Friday, August 31, 2007


Picking up exactly where I left off from the last post, it was a normal, sunny day. Tennis had just finished and I headed back home to shower. Orion came and picked me up and drove Davis, Steven, and I to the northgate bus stop. We all rode the bus to the convention center. Well we tried, but it kind of phailed since the bus took us to a stop that was several blocks southwest of our destination. We walked the rest of the way back to the convention center.

Upon our arrival, we proceeded to read the world map and check out the slutty air force girls(girls in air force green uniforms, but sporting mini skirts and open shirts). We proceeded to the top level where we got Davis' pass, saw the girl that sells games at Fred Meyer(Davis recognized her) and got our goody bag. Said goody bag included Bawls, the gamer drink of choice for staying awake for a long time.

The four of us wandered around to get used to the layout. The top floor held food, PC freeplay, the main theater, and the exhibition hall. The third floor consisted of a handheld lounge, the console tournament room, and the console freeplay. The second floor consisted of a handheld lounge, a theater, and the tabletop(card games) rooms. The first floor merely held a good selection of food.

Davis and Orion soon learned of the possibility of joining a Magic tournament. Davis was originally to be my partner in the Guitar Hero 2 tournament since we had practiced together, but he really wanted to play Magic. Steven was the obvious choice because he has good micro and he was the only one left. Before the tournament, we went to floor one to go to Pizza By The Slice. I was curious as to why on his menu he offered pizza not only by the slice, but by the whole pizza. We all decided to split the pizza, but when we asked, the guy said "No whole Pizza, eet ees by the slice." This prompted countless mockings throughout the weekend by Davis. We soon learned of his hatred for the evil pizza man. The man charged too much to too bad pizza.

After heading to floor two and sitting on our bench outside of room 211 where the tourney was, we set up base camp there and ate food. Then Davis and Orion went in to play some Magic at 6 leaving Steven and I to do nothing much. We wandered around and got lots of free stuff like mints from the muscley guy at the Haze booth. We didn't want to practice GH2 because we are so cool. We headed to the PC freeplay where you could play this game called World In Conflict that comes out in September sometime. After not being able to figure it out, we played, nay, pwned some CS:S.

At last the time for the tournament came, so Steven and I wandered up to floor three to prepare. Steven had never really played before, so I really didn't think we would do good because not only am I not a good player, but the other teams there were warming up in expert mode. Steven and I actually managed to get past the first round, but were beaten in the second.

After that, we went back to the Magic room and met Davis and Orion there to find out Orion had gotten third place in the tournament, while only the top 2 get prizes. Steven called his dad and we waited with him for his dad to show up before we caught the bus. Richard was nice to offer us a ride though, so since we had no idea what bus to take or where to get on, we accepted. After I got home, I stayed up another hour until 1 playing Guitar Hero 2 on hard to practice for the tournament tomorrow for singles.

The next day, I got up later than I would have if I were going to PAX early because I promised Steven Sweeney that I would help him on his eagle project. It was raining and the project was cancelled, so I got ready in about 10 minutes and caught a ride with Orion to the bus stop again where we were able to park on the lot. We pulled up as the bus was sitting there, so we ran and got on.

Upon arrival at PAX, Orion and I waited in the entrance line and let Steven in when he showed up. We were eventually let in and given more Bawls and a flyer of some sorts. The three of us went up to the exhibition hall to show up for our Guild Wars tourneys. We also got bags. When we got to the ArenaNet station, we got in a line and signed up for a free grawl minipet(worth good money in the game). Then Orion got in his time slot for the 10:30 Guild Wars Hero Battle Tournament and Steven and I left him alone.

Steven and I wandered mostly and tried to sign up Orion for the sealed Ipod tournament for Magic, but they told us to sign up at noon. When we came back to Orion, he had just won his first match, making his record 2-1-0. He lost the first one unfortunately. Then Steven had a go at it. In that time, Davis called me and said he would show up very soon. So I realized that with this Guild Wars thing taking about an hour and a half, I would finish right in the same minute that my Guitar Hero tournament would start. I didn't want to miss either, so I figured if I lost once, I would just leave. We came back and Steven lost a match, then lost again, making his record 1-2-0. He got bad cards I think.

So then it was my turn. This tournament worked like you get 80 skill cards and you make 4 of the best builds of 8 skills that you can. Basically, its whoever gets the best monk skills can pwn. I got lucky and got a coherent monk build, so I used that. I took advice from Orion and captured all the towers and won my first match 20-11. Then I went on to win my second match 20-14. It was now the finals and I had my tournament starting soon and I was in the pod finals, so if I won it, I would win at least $250. I played this guy named Oh no its Squidget. He held one tower the whole time, the seige tower. I held the other three. It was a combination of his tower hitting my guys and my inability to target his monk that led to my 20-10 loss. It was unfortunate, but fun. I ran down to my GH2 tourney only to find out it had been delayed and I was right on time. It was about the same as the one the day before, except I lost in the first round.

I caught up with Davis watching Steven and Orion play Double Dash to prepare for their tournament later that night. We all hung around and got Taco Del Mar for dinner after doing some sweet PC freeplay first. Davis and I went to check out the ArenaNet party across the street while Steven and Orion got into Double Dash.

The party looked kind of bad. People were drinking. It was sober in the back, but we decided to not go in because we didn't feel like it was worth it. When we came back, it was just in time to see Steven and Orion advancing to the final 8 out of, what 180? teams or something. They got a couple good finishes, but there were some really good players there and SOT cranked out a respectable 6th place(or was it 5th?). That was pretty much it for the night. All we did after that was hook up 2 360s in console freeplay for some sweet GoW multiplayer in which Orion and I stomped(most of the time) Davis and Steven. After that, Steven left and Davis, Orion, and I caught the bus back.

The next day, as we were getting in line, some guy asked to see our Nvidia numbers because if you found your match, you won a fabulous prize. Orion matched his number, so they exchanged phone numbers(shoulda called him Dirk). After getting in, Orion took us up to the exhibition hall where we met with the guy and they waited for a photographer to take their picture. Steven and Davis demoed Bioshock, while I got severely carsick from watching the insanely good graphics.

Orion wound up winning one of the lamer, but nonetheless, good prizes. He got a $50 dollar gift certificate to the Nvidia store, which was funny because I had been joking about how that was the prize he was going to get. I seem to be psychic. I predict I will have sex. Hopefully that will work. Anyway, we all went to the GoW tournament. I thought we could do good because we are all fairly good players. Unfortunately, only 18 teams showed up to the tourney and they were the very serious players. They were as Davis said "Teams of 2 Zacks and 2 Davids that constantly practice together." Needless to say we lost in the first round and while it was a shutout, we did manage to scrape off some kills. Also, I hate clocktower.

For the rest of the day, we just kind of messed around. We went to lunch at a small deli and saw an attractive girl working there. We watched some of the family feud game and did some PC freeplay which was fun. I love World in Conflict now. There was also some good CSSage with much friendly fire and headshotting.

On monday, I kind of messed around most of the day except for tennis. The next post will be about Seabrook or it might be the pictures.

Games I now want:
1. Bioshock- I was one of the 10% of 360 owners that didn't preorder it and one of the further 5% that wasn't planning on getting it. Now that I have seen it in action, I regret not preordering, but I will definately get it.
2. Mass Effect- I want this more than Halo 3. It is going to rock hard.
3. Halo 3- Well yeah, I mean, come on.
4. Guild Wars: Eye of the North- It looks teh cool and with the possibility of Gwen coming back??? How can I resist.
5. World In Conflict- An RTS that can give Starcraft a run for its money only if it sneak attacks Starcraft while Starcraft isn't wearing armor. It still is a really fun game though, but it is no Starcraft.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Davis was ready for a spacy day.
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Steven and Orion were matching.
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Davis playing his DS.
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Orion cracked open his Bawls and sucked down the sweet nectar located within.
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Sweet, PC freeplay had the World In Conflict game which comes out on September 18.
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The SSBM tourney. Steven and I dropped in while Davis and Orion were in their Magic tournament.
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The gamer army representative.
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One of the concerts. They were nerdcore(it put the rap in crap.)
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Finishing my builds. I was really angry that they had only right handed mice. It was uncomfortable to play with, but I survived.
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On my way to my second win.
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I got to the finals for my pod and if I had won that match, I would have been guaranteed at least a $250 prize. Unfortunately, Squidget just was able to get the edge over me with that darn seige tower.
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Orion and Steven practice for the upcoming Mario Kart: Double Dash tournament.
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Our main base.
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Davis was desperate for Pokemon and also posted our Nvidia numbers. The only person that found his match was Orion.
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Davis playing some World In Conflict.
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The provided headphones.
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PC freeplay gave you a really nice setup.
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Me playing as support. It was fun being artillery and launching shells at the enemy. If artillery wasnt for you, you could always play as infantry, armor, or air. It was Russia vs. America, so of course I played as Russia. "Ve are advancing upon ze Capeetaleest Soopehrmarkeet." and "You are havink new reinforcements incomeeng tovarich, beeing ready to commahnd zhem."
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I wants this so badly. I will need a new computer for it.
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Steven and Orion after just earning a place in the finals.
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Steven and Orion start the finals of Double Dash.
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Steven and Orion in 5th. Unfortunately, the spent much time in the bottom half of the pack. There were some really good people in the finals.
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That big guy that was running the tourneys. He said a lot of swears. I swear I had seen him somewhere before though.
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Steven and Orion up to 2nd.
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