Friday, March 31, 2006

Another mustang picture! I need to stop posting now. Posted by Picasa

OK I AM BORED. I saw this picture in my library and noticed that the spray kind of looks like a skull. You may want to enlarge it. Posted by Picasa

This is the kind of stuff in Age of Empires III that makes me say ha ha. Notice in the tree, there is a guy(wearing blue), and that white thing is a wolf jumping up at him. Posted by Picasa

This is my proposed plan for defeating google. First, we need the Dutch to cut the google logo in half, then blogger is free and becomes a terran and shoots google's remains. Then, firefox is free and it burns up mcdonalds(another world dominated oriented company) with help from a firebat. Next, we get master chief to gun down starbucks, so that when it explodes, it gives people free coffee or whatever and they lose revenue and the Sonics can have a new sponsor. Only then, will I switch to Firefox. I would like to, but I can't support google. At least not other than this blog. It's different. Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 27, 2006

Here's something to tide you over until the next post

Regarding the monthly Troop 853 newsletter bulletin:
Dad: Hey what should we call the troop newsletter?
David:(High Sarcasm Level) How about the daily bugle. I can wear spandex and sling webs.
Dad: Yeah how about the bugle? Like the insrument at our flag ceremonies.
(Awkward Siclence Dad types)
David: Are you seriously typing that up?
Dad: Yes, why?
David: I was being sarcastic. If you called it the bugle, what would happen is the equivalent to getting beaten up at school for you.
Dad: It was a good idea and I went with it.
David: It's a dorky idea and if you go with that you are a dork.
Dad: What do you have in mind?
David: The Monthly Troop 853 Newsletter Bulletin.
Dad: Well that's too long so I'll make it what I want.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Stop, or my mom will shoot

I'll get to the title later. So from the last post, I bugled at Maxwell's eagle and didn't do very well. Later, Matt Hall, Daniel Fuerte and I were playing around with M&M's. So there was a religious guy talking about catholicismness, so I made a star of David on the table. Also, I stuck an M&M up my nose and it got stuck and melted a little, then I was able to get it out. The next morning, there was no school. I blew my nose and some of the snot was blue like the M&M coating. That was funny. Nothing really happened. On tuesday, it was history day. Luckily, I didn't make it to state, but Jake and Stefano did. Also, Sai brought his gamecube and a lot of people crowded in a room and played it. A few of us cool people went to 7-11 for lunch. On wednesday, we had the snoking band thing and we sucked. No surprise there, though. After that, we came back for 5th period and Mr. Weiss did more stuff that made me mad and further demoted herself to worse than chode status. On thursday, Orion, Andy, and I went to Witt's class during band and took his test. After seeing the way his freshman treat him, I actually feel a little sorry for him. Later, Davis and I did the Kolus word search, which was really gay because Kolus sucks at writing them. In 6th period, Mrs. Hastig severely demoted herself when she made me take a test that I knew nothing about because she thought I should have asked her the second I got back what the homework was. That's not how any other class works though. Anyway, I studied really quick with help from my table group. I got 22/24 and thats good. That night, Steven asked if I wanted to go to Picnic (the play) for extra credit for chode-I mean Mrs. Hastig's class. We went and it was pretty wierd. By wierd I mean strange and dumb. At least I got extra credit. So on friday, we had a math test and I seemed to know a lot of the stuff, for once. On saturday, I went to Sai's house and Zach was supposed to come and bring his Xbox360, but he pulled a chode on us so Sai, his brother and I played a lot of N64. After that, I went to help my grandparents with stuff around their house while my parents went to a musical. After we ate dinner, we watched this movie from the 80's called stop or my mom will shoot. It was about as funny as its title, pretty funny. Today, I have to do my essay and relate Utilitarianism to modern times.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Oh my bug. I was checking out that place zach posted and this comic is so funny. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Keir showed me this picture. He quoted it as sexy. I will let you be the judge of that. Posted by Picasa

This is me being Zach. Notice how my jacket is totally punk with its padded elbows. Also, I wear punkin tight short pants. Oh yeah I am so punk. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Wooo Ireland

Ok so nothing on friday the 10th. On saturday, I had to help dad with scouting for food. Unfortunately, nobody showed up so it took us a long time. Later that day, my grandparents, uncle and his family, and my cousin came to our house for out pre-St. Patricks day dash party. For those of you that don't know,the St. Patrick's day dash is something I have done with my mom's side of the family since I was born. You can walk, run, or push a stroller. It goes between 3 and 3and1/2 miles from Seattle Center at Key Arena, across the Viaduct, and ends at Safeco Field across from Pyramid Ale, which is where we always eat lunch after. Anyway, back to saturday. So after everyone came, I had to go to our double-header soccer games. Let's just say we lost and we don't need to revisit that whole thing. When I got back there was more party, then early bed. On Sunday, on our way to the dash, I was pulling out of a stopped lane to get into a moving lane. These jerks come up and slow down and stop so I'm going out. At the last second, they gun it and honk at me as they almost hit me. My dad said "This is when you flip people off." So we all did the dash and I still can't beat my cousin. I did it all in about 35 minutes, which is pretty average for me. Im usually near the middle of the front half of all the people that run it with us. After that, we had lunch at pyramid ale and then everyone left. We came home and had to turn around and go to Kent for my cousin on my dad's side's birthday. When we got back, I went to sleep early at 9:00. The whole week, not a lot happened between selling chocolates, a lot of meetings that didn't happen and a really boring and easy test called the WASL. On friday, nothing happend so I didn't need to mention it. On Saturday, I did the cleanup of scouting for food. NOthing more the rest of the day until I saw V for Vendetta. That was pretty good, despite being made by those matrix idiots that make confusing movies. Now it is Sunday and I have to practice my bugle for Maxwell's eagle ceremony. That's it for now.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Dutch are Still News Worthy

You don't need to read the whole article. Feel free to skim it if you like

Dutch Immigrants Must Watch Racy Film
By BRUCE MUTSVAIRO, Associated Press Writer
5 hours ago
A woman wearing a Muslim head scarf walks past ...
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands - The camera focuses on two gay men kissing in a park. Later, a topless woman emerges from the sea and walks onto a crowded beach. For would-be immigrants to the Netherlands, this film is a test of their readiness to participate in the liberal Dutch culture.
If they can't stomach it, no need to apply.
Despite whether they find the film offensive, applicants must buy a copy and watch it if they hope to pass the Netherlands' new entrance examination.
The test _ the first of its kind in the world _ became compulsory Wednesday, and was made available at 138 Dutch embassies.
Taking the exam costs $420. The price for a preparation package that includes the film, a CD ROM and a picture album of famous Dutch people is $75.
"As of today, immigrants wishing to settle in the Netherlands for, in particular, the purposes of marrying or forming a relationship will be required to take the civic integration examination abroad," the Immigration Ministry said in a statement.
The test is part of a broader crackdown on immigration that has been gathering momentum in the Netherlands since 2001.
Anti-immigration sentiment peaked with filmmaker Theo van Gogh's murder by a Dutch national of Moroccan descent in November 2004.
Both praise and scorn have been poured on Immigration Minister Rita Verdonk, the architect of the new test and other policies that have reduced immigration by at least a third.
"If you pass, you're more than welcome," Verdonk said. "It is in the interest of Dutch society and those concerned."
Not everyone is happy with the new test.
"Today is a black day for the people intending to bring their partners to Holland," said Buitenlandse Partner, a lobbying group for mixed Dutch/immigrant couples.
Dutch theologian Karel Steenbrink criticized the 105-minute movie, saying it would be offensive to some Muslims.
"It is not a prudent way of welcoming people to the Netherlands," said Steenbrink, a professor at the University of Utrecht. "Minister Verdonk has radical ideas."
But Mohammed Sini, the chairman of Islam and Citizenship, a national Muslim organization, defended the film, saying that homosexuality is "a reality."
Sini urged all immigrants "to embrace modernity."
A censored version with no homosexual and nude material had been prepared because it is illegal to show such images in Iran and some other countries, filmmaker Walter Goverde said.
"With all the respect I have for all religions, I think people need to understand that Holland has its own liberal side as well," he said.
After viewing the film, which is available in most languages, applicants are then quizzed on important Dutch factoids such as the number of provinces that make up the Netherlands; the role played by William of Orange in the country's history; and Queen Beatrix's monarchial functions.
There are some major exemptions. EU nationals, asylum-seekers and skilled workers who earn more than $54,000 per year will not be required to take the 30-minute computerized exam.
Also, citizens of the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan and Switzerland are exempt.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Look it's Davis outside Playboy Enterprises in Chicago Posted by Picasa

This is the first of 2 impressions of Davis. Look how I got pwned by amanuel. Of course the real me can't because I'm Dutch and Dutch beats anorexic(Amanuel). Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Here's a present for you.

Hello everyone, the word of the day is antidisestablishmentarianism. It is a very long word and it is time you know the truth about it. First of all, yes that is correct spelling. No I did not check it on or wikipedia. I am roxorz and know how to spell, that is my one smart place in school. Anyhoo, the history of antidisestablishmentarianism is a noun and started as opposition to the disestablishment of the church of England. Today, antidisestablishmentarianism has formed the meaning of opposition to the belief that there should no longer be an official church in a country. That makes religious people antidisestablishmentarians. Davis is a disestablishmentarian I believe. Anyway, the point of this is that the word of the however long I feel like is antidisestablishmentarianism. Use it to seem smarter!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

BOOM. Ha ha I fooled you.

So as my title suggests, nothing happened until saturday, when I got a ride from Davis to Zach's house for his party. (You thought I was going to skip that and go to the bomb threat didn't you?) So anyway, we got to Zach's house and started on some moving of technology. Later, when everyone showed up, there was some call of duty and super smash brothers melee. You might hear at school that Davis pwned us at call of duty. Well he did. They all also thought it was not fair that the weapon I have skill with was the shotgun. They deemed it unfair to use it, so I gave them a piece of my mind when I sniped Alex with it. Talk about pwnxored. We watched Harold and Kumar, which Sai didn't like, then more videogames and some trampolining. Crack the egg is a good game. Somewhere in there, Alex got "the Munchies" and Zach's parents thought he and Sai did drugs. Sai left around 11:30ish because his parents said he couldn't stay. After that, we watched Old School. Steven passed out right after that I think. Davis played some Condemned, then we all tried to go to sleep. Keyword there was tried. Me and Jake noise pwned Davis and Alex, who tried to beat Jake up and punched Steven, who somehow didn't wake up. When we woke up, we played more videogames and more trampolining. A good quote from that morning was:
Davis: Zach why are you wearing those short shorts?
Zach: Because they're fun.
So I went home with Jake and Davis, then not a whole lot until tuesday. Tuesday went normal, except that there was a bomb threat and we got out of 4th and 6th period. We just hung out in the Shoreline Center gym and got free food. Of course there was no bomb and we went about our daily lives. On wednesday, at 2:25 PM, school got out and I had gone for a week without calculator games. Unfortunately I played some today in english, but we were watching this really stupid movie that we actually didn't have to watch. Nobody around me wanted to play cards so I had to resort to the calculator.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

OH MY BUG! I have revealed the true identity of Master Chief. It is Dick Cheney. I noticed the connection when I saw the quail in the upper right corner, while Master Chief shoots his friend, who I noticed next on the right.. I then took off the helmet and low and behold, it is Dick Cheney! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

As you can see, google is trying to take over the world. As well as poor Blogger and Firefox, which it already has enslaved. Posted by Picasa

Another Good Link
Brokeback mountain reenacted by bunnies for those of you like me with too much pride to be seen walking into the theater.


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Monday, March 06, 2006

This is another one of his spots. This is also his "stop playing Starcraft and give me attention" look being used at the wrong time as you can see on the screen. Posted by Picasa

This is one of Skyway's new "sleep spots" Posted by Picasa

Here is Skyway showing some Seahawk Pride. Posted by Picasa

You know who you are. Sittingthere with your 1 pound bag of Santitas. You're thinking, "How can life get any better?" Oh it can, believe me, it can. Just look at this picture to see how 1-upped you got. Posted by Picasa

The actually funny sign of the day Posted by Picasa

Hey Look, I posted during shool. I roxxorz

So when I get home today, I shall post. I can't rght now because I am in World Studies right now with Zach and Stefano. I am so roxxorz.

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Ok, I'm going to try to start/end another fad with this post like when I posted the conversation with me and keir. Sorry, but I lied when I last posted. Actually, there was an AIDS or something presentation on Wednesday and unlike last years', which basically said we could have sex whenever, but use a condom; this years' basically said not to look at the other sex because they give you an STD. I hope you have enjoyed this fad starting/ending brought to you by your favorite/only knowed dutch guy, David. These should all be valid links by the way.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Ok, so as you can see I got a new title about Dutch Ruling. It won't be around very long because the first time I saw it up, my eyes burned. I think that I developed epilepsy from it. I also am not sure if I spelled that right. Oh well. I also shouldn't post in the middle of the week because all that has happened was the first days of school, which have been uneventful and boring. That is all for now I guess.