Tuesday, August 29, 2006

UK Pictures below

Ok, so I finished putting up all the pictures from vacation that I decided to use. I noticed some of you checked while I was putting them up. For those of you that haven't, you might as well. They are in order from the picture of legoland below this to the bottom. I have a lot to post about stuff since I got back, but I'll get to that later.
The signs may make it seem like Legoland is just around the corner. It isn't. Posted by Picasa
Stonehenge. Posted by Picasa
Stonehenge again. Posted by Picasa
The car. A Saab 93 turbo. Posted by Picasa
The steering wheel is on a different side. Posted by Picasa
The hotlel room bathroom that was so short, that I had trouble standing up straight in the shower. Posted by Picasa
The entrance to Bath Abbey. Posted by Picasa
The river Avon. Posted by Picasa
dad and kathryn in the hotel room. Posted by Picasa
The roman bath in Bath. Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 28, 2006

The window at the end tells the life of Jesus. Posted by Picasa
Those gothics made some cool churches. Posted by Picasa
They had these mirrors rolling around so you didn't have to bend your neck to see the roof. Posted by Picasa
The royal crescent. Posted by Picasa
A turret at Warwick castle Posted by Picasa
Teh sn1p3r h013. B00m, h34dsh07. Posted by Picasa
Assorted battlements of Warwick castle. Posted by Picasa
As far as knights dressing up go, this guy was funny Posted by Picasa
Me taking a picture from the turret to the wall. Posted by Picasa
Unlike the jousters that you will see, these guys knew how to fight. Just get in and whack away. Posted by Picasa
Mom taking a picture up at me. Her camera's zoom is better, in case you didn't make the comparison. Posted by Picasa
The jousting was cool. Unfotunately, they went so fast that this was the best picture I had. Posted by Picasa
The jousting and fighting were choreographed, but the jousting at least looked real. The fighting was slow and really fake, but it let me get good pictures. Posted by Picasa
Fighting at the joust. Posted by Picasa
Look Sai, the World's largest operational Trebuchet! Posted by Picasa