Monday, November 01, 2010

Getting extra free time to make posts

Or at least I am today. My econ teacher failed to show up, so we got the day off. It is actually frustrating though and I'll get to it later when I mention my classes. On another note, whoaaahh it's November! Anyone out there doing No-Shave November? I won't be this year since I decided last year would be my last time ever. If you want to see the pictures, I'm happy to show you them, but I don't want to post them to the blog. To sum it up, I'm not confident in my ability to grow facial hair beyond what I currently have. My past couple of weeks have been pretty eventful and hopefully I'll be able to remember most of the things that have happened.

Classes generally are not getting worse. The exception to that is Macro where the professor has gotten more frustrating to learn from as the quarter progresses. She has been teaching for that magic amount of time where she thinks her curriculum is flawless and she won't deviate from it at all. It's causing some problems for people in the class. She is also frequently tardy to class and is bad about procrastinating. Last Monday, we had our big midterm. Only 5 people had enough time to finish every question on the exam. She promised our tests back on Wednesday, failed to deliver, then promised them on Friday. On Friday, she blamed her not finished grading on "the bottom 25% of the quizzes where the answers were confusing to grade." She then did not show up today, which is why I'm making this post. I hope I did well on the exam because it almost sounds like she did not curve it. Perhaps she did though and someone just aced it. That's the thing about curving I suppose, it makes a huge bastard out of the top performer in the class.

Aside from that, I'm getting to know people more in my classes. I've been chatting before class (and making remarks during class) with the girl that sits on the other side of me now. The area where I sit in macro has become closer and all the people seem pretty cool. As for Philosophy, I made a new friend (my first facebook friend at SU!!!) and we hang out before class usually since we both have a half hour break. In math, I have made a friend I suppose because he always walks in when he sees me in an opera booth. He just strikes up a conversation no matter what I'm doing, sits down and does some reading for about 20 minutes, then awkwardly leaves. I don't know his name, but it's just kind of odd. He seems nice though. Philosophy and Math are going well, but I find myself falling asleep in them frequently, bringing me to my next point.

Possible Sleep Disorder:
Falling asleep has now become a regular problem for me. It began back in high school, must have gotten worse at SCC, and now is pretty bad. The thing was at SCC, I had Jazz Band during the time which I normally get sleepy, so I was kept awake pretty effectively by standing and playing an instrument. I do not have that luxury here and since all the classrooms are kept warm, it is hard for me to stay awake most of the time. Of course the professors are very nice about it (probably since I don't seem to snore (knock on wood)). One day in my math class, someone asked a question and then I fell asleep. I drifted in and out of sleep the entire two hours and woke up about 10 minutes before class ended. The professor was answering the question that was asked at the beginning of class. I leaned over to my friend next to me to ask what was going on and he just said "You picked a good day to sleep, he just spent two hours getting to an answer that took 5 minutes." Of course, not all the days are so lucky. I manage to wake myself up to scribble down notes I miss, but I don't really get the lecture part. Oddly enough, it seems that the more I fall asleep in a class, the better I am doing in it this quarter. Anyway, I looked up sleeping disorders on WebMD and after looking around a bit, I think the one I matched up with most was narcolepsy. It actually matched me pretty well, so now I'm wondering what's going on there. Of course if there were a cheap and relatively non-time consuming way to test myself for this, I would do it. For now though, it seems I would have to visit a sleep center, which is something I don't have an interest in doing. I'll just try to schedule my classes differently next quarter.

Jazz Band:
I should have put this in classes, but I forgot. It's going pretty well. I found out the instructor is actually kind of a big deal in the Seattle area, here is his wikipedia page(yeah, that big of a deal). He looks a little bit and sounds a lot of a bit like James Earl Jones, which is pretty awesome. Unfortunately there are still only two trumpets in the band, but I think we might eventually get a third or something. For now, the other guy is pretty cool.

Frisbee is going quite well. I recently got invited to join the team at a second tournament that is the weekend after Sundodger. Sundodger is the one that everyone on the team is invited to, but the second one (OMG) is in Eugene, Oregon; for that they only take the top 16. Since I was invited, that means my effort in practices has been noticed, which was nice to see. Last Monday, we had a particularly interesting practice. It was raining really hard so at a point when the few of us that were there were completely soaked, we decided to do layout practices. It went pretty well. I didn't get any spectacular layouts (none for offense) because I was handling the whole time, but I did get a couple half-assed layout D's.

Life on Campus:
As I said earlier, I'm making a couple more friends here and there that I occasionally talk to. Aside from that though, I have found places to hide on campus where I can get homework done uninterrupted. There are small closets in the library on floors that are rarely visited by other people, so I like to hide in there when the opera seats are occupied or when I need to watch videos online for macro. Having time to get the homework done each day is nice because then I get to enjoy my days off more.

Life off Campus:
I've beaten the SC2 campaign on Brutal now, so in between working on remaining achievements, I find myself going into multiplayer more. Steven somehow has the infinite patience to teach me sotis when I'm online. Eventually I'll become halfway competent at it. I also have started doing 1v1s in hopes to beat Keir's bronze placement. I should be on track for that so far. I've only got two under my belt right now. I lost my first match to a gold guy who said that if I kept playing the way I did, I should at least make gold. He corrected me on a unit matchup that was the reason I lost, which was really cool of him. The second game was also against a gold player, but I stomped him (I was playing Terran that time though, it's hardly fair). I've also been playing Trackmania here and there and just beating times. Other things I do like horn lessons and visiting grandpa are the same as they've always been.

UWB frisbee has been going well too. We just had our last games of the regular season on Saturday in a double header. We won the first one, but lost the second one. More girls (and more people in general) have been coming to games, which has been really nice. Of course, none of them actually go to UWB, but I don't mind because they're all pretty nice and generally good at frisbee.

I think I generally covered everything there. I'm kind of hurriedly writing this during my break and I have to get going here to get to my next class, so if there is any confusion on what I wrote up there or if you just want to say hi, go ahead and message me, I'm always on gchat. Until later, peace out.