Monday, November 27, 2006

So it was snowing yesterday and we had a 1 1/2 hour delay today. I decided that since the cul-de-sac was empty, I would make a smiley face in it. As soon as I stepped out into the snow, I realized I had no shoes on. Despite this, I made the happy face and my feet were cold for a long time. That was a good excuse to sit in front of the fire and play videogames for a while. Posted by Picasa

Screw beta. I want hello.

This is a test. This is only a test. Had this been a real emergency, you would have been told to hide by me because I can pwn natural disasters like no other. In the event that this picture and post work, this is the reason why Sai enjoys Pirates. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 26, 2006

IEEEE why the have not I updated?

Let me just say that blogger beta sucks. Now I can't use hello to post good pictures. I have to use picasa, but it keeps crapping out on me. So anyway yeah its been a while since my last meaningful post, so I'll try to keep it brief. I would have posted a week ago, but there was much homeworking and events happening. So I will start the day after my last post: Monday, November 13. So it was monday the 13th, which is bad if you are Garfield because he hates monday the 13th. Nothing much happened from monday to friday. It was another 5 day week between the two 3 day weeks. So on Saturday, my uncle was supposed to come "any minute." I decided that I wouldn't do my homework like I originally planned because I didn't want to be in the middle of it when he got here (OCD strikes again). So he had this boeing training on new planes thing (he is a pilot and I never get to see him). It was supposed to be done in mid afternoon. I did some homework from 1-2 then waited. Eventually, Sai helped me put pirates on my computer. So I looked at the clock when it was done and it was 4:00. For some reason, I didn't do my homework and played pirates. It is actually a really fun game. So then he showed up at 6:30 and we went to Spiros. On Sunday, my dad remembered he hadn't called my grandpa the night before like he said he would, so he did and grandpa had been waiting for us to come to take him to dinner and he didn't eat until 9. Oops. Well we took him out to lunch with us and my uncle at this microbrewery restaurant in U village. I brought my homework along to do. I needed the internet at one point. I looked at my laptop screen and low and behold, I was recieving the Apple store next door's internet at full. That was the pwnage. That night, I had to go to confirmation. OMFG ITS SO BORING. You eat for the first half hour, but the food sucks. Plus the only people I knew in the class were not there. Maddy showed up, but she was late for some reason (I think it was Bryce). So anyway my uncle left the next morining. I finished my homework in the next 3 day week, but it took over my life and I needed that long weekend to get my sanity back. Anyhow, my English class has gotten better because I am in a group with Bryce and Maxwell Vincent (who has proven to be less of an asshole). We are in the back of the room too. I sit next to Christian Shaber, but he is never there, so that's a plus. So on Wednesday, Davis, Steven, Orion, Sai, Ben, Alex, Oliver, Oliver's brother, and I all went to see Borat. The movie was definately not without it's moments. It wasn't the best thing I've seen, but I've seen a lot worse. I did not like the big naked wrestling scene. That was really awkward. I did like however:
Borat: So you are telling me, my wife. She eez dead?
Mailman Guy: Yes sir, I'm afraid that's true.
Borat: HIGH FIVE-a
Afterwards, my mom dropped Davis, Orion, Steven, Sai, and I at Orion's house. We played some Halo2 because it was more balanced (no pistol sniping). So a phenomenon occured while we played the game. When Sai was there, I always got second to him. When Sai left, I was second to Steven. When Steven left, I was second to Davis. That's me, doomed to be second place. So eventually, it was just Davis, Orion, and I. We decided to switch off with Soul Caliber. It turns out I'm not half bad at that game. I even got Davis to (reluctantly) call me "the pwnerer." Fighting games are too simple. A good win strategy is to go Y,Y,X,X,X,X..... until the enemy is dead. So on Thursday, it was Thanksgiving. I went to my aunt and uncle's house in Kent. Me and my cousin played Ghost Recon on his 360 until it was time for dinner, then we played more after dinner. It was an average thanksgiving. On friday, I went to take my grandpa to a doctor's appointment, then I spent the day working on his house for him because our whole family is trying to slowly get rid of the tons (literally over 50 tons of junk on a lot about 3/4 the size of my lot. On friday, my family watched this Prarie home companion movie while I played pirates. I need one more lost city. Then we all watched Nacho Libre. That movie was also not without its moments. On saturday, not much happened. I got to just veg the whole day pretty much. Except for my neighbor who puts up his lights first all the time was gone, so my family and the older guy that lives on the end of the cul-de-sac took advantage of the nonrain and put up lights on both our houses so our neighbor could come home to see how we beat him. I saw happy feet that night. It was a strange movie. Enough said about that. I went to sleep saturday night after watching the terminator and I woke up to snow. It was about 1/4 or less of an inch, and it turned to rain by noon. It's trying to come back now, but it has been for a while and its going to melt by tomorrow. That's ok because I don't need to make a 4 day weekend a 5 day one. Sorry about the long post, but just remember, this is 2 weeks worth of stuff, so you would have (maybe) read it all eventually. Peace out until later. I will try to prevent this from happening again.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Heh Heh. I'll make a longer post later

I shall, but for now, enjoy these quotes.
Blitzmoose9: Ok you should restart your comp then
RunningInSquare3: Ok I will
Blitzmoose9: Ok
RunningInSquare3: Be back in a sex.
RunningInSquare3: sec
RunningInSquare3: sec
RunningInSquare3: I'm going to try restarting again now that I dled this other one too.
RunningInSquare3: Be back in a sex.
RunningInSquare3: SEC.

brittlebrit187: hello mr david
RunningInSquare3: shalom mr. keir
brittlebrit187: do you have an ectended holiday to celebrate the genoicide of many native americans?
RunningInSquare3: yes
RunningInSquare3: we have an extended holiday to celebrate the last supper if you will of the native americans

Zack0217: i ended up making out and *censored*ngering a girl who i still dont know her name
RunningInSquare3: NOOOO
RunningInSquare3: invite me to ur parties
Zack0217: and i should be hanging otu with her later today
Zack0217: i'm so happy
Zack0217: hhaha
Zack0217: lemme find a picture of her hold on
RunningInSquare3: the only girl i met that i didnt know the name of was just talking
RunningInSquare3: i would have u know but here parents and my parents were there
Zack0217: she's emo, but that's ok
Zack0217: haha
RunningInSquare3 (3:50:58 PM): HOLY AAAA
RunningInSquare3: eww
RunningInSquare3: kinda hot
RunningInSquare3: wtf a nose ring
Zack0217: haha
Zack0217: and no it wasn't a rave
Zack0217: it was just a few people hanging out in the woods
RunningInSquare3: woods
RunningInSquare3: LOL
RunningInSquare3: innuendo
Zack0217: haha

Zack0217: haha so she can have whatever name she wants
Zack0217: hot girls are allowed that luxury
RunningInSquare3 (3:55:41 PM): from now on im going to be max power then
Zack0217 (3:55:50 PM): hahah
Zack0217 (3:55:55 PM): that's a pretty good pornstar name
RunningInSquare3 (3:55:59 PM): lol
RunningInSquare3 (3:56:11 PM): a good pornstar name is honey bukitt
Zack0217 (3:56:24 PM): fhahah
RunningInSquare3 (3:56:37 PM): or richard
Zack0217 (3:56:45 PM): richard
Zack0217 (3:56:45 PM): yes
Zack0217 (3:56:52 PM): that is the ultimate pornstar name
Zack0217 (3:56:53 PM): for a girl
RunningInSquare3 (3:56:56 PM): LOL
Zack0217 (3:56:56 PM): of course
RunningInSquare3 (3:56:57 PM): yeah
RunningInSquare3 (3:57:10 PM): but if it was a girl named richard she would go by something like jane
Zack0217 (3:57:24 PM): that's the only logical nickname
RunningInSquare3 (3:57:29 PM): yeah
RunningInSquare3 (3:57:30 PM): not dick
Zack0217 (3:57:37 PM): hahahah
Zack0217 (3:57:40 PM): ohhhh
Zack0217 (3:57:52 PM): i'm gonna go hang out with raquel and sierra now!
Zack0217 (3:57:54 PM): wooooo
RunningInSquare3 (4:00:06 PM): well heres hoping for a threesome for u
RunningInSquare3 (4:00:22 PM): and to hoping that i will feel like possibly blogging this convo later
RunningInSquare3 (4:00:24 PM): or parts of it
Zack0217 (4:00:32 PM): whahaha
Zack0217 (4:00:35 PM): indeed
Zack0217 (4:00:37 PM): cya
RunningInSquare3 (4:00:39 PM): cya
RunningInSquare3 (4:00:58 PM): and heres hoping that sai will get my messages

Sunday, November 12, 2006

New home for blog in beta land

Yeah I just moved to beta blogger. Not much different than the last one. This last week was ok. The three day week was good. On thursday, mom got an email response back from Mr. Guthrie in which he complained about my "detached and innatentive demeanor." This may be because before I have a chance to come up with something smart to say that adds to the discussion, he ends it. I also noticed that he gives the main talkers the opportunity to start and end discussions. So mom did the usual, she threatened to kick me off Starcraft if my grades don't improve in 2 weeks. Ok so unless I have some test, this looks bad. Fortunately, I haven't played Starcraft since Wednesday because of the unfortunate dissolving until further notice of the clan. I got Destroy All Humans 2 and I've been playing that. I also got Lego Star Wars 2, which I let Kathryn play too because it makes mom give me more vg time. My fish died this weekend too, which was sad. I saw the new Pure Pwnage and it Pwned. There was also some SSBM&MP at Steven's house. I would also like to thank the half of the soccer team that decided to skip the game, making the rest of us drive around looking for the field only to have to forfeit and not be able to leave until the lights kicked us off the field. If you didn't come to the game and you see me, cover your balls because they might get a kicking. Jake, Eric, and Justin B are exempt because they actually announced that they wouldn't go. Gotta go, it's homework time.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Metro Natural? Wtf Seattle? Now people will think we are gayish hippies

Yeah some n00b made Seattle's new catch phrase "Metro Natural." People in Arizona even heard about it and were like wtf. As my mom said, "This new slogan will make people "say wa?"(previous catch phrase). So the rest of this week was slightly uneventful. We lost to the blue angels, but in typical us fashion, we made sure they didnt score all the goals. Owen scored one on us. Oh and by the way, if anybody wants to pwn damian, by all means don't let me stop you. I will if I get the chance. Friday was cool because there were magnets in chemistry. On friday night, I embarassed myself by losing first to eric in a tvt, then albert in a zvp. I beat albert later on, but eric still remains at large on my to do list. I went to this college fair on saturday, which was too crowded. I saw steven. I also saw daniel fuerte(strong). After that, mom decided since I'm getting confirmed, I have to go to church. I stuck it to the man by wearing shorts and a sweatshirt. There were other people wearing that too, so the sticking didn't go as planned. Today, I go to get the CID terms and the Pessimism terms and lo and behold, the website is down for service. I am now convinced that our district is run by a retard. Sai and I managed to get the terms and there are twice as many as usual, so we might split the work. Heh Heh. G2g peace out.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

yeah ma bad i forgot to post

So yeah stuff has happened. The whole week wasn't too bad. English got new seats and I have the best possible one after the worst possible one. I finally understood chemistry. Little stuff like that. That weekend, I got to play some serious SC. On monday, not much. Tuesday the same. Today actually not much either. Wow, this has been a boring week. Actually stuff happened, I just forgot to post and forgot it. I bet everyone reading likes that though because it means short post.