Friday, July 23, 2010

Only one update for this month

Sorry to anyone that is ripping their hair out at how infrequently I have updated over the last couple of months (I'm sure there must be one of you). I know I usually post on Mondays, but I leave tomorrow for a couple weeks, so I'm mixing it up a bit. I'm going to mix up my post a bit too. I'll just go about describing things in my daily schedule rather than going day by day so as to hopefully avoid having about half the days consist of "I played some Red Dead Redemption, then went to Costco with Grandpa." I'll also add in a few random events at the end of the post as a special treat for you, enjoy.

I would usually spend the day relaxing unless I had a job to do or unless Grandpa called up and wanted to go to Costco that day. At night, dad and I would go to Klahaya for the adult tennis freeplay.

This summer, I am once again doing my usual workload of a lot of random things. I don't get a lot of jobs that last more than a day, but that works for me because I like going from one thing to the next. So far, I have been an unlicensed contractor, gardener, landscaper, private instructor, mover, garbageman, and a few other things I didn't feel like mentioning such as elderly care because I haven't been getting paid for that unless you count getting paid in food at Costco. I've also got a bunch of projects lined up for me in August, so that will be cool too to earn some money without having to go job hunting. If you read closely, you noticed that private instructor was one of my jobs listed. I've been giving one of Kathryn's friends private lessons on french horn. I guess the horn situation at Shorewood is terrible (there's one other kid that plays and he's awful), so this girl decided to switch from flute to horn. Oddly enough, I'm kind of doing the opposite thing currently, but I'm not actually going to mainly play flute. I'm just learning how to play. She's actually getting pretty good, so that is a good confidence builder for me since I was kind of concerned about whether I was good enough to teach her going into this.

Adventures with Grandpa:
I know, I know; you're all tired of hearing about these, but allow me this one section to talk about it. I'll keep it brief. We saw a tranny the other week at Costco. The odd thing about it was that she(/he?) was not the first tranny I've seen at Costco. Mostly on our adventures, we've kept out of trouble, so not much else to report...yet.

Relaxing Time:
What I mean when I say that is that I have been playing a lot of Red Dead Redemption. It had a really fun single player experience, but after the campaign ends, it seems like you run out of stuff to do rather quickly. That ends though when you fire up the multiplayer. I've had some pretty fun times on the multiplayer, having 2 new great xbox live experiences that I would say make number 2 and 3 of my favorite live sessions. The best one was back on original xbox on Jedi Knight 2 multiplayer. One day, I got on when I got up in the morning and the four of us got along so well, we wound up playing for 6 hours straight. It was pretty great and I got a lot of achievements with them. My number 3 favorite time on live was last night. I was playing late at night and I wound up in this group of three other guys and we were all just cracking jokes the whole time we played and doing funny stuff. It was pretty great. We picked on one guy a bit in a friendly way, but I guess he was born with no sense of humor and he quit. We all felt kind of bad after that. The two guys left were actually a lot like Sai and Keir (and the one guy sounded like Keir) and we wound up playing for a couple more hours before splitting up.

Adult Tennis:
Since I can't do lessons anymore (since I'm over 18), this has been a fun way to keep playing tennis. It's also supervised by my favorite coach ever, David (a fellow lefty). He got me into tennis when I was a kid and this is his last summer coming up to Seattle (he and his family live in Arizona and have been coming up every summer to teach lessons for about 20 years now) so I really wanted to get in some good tennis this summer. We played some doubles together for old times sake and totally pwned. I've had some funny encounters there with the other people playing. Bare with me here, this may seem random at first, but keep going. One day, Grandpa and I found ourselves in Sam's Club. We were both wearing blue, which is what the employees there wear. This random lady came up to us and looked at us for a second before saying "Oh sorry, I thought you were employees." That night at tennis, this one lady brought a friend of hers and the first thing that lady said to me was "Were you at Sam's Club today?" I guess it was that lady. That was pretty coincidental. On the first monday I went to these sessions, I ran into the guy that I kept having my business classes with at SCC. I had no idea he was a member at Klahaya, so it was really weird to see him there. What's more, I found out he is also transferring to Seattle U this fall and he's doing a minor in Econ, so knowing our luck, we will have more classes together. He is the guy that is uber pro at accounting in case you were confused.

On Tuesdays, I would go to Costco with Grandpa if I had not done so the day before. If I had, I would generally find myself doing some sort of odd job on this day.

I would usually meet up with the guys from jazz band to play earlier on in the day. After that, I would go to frisbee.

Getting together for playing:
I've hung out with the guys a little bit this summer, but not too much since we all have conflicting schedules on other days. We all agreed to keep Wednesdays open though, so it's good to occasionally have a day when we can get together and keep in practice. I've seen Steve a bunch though through Warhammer, so doing this is mostly about getting to see the other two guys.

It has been fun to go play some casual pickup games at night. It's never too hot and the people there are really friendly and easy to play with. There are two fields, the kiddie field (not necessarily kiddies on it, but they are pretty newb) and the (somewhat) pr0 field. Eric and Steven and I usually play on the pro side, which has been cool. On Eric's birthday, Steven was not there so we decied to play on the kiddie field. We were superstarts, I was throwing crappy pulls and being praised. On one point, Eric was going 1 on 4 and got 5 D's in one point. Nobody on the teams ran at all and we would always have about 3 of our guys on one end of the field at all times. Eric was all over the place, and I tried to stick fairly close to the action, trying to do the most good for the least effort. After frisbee, sometimes we go play ping pong at Steven's house. I learned how terrible I am and how great Steven and Eric are.

Usually I have this day off because around noon, I start hopping on the computer and thinking of things to teach in the lessons while messing around on the computer. I give my private lessons in the afternoon.

This is another day that is generally good for jobs, but we have also been playing DnD on these days in the evening.

It has been going good. I was getting into the alchemist character and the ability to use bombs. Unfortunately, I was mostly responsible for a near wipe this last session, but I survived with Lucy and we got back to town safely. I feel pretty bad though about the other two losing their characters. On the other hand, I'm happy that for once, it wasn't me dying. If you want the detailed updates of what is going on in DnD, check the link to the right that says DnD campaign page or something along those lines.

In the afternoon, I would go play Warhammer over in Woodinville at a games shop there. We chose that place because it is more or less in the middle of where we all live.

It has been getting progressively more fun as we go along in the campaign. We're moving up to 500 points when I get back, which will mean we use units. Currently, we play 200 point "kill teams" where each individual model is a unit and moves individually. At 500 points and up, units are made up of multiple troops and move together. It's getting pretty fun even if my record is only 1-3.

I have the day off. I generally don't have anything major come up these days.

Now for some random happenings!

Recently, I installed a 2nd CD drive and a Hard Drive and Windows 7 with Orion's help. I made a dumb mistake on the CD drive, but I was able to get it as well as the hard drive without too much help. Orion did help a lot with setting the master and the slave on the drives and getting me informed on Windows 7. Thanks to Orion for doing that. I like Windows 7, it's like Vista but not glitchy as hell.

I finally broke my streak of not going to the doctor's office recently. I had to go in on Wednesday for shots that are required for Seattle U. When I got there, I learned that I had not been there since January of 2007. You might remember the quotes I posted where I tried to convince Steven and Orion that I was not sick and instead skipped school to go pick up Windows Vista. When I was at the doctor, I had to fill out that form that shows me how boring my life is. I just check no for every box. Then I get in there and the nurse who looks like an intern my age asks me all the questions including "are you sexually active." I considered saying something witty to that, but nothing came to mind quickly enough. Also at the office, I got weighed in for the first time in about 6 months. I found out I now weigh only 187 pounds. I can't wait to be at Seattle U so I can use their gym to bulk up and gain back that weight. I don't like knowing that I weigh less than 200 pounds.

Ok well that's long enough for a post I guess. I leave tomorrow for a flight at 6am. We get back on the 6th of August and I hope to see y'all after I get back. To would be burglars, my cousin is living at our house while we're gone, so don't get any funny ideas [shifty eyes]. We leave on the 24th and Starcraft 2 comes out on the 27th, waiting until August 7th to get it is going to be absolute hell, but I guess I'll have to manage. It might make it better that I will be hanging out with Keir on the day of the release and the day after. That will be pretty awesome actually. So until August 7th probably, peace out.