Thursday, September 29, 2005


Saturday, September 24, 2005

I guess I should post more often again.

Well, I guess since my last posts, school has started. A lot of my classes have severe lacking of windows. I know nobody in my english class, and I got stuck in Witt's class. What more, in marching band, Michelle is a drum major and Maddy's a flag, so guess who's first mellophone right now? Yeah and if Maddy doesn't leave flags, then I get to be first for the rest of my days at SW. It's cool though because i can order my section around. I wish. So we've also started BSA up again with me as the SPL, which is the head of our group in that. The cool thing though, is that I disproved my incompetence by making JV tennis. Soccer started too and we haven't yet scored a goal. Maybe if some hot girls showed up.... Wow. I didn't have a lot to say I guess. Oh well.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Aww. Isn't he cute? Posted by Picasa

Fuzzytail, my betta fish Posted by Picasa

Here's skyway. He likes to sleep like that for some reason. He's strange. Posted by Picasa

Then he sleeps after doing all that Posted by Picasa

Edward again Posted by Picasa

Edward getting some sun in a wierd position Posted by Picasa

Here's Edward. He wants his belly rubbed. He's a big cat Posted by Picasa

This is me after a lot of homeworkage with my new glasses. Ignore the acne. AND SHUT UP YOU STUPID SPAMMER! To understand what I mean, read the Let's get comments in here post. Posted by Picasa

It's been eventful and I should have posted, but to be perfectly honest, I haven't felt like it. Yay! A long title!

So I got all the stuff up and running as many of you may, or not, have seen. Well, I guess I'll pick up where I left off. That seems logical, right? Nothing on the 7th, but on that monday, I got new glasses! They are more rectangular and they're transitions, so they turn dark in bright light. I'm posting a picture of them. So that weekend after, our neighbors had a party for their 40th anniversary. It was ok because I snuck out early to watch the Simpsons. Somewhere in here, my mom finished Harry Potter 6 and cried at the end. Whatever, I didn't really like Dumbledore. He was kind of boring. So anyhow, that sunday, my mom's friend and her kids were at whidbey, so we were going to see them. I was skeptical about going, but she said there was a hot 15 year old girl there, so I came. When we got there, she (yes she existed) and her mom were going shopping. What luck. So the munchkins all wanted to build a hole for a fort. I remembered my child hood and having fun making forts, so I agreed to help since the girl and her mom weren't getting back for a while. And no, I can't remember her name. I assume that's pretty bad. Oh well. So the fort mainly consisted of three seperate holes being dug until they were ready to be combined. Since I had been getting back my arm muschle, I got to do all the physical labor! On three separate holes! At once! Later, the other two came back from shopping. Yay. So I got to escape from the hole and got to hang out and be cool. So nothing else that week, except helping Davis kill his deck. On the weekend, I finally went to my grandpa's house to mow his lawn in his Jonh Deere rideable lawnmower. He has a huge lawn, so I took a while to mow it. Then, I had to blow all the grass shavings off the street. I got to use this backpack blower, which made me feel like a firebat. So that night, they took me to see the 40-year-old virgin. Very good movie. I thought they didn't like it, but it turned out they did. Later on, we watched Supersize me, which made me keep hatimg McDonald's as I have done for a year or 4 now. The next day, we all played golf at this nice course by their house. I did ok. I had a 124 and the total par was 72. But luckily my handicap became 62, so I came out even. On the 18th hole, a par 5, I had a 240 yard drive that I was proud of, but I was off par by 1 because of a bad putt. Again, an uneventful week following. The weekend, though, was interesting, because we had to go to a wedding. In forks. It's near the coast on the peninsula. So it was all fine and dandy, and at the reception, there was a betta fish on either end of every table. The one by us was a nice male with red "finnage" as I later learned. So, my mom thought it would be cool to have that one as a classroom pet. So our whole family (with my aunt and cousins helping) took him home. they gave us food and said to take them and gave instructions on care. My aunt named it "fuzzytail." Good thing he's only a baby. On the way home, I noticed he is really lazy, which is cool. He liked how the car moving jiggled the water, so he could coast and not swim. At home, we decided he would go in my room, since our cats never go in mine. We later bought him a good tank and other things. Now of course, my mom said, "He seems to like David, so we'll not make him the class pet and he can be David's. So my parents get Edward, our grey tabby. My sister gets Skyway, our white shorthaired cat, and I get fuzzytail, the baby Betta fish. At least he's sort of cute. So I need to stop now to do homework.