Sunday, March 29, 2009

Man week....begin!

So this is the first I've mentioned of man week in case you were confused and thought it was something you should know about. Basically, all you need to know is that my mom and my sister are in Florida visiting mom's cousin and family this week. Therefore, dad and I have the house to ourselves and we don't have to get nagged by the women all week. The only downside is that while dad is at work, the cats will bug me for attention, which they usually do to mom or Kathryn. Aside from that, this coming week should be good. I can't wait to get to my new classes (well ok I can wait, but I realize the sooner I start, the sooner summer will bring people back to me). This spring break was ok. The parts I was away from my computer desk to see were pretty cool. Now I shall commence to tell you how I pissed away my break.

I spent the day just playing some games here and there and being slightly sad that I was not going to see Rachel for a while and also at the realization that it would be another long while before I got a girlfriend. The feelings of sadness were quickly destroyed when I did something else, like play Starcraft or Ocarina of Time. That night at midnight, I went to the airport to pick up dad, his boss, and his boss' wife from their vegas trip. Mom had come back on an earlier flight so she could get Kathryn to her dance classes and stuff. Dad's boss and his wife were cool. They have also joined the club of people that think dad and I look alike. We don't really see it, but apparently it's obvious to almost every person we meet.

I begun working on the Starcraft theme park (see post below). I spent 7 hours between 12pm and 8pm working on it before taking a tv break and then working on it again for about an hour.

I spent another 6 hours working on the theme park. Not much else happened that day.

I went to meet grandpa at the mall because he wasn't answering his home phone and I figured I knew where he was at. I learned that though I might have inherited my dad's looks, I've definitely inherited my grandpa's personality. He is a slave to routine and I walked right into the mall and he was there where he always is. It was an easy find. I also got to meet his arch nemesis. She's a very strange lady he rides the bus with. Apparently she's really annoying and he doesn't like her, but he bought her an ice cream cone because it was her birthday. That was something I had to laugh at because I would have done the same thing if I was him. We are such pushovers. Anyway, we went to Costco and had our lunch and got some groceries, then we went to the hardware store to get some stuff to fix this chair he found at the mall. I had to drill some new holes in it (he took it home by the way) and we got the top half of the swivel attatched to the seat. Eventually, I'll have to go finish the thing later this week. After that, I went to frisbee practice with Steven where a couple other alumni had shown up and then we showed the team how to play. Eventually, we had to go easy on them, then we had to mix the teams. It was fun/fair after we did that. After frisbee, I put the finishing touches on my theme park with some careful editing help from Steven and I submitted it, only to discover more contests to join!

I began work on my second contest and spent about 2 hours drawing before I got tired of it and stopped for the day. I spent the rest of the day working on some videogames.

Mom and Kathryn left at 4am and they woke me up on their way out, but I fell asleep again. Around noon, dad and I met grandpa at Costco for lunch and then we got some groceries and took him home. Dad had to go to my aunt's house to talk to her about some stuff. Before I forget, that reminds me I should clue you guys in on this.

So they're building that senior living community south of the northgate mall. My grandpa will be moving in there when it is completed. It is perfect for him since he goes to the mall every day and he will now be closer to it, he doesn't need all the space he has now, the place will take him to doctors appointments, the fair, etc. My aunt decided to sell her house and move into grandpa's because her house is old and has stairs which she will soon need to avoid using. Also, grandpa's house was remodeled by our family 3 years ago to make it a better place to have large family get-togethers. My aunt's place is not good for that, so on almost all accounts, it's a better idea for her to move in there. Now we have to get pods to store stuff from grandpa's house so she can move in. I'm in charge of cleaning out and organizing grandpa's crap because I'm the only one he trusts with it. We aren't working on that yet though because we're just clearing space in the house for it. Ok back to the post.

So dad had to talk to my aunt about selling her house and what to do to fix it up. In the meantime, I went to grandpa's house and organized his CD collection and some other stuff until dad came over. When he did, we started loading some furniture that he will not need into the pod. While cleaning out some drawers, we encountered a deck of cards that helped prove that my grandpa and I are very similar.

*dad finds naked lady deck of cards with ace of spades displayed on the pack*
Dad: Hey, check out these cards.
Me: Wow, if that's the ace of spades, I wonder what the joker looks like.
*I leave and get grandpa about 5 minutes later*
*grandpa and I come in 5 minutes later*
Grandpa: Hey you found my old cards!
Dad: Yeah they were in this drawer over here.
Grandpa: Hoo wee, if that's the ace of spades, I wanna see the joker.

That was pretty funny to see how we think alike and it was disturbing at the same time. So we cleaned out that room, then Dad and I went to go see Watchmen. I liked it. It got out late though so I didn't home until 1am.

Today I haven't done much. I spent the day so far playing Ocarina of time and realizing that my break is almost over and I only really saw Steven. Oh well. Last quarter went by rather quickly and I assume that this quarter will pass equally quickly because I have an hour less of class each week now. It's going to be a good quarter with 2 band trips. One in April to Texas and one in May to Victoria. Davis had good things to say about the new Jazz Band guy, so this could be good. Until my next post a week from tomorrow, peace out.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Blizzard Theme Park

This is my submission for the Blizzard Theme Park contest. It took a while to make, but I think I did an ok job on it. Hopefully I'll win. I also found two other contests, one for drawing a comic about SC and one for writing a story about SC. I think I'll do at least the comic one since it gives me a chance to get SC2 beta keys. The writing one does not, but the prize is sort of cool and I think it would be fun to do if I get some free time.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Break from the Contest

I've spent over 5 of the past 6 hours working on my picture for the Starcraft Contest. I'm hopefully going to finish it tomorrow. Anyway, my hands hurt, so I took about 5 minutes to throw this together since I seem to do one every spring. Perhaps someday we shall play Starcraft again together. Well at least Davis, Keir, and Sai might join Steven and I.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I can has girlfriend?

Why am I even planning on posting about the week leading up to this. I know that all of the readers are going to be skipping to the end to figure out if I now have a girlfriend. Well take this: It's neither a yes or a no. So there, now you know the answer and you have to read the whole post because none of the end stuff makes sense without the beginning (ok just kidding, but seriously, don't skip out on the whole post reading). I'll try to make it interesting.

Tuesday-Thursday afternoon:
Tuesday was a dead day, meaning we have no classes, so I spent the day beating Metroid: Prime, then starting Resident Evil 4, then getting pissed off at the controls and giving it up to go play Ocarina of Time. My finals went well. I shall now recap my classes.

Business Precalc (Math 111)
This was an odd class because we started out with 40 people, so there were two people on the first day that didn't even get chairs. Before long, they started dropping like flies and at the end of the quarter, only 7 of us showed up on time, and the remaining 10ish showed up within 15 minutes of class starting. So that means over half of our classed dropped, which was actually pretty nice. I can't wait to get my grade since I did pretty well throughout. I enjoyed being the first to finish our (surprisingly easy) final and watching people give me that "how did you manage to do that so quickly" look as I turned in my essay and left.

Great Works of Asian Literature (Engl 154W)
THis was one of my writing intensive classes and it wasn't too bad, but if it had been taught by any other professor than this guy (my favorite professor at SCC), it would have been an intensely boring class. This was also the class in which I had my favorite classmates (besided Jazz Band of course). The people were really cool and though the material was boring at times, it ended up being a good class and I'm glad I took it.

Jazz Band (I don't know the code (why the hell am I putting these in anyway?))
I liked this semester even more because as I get better, our bottom line increases and we are able to play better songs. Ok I'm not the worst one in the band....oh shit. I am. Oh well, Doug knows that if we get a part that's hard, I just will work to get it down because we actually play cool music worth (thinking about) practicing.

Concert Band
I'm glad that stupid annoying girl wasn't in it and I hope she does not come back this quarter.

English 102
This one was my online class and it went surprisingly well. I had a lot of fun doing it and I was psyched to get a 4.0 on my final essay that I felt I deserved because I put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears (as well as time) into it. I'm doing another online class this quarter to keep my hours down, so this will be cool. I heard the one I'm taking is a really cool course if done online. If it works out, I think I will start doing an online class every quarter so I don't have to spend too much time on campus each day and I can keep my eating schedule somewhat normal.

Ok, with that out of the way, I'll get into the weekend. Warning though, It'll be short because I had to edit out all the times I had sex.

Yeah I didn't think you would fall for that either.

After the final, I packed and headed out to the airport. I had a window seat, which was nice and the people next to me were nice as well. The flight got in on time and I had to make a quick stop to pee (TMI? I think not) and then I went to meet up with Rachel in the main area. We went back to her house and I got to meet her dog that I had forgotten that they had gotten ten months ago (it was not ten, I was just doing a thing with the word forgotten to gotten to ten (OCD strikes yet again)). It was late at night, so I went to sleep after hanging out downstairs for a little bit.

Rachel and I, being indecisive, could not figure out what to do, so we decided to think of things we could do while walking the dog. That plan failed because we didn't think about things we could do whilst on the walk. Eventually, we wound up going to lunch, then cleaning out the car for her mom. Also, somewhere in there, I almost asked her out, but didn't because I was too nervous (get ready for that to come up a lot). That night, we learned that due to snow coming in over the pass, Rachel was going to have to leave the next day so that she wouldn't get pwned by the snow, so with the permission of her parents, I arranged to fly out of Reno instead and I would go to UNR with her and spend the night in her dorm room. We stayed up late watching a show called MANswers that basically involves a dude mentioning the words "boobs, chicks, farts, sex, penis" over and over again. It's like Mythbusters for perverts.

Because we stayed up until 1, Rachel slept in until 11. I didn't mind though as I had Phoenix Wright going while watching some March Madness. We had a couple hours to run some errands, then we had to pack and leave right after lunch. During the car ride, chalk up another time I failed to ask her out because I was nervous. It was a good two hour car ride in which I had ample time to get over my nerves, but did not somehow. It was quite snowy in the pass and I was only somewhat glad I was not driving (it could have been a good challenge). Anyway, when we got to the campus, Rachel was going to be late for her lacrosse practice so she could show me around then get me situated in her room while she was at practice. That worked and before she left, the dinner plans with her team were looking unstable, so I actually asked her out. When she came back however, it turns out that the team wanted to have dinner after all, so I went with her and the team. There were some hot chicks on the team and they were all really nice. We ate at this pasta place and to not be picky, I had spaghetti...WITH MEAT SAUCE ON IT OMFG. Someone call Orion as he has probably fainted from reading this. After we got back to Rachel's room, we hung out with some people on her floor and watched Triple X with this girl that reminded me a lot of Maddy (quite a lot, it was rather frightening). After that, we talked about something with her (I didn't pay attention) and then headed back to Rachel's room, where her roomate had already fallen asleep. Her roomate is kind of a Gil Lim, but nicer and approachable. She seemed to enjoy my sarcasm and slight pervertedness (I held back, I know). I slept on the floor, though they both doubted my ability to be comfortable. I said, "If I can sleep in dirt for the OA, I can sleep on a carpet." Sleep was pretty good, I mean I slept, so it wasn't bad.

So we got up and had to leave to the airport. Realizing it was now or never, I finally overcame my nerves and talked to Rachel about it and she said that she wanted to, but perhaps later when she has matured a bit because I guess she's been through some bad breakups or something and she didn't want there to be bad blood between us. I said that was ok and I let her know I would be trying again later, which seemed to be well recieved, so I don't have a girlfriend, but I do have a reservation (which is a record for me (which is really sad when you think about it)). I know that someday she shall be my girlfriend, but at least not 2009. That's cool though as I'm starting to appreciate single life above age 18. So yeah, perhaps there will be ladies between then and now (then again, this is me we're talking about so probably not), but whatever happens, I know a good thing when I see it and I can wait a little bit (I can hear you guys thinking how naive I am, and to you I say this is a special case that normal stereotypes can not be applied to). Anyway, the flight back was awesome. I got seated next to a Canadian guy that actually ended every sentence with "Eh." I did all I could to not laugh, but he was a really cool guy. We flew back on a Q400, which is a 2:2 plane with propellers (not a jet). The flight attendents were funny, the view was awesome, and MY SEAT VIBRATED. It was like a 2 hour back massage, which felt so amazing.

Anyway, yeah I think things are going to work out. There is not a doubt in my mind that I will someday wind up with the girl of my dreams and if it takes a little bit more waiting, I can deal with that. I mean come on, I've gone 18.5 years without sex/relationships, I can sure as hell last a couple more.

I know it might seem like a rushed post, but I gotta take care of Kathryn for dinner tonight (we're going to grandpa's house since he has food) since mom and dad are in Vegas meeting one of dad's clients (more on that next post). Anyway, until next time, peace out.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

me: if i learned one thing from the art of war, it's that if your enemy shows a weakness, IT'S RAPING TIME!!!!!111
Blitzmoose: we need to play starcraft now that you have started talking about war and rape
all's fair in war and rape
wow cool
you should replace the words in old sayings with rape
and make them 1000x as cool
Me: "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can rape for your country"
Blitzmoose: a penny saved is a penny raped
Blitzmoose: an apple a day keeps the rape away
improved version
an apple a day keeps the doctor rape
Me: Mr. Gorbachev, rape down this wall
Blitzmoose: hahahaha
take the bull by rape
Me: oh!
rape the bull by the horns!
Blitzmoose: ok!
the bigger they are the harder they rape
Blitzmoose: calm before the rape
three is a rape
Blitzmoose: the ends justify the rape
Blitzmoose: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of rape
Me: fish and rape stink after three days
Me: to rape, or not to rape, that is the question
Me: if you're going through rape, keep going
Blitzmoose: you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it rape
a fool and his money are quickly raped
Blitzmoose: a friend raped is a friend indeed
Blitzmoose: a mans got to do what a mans got to do
does not need rape added
Me: don't rape your chickens before they hatch
Blitzmoose: give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you rape him for a lifetime
Me: a rape in the hand is worth two in the bush
Me: curiosity raped the cat
Blitzmoose: easy come easy rape
Me: hahahalook before you rape
don't rape a gift horse in the mouth
Blitzmoose: rape = mass times acceleration
Me: indeed
haste makes rape
Blitzmoose: ahhahaha
wow some of these are really great
Me: yeah
i got them all on my blog
when we've run out of ideas, ill post
Blitzmoose: ok let's keep going!
Me: ok!
many hands make light rape
no time like the present
Blitzmoose: nice
Me: practice makes rape
rome was not raped in a day
the more the merrier
Me: also one that could be about rape already
Blitzmoose: indeed
Me: the squeaky wheel gets raped
Blitzmoose: rape and forget
Me: hahawhen the cats away, the mice will rape
Blitzmoose: for there to be peace there must first be rape
once bitten, twice raped
Young wood makes a hot fire.
Blitzmoose: hahahahhahaha
Me: that's amazing
Blitzmoose: that is so awesome
Me: those crazy ancient greeks
Blitzmoose: indeed ^_^

Monday, March 16, 2009

Whoops, I almost forgot to put in a title

Well I hope everyone had a good week. To anyone around here, I hope nobody got too confused with the strange weather we have had the past week (snow, rain, sun, warm, and sub-freezing(often all on the same day!)). It's been a pretty good week. I got some anxieties taken care of as events passed through the week, but at the same time, I added more pain. This time though, it's physical pain from running yesterday (more on that later). Without anything else to do, I suppose I'll drop into the week.

We had our rehearsal at Shorecrest and it went well. Apparently, 15 all state and all northwest kids were playing with us for 2 songs in our concert. Alex Brock was one of them, but I didn't talk to him. Our horn section got this small freshman girl from Shorecrest who was nice, but really quiet. She was a very good horn player though, which I guess you'd have to be to make all state as a fresman. After that, I came home and watched 24. ***SPOILER***I was very sad when Bill, my favorite character in all the series thus far was killed (and for just this stupid lady president of all people)***END SPOILER***

I had a pretty average day. We only had 3 of us trumpets in Jazz band. One girl, we hadn't heard from all week and we had no idea what happened to her (we still don't know if she's coming back) and the other girl was in the band and the choir performing that night, so she took the day off. With more time to fill the private lesson slots, our trumpet teacher came in and listened to us guys play the songs we had and he offered feedback because he is very knowledgeable on that stuff. I had another good lesson. It feels nice to be able to hit more normal range notes much better. That night, we had the concert. I messed up slightly on one of my solos, but otherwise it went fine.

We had a bad rehearsal in Jazz Band, but we decided that it was stuff that could be fixed easily. Also, we got to meet our professor for next quarter as he came to listen in. Doug isn't going to be doing it next quarter because he is taking a sabbatical to study the physics of sound. He will be at the North Texas University when we are there for the Jazz competition in April though, so that will be cool. Unfortunately he won't be conducting, but perhaps our new leader will be a good conductor. He is a trumpet player, so it will be nice to know someone knows of our pain.

Not much happened this day either. I caught my counselor on the way out of his class on my way into the classroom and I asked him about the waitlist for his law class next quarter. He said not to worry as he always has room for the top five. I was very relieved to hear that because I am number five and I had thus far not seen teachers taking beyond three people into their class from the waitlist except for accounting when we moved to a room that seated 100 people. After school, I came home and beefed up my essay to the extreme so that no holes could be found in my arguments and I even got some more points that I made to add to my paper's length. I also learned that Jack Thompson has been disbarred and I heartily loled as I realized I would soon be able to practice law, but he wouldn't.

We had a guest high school band in jazz band. Their whole concert band had come from this small town in Oregon that nobody in the band would have heard of if not for the fact that our drummer was born there. They were really nice people. So nice, in fact, that if they had stayed any longer, an orgy might have broken out. Also their band leader looked like Napoleon Dynamite, but he was really cool and a good piano and trombone player. After that, we had another field trip for Asian lit. This time, it involved a zen garden. It was actually a really nice place and it was fun. After that, I stayed home while my parents went to a play. I took advantage of my free time to do every exercise on the Wii Fit for some reason.

My grandma was in town for the St. Patrick's Day Dash, so we hung out around the house most of the day until that night when mom and dad had dinner with dad's new boss, so Kathryn and I went to see Taken with Grandma. It was a really good movie. Finally a hero that shoots first and asks questions later.

Dash day! This was the 25th annual St. Patrick's Day Dash and my personal 19th one. Unfortunately, due to construction, the route was changed. It starts at that Teatro Zin Zani that's a block directly north from the Fountain at the Seattle Center. We usually run down, under aurora, then make a couple of right turns, then a left back onto aurora where we run along the northbound viaduct lanes to the Safeco/Qwest fields exit and finish at the far end of Safeco field after that long straightaway. This year, we did the normal route until we turned RIGHT on aurora and went north up to the bridge, then all the way back in to the EMP. I implemented a new strategy this year. I booked it out early, then let Kathryn pass me and have her think the whole way I was ahead while secretly I was right behind her. It worked, surprisingly enough. At the last corner, the finish is less than 100 yards away. At the corner, before you can see that however, there is a guy yelling "just 300 more yards." I took his word for it, but then Kathryn took off, so I had to sprint to catch up to her as I realized that the end was closer than I was told. Even though I sprinted, I was just a hair behind her. I may still have won though depending on whether or not I crossed the starting line first. We will know sometime in April when the timing chips are finished. I hope I won because I have bad knees that are still hurting from the race and I don't know how many more years I can compete with Kathryn for. If I get this win, then the pressure is off to finally get a win in my family.

As per usual, we headed out afterwards to my cousin's birthday party where we always have Corned Beef and Cabbage, which is his favorite meal. My dad and Kathryn don't like it for some reason, but I do, so it works out for me. There were a lot of crows when we were there, so my cousin showed me his 12-gauge and I got to take some shots. It was pretty cool. I think one of my shots might have clipped a crow, but it looked like he kept flying away, so I'm not sure. After we got back, I had 2 hours to do all the homework I neglected to do (only writing a 4-page essay) in 2 hours. I wound up spending one of those hours talking to Rachel though, so I did my essay in one hour and it was a pile of crappy mc crap, but the peers reviewing it seemed to generally like it, so now I get to fix it up for really turning it in.

Nothing much happened today. It was the last normal day of the quarter. Now I'm making this post as I get ready to do some homework, then enjoy some SS2 leading into the dead day between today and finals tomorrow.

So I'm going to California on Thursday and I get back Sunday. After that, I'm up for hanging out. I will more than likely not post between now and when I get back. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Until I have hopefully acquired a girfriend, peace out.

**EDIT**: Well the dash got done with the times very fast this year. I actually lost to Kathryn by one second, which was what I thought our time difference would be. Ah well, I will hopefully do better next year as we both got absolutely terrible times and if I win next year, then I will be happy. I'll also train for next year.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Things I Hate: 10

Hello and Welcome to OOOoOOoOOoo the tenth installment of Things I hate! It's been a good few posts, though I must admit its becoming harder and harder to hate on things as I slowly realize that I don't get pissed off very easily. That being said, I will still try to post at least every other week, but if I miss an extra week, don't hold it against me. It's the least you could do since none of you post regularly anyways (a thing I hate for another time...) Ok anyway, today on Things I hate: Douchebag fashion

While I could go on and on about douchebags in general, I feel that that is something that is best done later when I am out of ideas for what to hate on. For now, I shall focus on the ridiculous clothes and accessories they wear.

Unfortunately, the most foolproof way of determining if something is douchebag fashion is by looking back after it has gone. Douchebag fashion is always something that is a stupid idea or that looks stupid or both (almost always the case) that comes about randomly and leaves just as suddenly and randomly.

If a guy is carrying an accessory, he is either gay or a douchebag. Here's a way to figure it out: Is the accessory a piercing or a purse? If you answered yes, then he is gay, feel free to question his morals or invite him back to your place for a valium and a nice comfy bed (whatever floats your boat), but don't call him a douchebag. Common douchebag accessories include the following:
Acoustic Guitar - So they can sing about what makes them "feel" different ways.
Shark tooth or any somewhat manly kind of) necklace - Because when they take their shirt off, you still need something to look at.
Chest tattoo - So that you will look at them. A popular choice for tattoos is Asian language characters because 1) it takes longer to figure out 2) it makes them seem cultured 3) as girls bend in to get a better look at the tat and to try to determine what it means, the d-bag gets a prolonged peek at cleavage.
Cross/Crucifix necklace - This is another thing I just remembered. It is especially douchey because in very very very rare cases are douchebags religious and if they are, they're the kind that blindly and annoyingly follows the religion and argues with you about it forever until you realize the conversation is going nowhere. The reason that this necklace is douchebaggy is because it is often accompanied by a blasphemous or otherwise profane/provocative shirt.

And now onwards to some recent trends in douchebag fashion.

Collar Popping:
Of course you've seen this at one point or another. Shirts just get longer and longer collars until before you know it, you're sporting the classic Dracula look when you pop your collar. The truth about collar popping is it never looks cool. Never. It looks like you were going to put on a tie, but then remembered you didn't know how to tie a tie and in your embarrassment, forgot to put down your collar. This is the ultimate fashion statement to make though if you want to advertise your lack of fine motor skills.

Those Sunglasses that have the plastic stripes over the lenses:
Seriously, what is the point of those? One would think it would be hard to see out of those things. These look especially stupid and douchebaggy because the people that wear them lose part of their already apparently bad sight, so when they put them on, they stray from side to side almost hitting you as they walk by, but they don't care, you should be getting out of their way right? Wrong! Next time you see someone that obviously can't see out of the sunglasses walking past you, take advantage of their self-inflicted blindness by pushing them onto the street preferably in front of a moving truck. You'll be doing the world a favor and hey, if they somehow survive, they won't even know it was you.

Spikedy Hair:
Douchebags have a common problem in that many of them fail to meet the manly 6 foot height requirement (yes, you have to be at least 6 feet tall or have uber micro to be manly (so don't worry Steven, you're still good)). Since so many douchebags have the need to appear manly, they decided one day, "Hey, what if we just spike up our hair? Sure it looks stupid, but people will look at us and say damn he looks stupid, but boy is he slightly taller than the others here." It's amazing how douchey just a half cup of hair gel can make a guy look. Speaking of the hair gel, if you touch a douchebag's hair for some reason or if it's dripping, don't worry, it's just their hair rejecting the amount of douchiness they attempted to put into it.

For those douchebags that meet the height requirement, they are free to wear their hair any way they want. Unfortunately, this means that they will wear a hat. But not just any hat, oh no. They will wear a baseball cap that sports the logo of a popular sports team, but does not display the colors of said team. Also, the hat must include a sticker that was obviously meant to take off, but you were "too cool" to do that. As for the brim of the hat, it must either be perfectly flat or bent all to hell. As for the positioning, the bill of a douchebag's hat is never straight over their face. It is always cocked up and to the side a bit just so you can see more of their stupid douchey face from just the right angle.

Pink Shirts:
These are slowly dying out. I am happy that this is gone. I never understood the ads "Real men wear pink." Why is that? Because when I think of pink, do you know what I think of? BREAST CANCER. What guy wants to go around wearing a shirt that makes people wonder if he just got out of chemotherapy and maybe that's the reason for wearing such a stupid hat.

Shirts that are too tight:
Douchebags have that need to seem more muscley, so they will go ahead and try to work out. When that fails of course, they buy shirts that are obviously too small so their "bulging" arms can bulge out of the shirt.

That's all I can think of for now. I love making fun of douchebags though, so perhaps I shall continue this post as things come to mind. Anyway, I've been running errands and making this post on and off now for 3 hours and I need to get some homework done, so until next time, peace out.

Monday, March 09, 2009

I keep on truckin' every day (since I drive one).

So this has been a pretty good week. I don't know how eventful it was really, but I assume the post length will tell me how good of a week I had. In videogame life, I've been working on the contest and I gave up on Rome: Total War for a while because it randomly lost all my saved data, so I won't be playing it for a while (until I get sufficiently bored again). I'd say System Shock 2 is going well, but that would be redundant because we haven't played in over a week.... So anyway, this is the last full week of the quarter and Keir is on spring break, so it's going to be a good week. Unfortunately, I wont play online SC until Wednesday I think because I have a band rehearsal tonight and a concert tomorrow. After that though, I'm good to go. Now, with nothing left to say, I can get to the week.

Band went well, except that stupid annoying girl showed up at the end. I don't know what her deal is, if she's performing with us or not. Either way, I'm not giving up the solos that she used to play. She can have them when she puts in as much time as I have to learning them and when she stops being such a huge bitch. She was wearing this jacket that said GLC, which turned out to be Green Lake Crew. I was talking with one of the french horn players/assistant conductor and he asked if I knew what that meant (she was talking to the conductor at the time). I told him I assumed it was Green Lake something because that's all I could think of for GL. When he asked her, she said Green Lake Crew and he said "Oh that's what David was thinking." Without pause to think about what she was saying, she uttered her typical question of how I'm connected. "What? How do you know that? Who do you know there?" All I could say was "I just used intuition to guess." Later, I was talking to one of the girls from the trumpet section (she's also in jazz band with me) about Victoria when this girl comes up again very annoyingly. She offered a cookie, (a lady in the band had a daughter selling girl scout cookies) which I thought was a nice gesture, but I declined a cookie hoping it would mean she would get on her way faster, but she did not, so I had to walk back to the truck with the girl I was talking to and this other girl annoyingly tagging along (not cock-blocking (meaning there was no cock attempt to be blocked) or I would have been really mad). After I got home is when I discovered my Rome: Total War info had been erased and I became angry at it and decided to get some Starcraft in.

Our math class had a scheduled non-meeting day because the professor had a doctor's appointment, so I got to sleep in an extra hour. It was very very nice to bank that sleep and then to only have 2 hours of school. My trumpet lesson went well. I'm making quick progress in my range and my tone is also getting better.

After classes, I finished the remnants of the first half of my 8-page essay before deciding to play Starcraft. I couldn't remember the last time, or if, I had beaten both Starcrafts without using cheat codes. I figured with SC2 coming out soon, I should get to it, though it is Blizzard after all, so I probably have until I'm 63 (Steven, just pretend to laugh, or pretend to read this post even :/ ). I got through the first half of the terran campaign. I had to laugh at the first few levels though because I was able to win them with just Raynor. I later talked with Steven about it and it turns out he had done the same thing.

I had a meeting scheduled for 2pm with my counselor for registration, but his wife is pregnant (I thought they had a daughter in college though...) and on top of that, he is the head of the business department and teaches an extra class beyond most professors and also has a ton of other appointments, so he had to reschedule for the next morning, which sucked, but it had to be done to get registered. I played more Starcraft in the afternoon.

I had my meeting in the morning and signed up for Business Law, Math 148 (business Calc), Jazz Band, and Intra-American Studies online. My schedule will be 9:30-12:30 Monday - Thursday and 10:30-12:30 on Fridays if I get my law class. I am on the waitlist for it currently, but I'm early enough on it that I think I have a chance of getting in. If I don't, I know of an Accounting 202 class that I had been considering and I'll just hop into that because accounting classes are always underfilled since they meet in huge rooms. After my 12:30 class, our Asian Literature class had a field trip to the Seattle Asian Art Museum. It was cool to hang out with those people outside of class. They're my favorite non-jazz band peers that I've had yet. We had some cool times there, learning that one of my new friends was once Seattle's 8th most wanted, watching Grant ride a camel statue that turned out to be a man, and checking out naked chicks in the paintings. After that, I came back by SCC and registered really quick before heading home. More Starcraft ensued that night.

It was the Booster Auction day, but I didn't know it until only a couple of days before this time because my mom was not involved this year, so I didn't get to gague when it was based on the pre-auction rage emanating from mom. She'll be doing it next year, so I'll probably experience the rage again next year. That afternoon, I went to pick up grandpa from the mall. Dad thought he had done something bad because he usually calls to talk to dad, but he called to talk to me. It's just because he likes going places with me because I willingly help him bring back crap from the mall and we work on his house and stuff. We met dad for lunch after getting grandpa some new medicine and fixing a couple things in his house. Then we ran some more errands before going home for an hour and a half, then bringing Kathryn back there to have dinner with him while mom and dad were at the auction. I finally got to see WallE, which was really good. As usual, my parents bought a lot of useless crap from the auction, but this year, we got a new record for the randomest piece of crap yet. A background though: Mom hates when things don't get bid on because if they don't get bid on, they go to waste essentially, so that's how mom wound up winning the conduct a band last year (which thankfully I made sure she did not redeem). This year, she bought a bobblehead of Moises Alou. Go ahead and google him. I can say he has nothing to do with us. I did, however, like this fact that I pointed out to mom to show her just what she had bought.
"Alou is one of the few baseball players who bat without the use of batting gloves.Alou urinates on his hands to alleviate calluses, explaining why he is able to avoid using batting gloves."
That night, I stayed up watching an old Steve Martin comedy. A quote I liked from that one was:
Steve: The only other doctor I trust to do that operation is Bekker!
Doctor: But Bekker was killed in an elevator in England last month, surely you heard of that!
Steve: That's just it! Not only is he dead, but he's 6,000 miles away!
The movie was by the people that made "The Jerk," so it was really funny. I watched half of it, then turned it off because I was getting tired and I guess while I was getting up, I fell asleep. When I woke up, it was 2:15, but only one clock said that (it automatically switched for daylight savings, which I had forgotten about) so in my half-asleep stupor, I confusedly climbed upstairs to go to bed, unsure of what time it was. I woke up an hour late because my clock was off.

I lost the hour, but I got everything done in time. I peer reviewed an essay that could have been good because it had an interesting topic (addictive potentials of MMO games), but it was total BS. The lady writing it blamed her kid's vg addiction on everyone but herself, so in my editing, I made sure to dickishly tell her how to put parental settings on her 360 and her PC. I sent a lot of people the essay, so talk to me about it or tell me if you want to read it. The family and I watched some TV, then when Kathryn had to go up to bed, dad said to flip over to this Celtic Woman special (a telethon as it turned out) on PBS. Normally, here I would say google it, but it's probably better that you don't. As everyone else went upstairs, I kept watching all 2 hours because, quite frankly, they were hot. Also it was easy listening, which is a genre that lives up to its name (only sometimes). I got mad when the announcers came on though because they were not hot and they were bitching about how other networks are evil and PBS is the only one with morals. I don't know how I watched all 2 hours, but I did and then I went to sleep.

Not much happened today. I've done the normal routine right up to this post. I have a dress rehearsal today and a concert tomorrow. On Friday, my revised paper is due and that could take a couple of hours any time, so I'll do it today and tomorrow a bit. From Wednesday on, I'm good to go. Until later when we "Skype it up to the max bitch@ and then again!", peace out.

Monday, March 02, 2009

No Cussing Week in LA

But we don't live in LA, so they can all go to hell I guess. Well congratulations, partially to me as well, because this last week was far more eventful than the previous one. Before I start though, I want to get a couple of things out of the way.

Don't feel obligated to go to the site. I just put it there for quick reference if you felt like it. So this year, PAX is not the last weekend in August, but instead is the first weekend in September. It will be the usual Friday-Sunday thing (September 4 - September 6). Last year we had 10 people, but it was disorganized. This year, we should definitely have 10 people going that we are in regular contact with. I think that group rate still applies, but we need to act faster this year because PAX is limiting the number of badges this year. So if we can get that group discount thing, that would be good. Davis wants us to order before he leaves for Greece for spring break, so Sai, I will personally ask you to spread the word to the UW kids and I will try to do it as well and I'll get going on facebook and all that.

So Steven sent some of us an email the other day about a blizzard contest with a potentially great reward (a SC2 Beta key). Since I had nothing to draw at the time, I decided I would work on that. The going is good. Right now I have a lot of ideas for things to put in it. When I'm done, I'm definitely putting it up on the blog. Hopefully I can win this because that would be pretty cool if I did.

Ok now to the week.

Nothing much happened because I was only in school for Jazz Band. That night, that annoying girl from band showed up and I got worried, but then saw she had a trumpet case. About 2 minutes later she left. I think it means she was coming from another band practice to tell our director she was quitting the band. Many silent huzzahs ensued from the horn section.

Tuesday was a down day for me. My classes were easy. In Math, we were just preparing for the midterm all week, so it was pretty boring. After school, I played some SC with Steven. After he had to leave, I played a lot of Rome: Total War.

When I got to my math class, I found out it had been cancelled. I decided that I didn't want to go to the library and the class was empty and warm, so I went in and did my homework in peace and quiet for once. This was of course after downloading the terran theme onto my phone so I could play it during my homework doing there. After school, I started working on the contest and then played some Starcraft with Steven. After he left, I played Rome: Total War.

Math was cancelled once again, so I did the same thing as the day before. I overheard the class next door taking a test that I can only hope was for ESL, otherwise there are some stupid kids in college. After school, Steven and I discovered a great game called Pickle Bound. I later found the awesome song they loop in the background and Steven did some cutting and recording to replecate the loop they have in the game, hence the song on his blog. When I emailed Steven the song I found, I accidentally sent it to Orion. There Davis, now all your questions are answered.

I got home and played a lot of Pickle Bound with Steven and then we moved on to other UMS games. We spent an hour and a half on one game, but we finally beat it and in the end, it was a pretty cool waste of time.

Dad and I went to meet my grandpa at Costco (origin of quotes below). Grandpa had a list prepared of stuff he needed for a birthday party he was going to the next day. Among the list was "Crap 16oz. Phillips." Dad and I chuckled when we saw this. Apparently, he had meant to spell crab. We saw Erik while we were there, so I talked to him for a bit. After that, we dropped Grandpa off at his house and I fixed it up a bit while dad went to the bathroom. He says he has a lot of projects for me, so I guess during spring break and summer break, I'm going to be over there building crap (and I don't mean crab). After that, I came home and started downloading System Shock 2 before going to play it with Steven and Orion for 2 hours. It's meant to be a scary game I can see, but since the three of us play together, it's more funny than anything else.

I did some homework really quick, then I practiced tennis with Kathryn in the rain because her tennis tryouts are right now actually. After that, I went over to Shoreline Center, but I didn't see Eric there, so I balled out because it was raining. After I got home, I played SC with Steven, then Sai, then just Sai for a while before going to bed.

I had my math midterm which had been postponed to today. It went pretty well. I was in a block for the first half, but then I pulled my head out of my ass and realized I knew how to do the problems. Now I'm posting. Later I have band. Until then, I'm going to work on the contest and research for my 8 page essay about how videogames don't get the bad rap they deserve. Ok peace out until next time.