubs won. Acros the street are all these buldings that rent out the roofs to watch the game from. We also saw Hancock tower. Me and my dad went into this cool looking prodestant church across the street from it and I had to chuckle as I remembered that car trip with Jack's mom telling us to bless ourselves. Good times. By the way, Chicago and being gone for it is excuse #2. So we get back and low and behold, it's excuse #3, trojan man! Not that man, and the computer virus wasn't trojan either, so I didn't need to say that at all. Anyway, we just cleared up the virus, so now I can post. Since I got back from Chicago, nothing much has happened, except I'm continuing to help build my grandparents' house. That's all for now. We had to uninstall Hello and Picassa, so when I install them, I'll put some pics up. Also, I'm not on AIM, Skype, or SC for a while because theyre off the comp too for now.