Friday, February 24, 2012

I owe you another post now

Well it's been a while since my last post. I've used my time in February to get caught up on some things while accidentally falling behind on classwork as I get used to a quarter system that is very short. The end of the term has snuck up on me, I was still used to semester length terms and neglected to start my multiple papers. Also notable, I recently finished my applications (oh wait, application) to law schools (er, law school T__T).

I did actually continue with the law school application process even though going back to Korea is now a more desirable course of action for me. I figured I burned so much time getting ready to apply that I had to keep going with it. Unfortunately, I found out there was a problem with my transcripts a couple weeks before the deadline for the UW (the problem being that they never arrived). So I had to go back to request transcripts from my school which was punctual as always, then SCC which was unpunctual as always. First of all, I find that every time I go back to SCC, I wonder how I was ever so happy to go there. Don't get me wrong, I got a good education and I'm glad I went and saved all that money, but a lot of the people there are just so weird. I guess maybe I'm just growing more used to the hipster crowd (shudder) at Seattle U. So I went to SCC and as usual, they told me it takes 5-7 business days to process then send out my transcript meaning it would get to the LSAC in about 2 actual weeks. As usual, I spent that whole explanation contemplating in my head why it takes a school 1/4 the size of SU 4 times the time to send out a transcript. But I had plenty of time, so I wasn't too frustrated about it. Until I received a note from the LSAC a few days before the deadline that my SCC transcript had arrived without a required form attached. Each transcript has to be sent with a form that is signed by the registrar so that the LSAC knows it's legitimate. I told SCC to attach it and they didn't. So I had to run back there and they actually made me pay for the transcript again, then gave me the same crap about how it would take time and I said well I was hoping you would have done it right the first time, so please do it as quickly as possible. And they did it faster than they had done before, but they got it in THE DAY AFTER THE DEADLINE. So having that transcript not there effectively destroyed any chance I have of going to the UW because even if I had been able to apply, they would have seen that I had only been in school for two years, which would be almost an instant denial given my GPA and LSAT score being about lower to middle range for what they want. Seattle U's deadline is the first of March, so I put in my application for them and we'll see where that goes. I'm not holding out for getting any money from them, so as soon as my projects are done, I'm going to start looking at ways to sign on with a company to go teach back in Korea.

On that note, I find that I really miss that place. I enjoyed having my own place (although the basement is working for me again here) and living in a fun city where I could watch Starcraft whenever I wanted. There are some times when I don't want to leave here though, but those times are mostly when I'm hanging out with  Steven, Eric, and Chris. I figure I can always meet up with them online though, so being in Seoul wouldn't be too bad.

Speaking of hanging out with those guys, I've started playing League of Legends a lot more recently. It's been fun and those three are saints for putting up with me bumbling around in the game. I'm a lot better than when I started, but I still have a ways to go. I hope to be at a skill level where I can maintain the default ELO rating once I reach level 30. Currently, I'm not up to snuff there. But I'm getting more practiced with a few champions that I like which is making it easier to improve in certain roles.

My classes have been going well, frisbee has not been so great. I've spent most of this quarter horribly busy on practice days or sick, which has prevented me from going recently. I want to go, but practice is 2 hours and my travel time to and from it is another two hours and when those hours are right in the middle of the day, it is really difficult to make it down since those are hours I need to spend working with groups on projects. We have a tournament coming up in mid-March and I'm really hoping to get some practice time in before then, but it's looking like I might not be able to get back to practice until next week at least.

For classes, my econ ones are fine. The videogames class recently had us playing WoW (I think he chose that one because of the culture it has created and the relatively flat learning curve). I picked a class that could heal, tank, or dps since I am one of the guys in class that is more experienced in games (most of the class is casuals). I leveled up at great pain because the game was so boring. Yesterday, we did our culminating event in the game, an instance run. I ran in a group with my friend from the frisbee team who tanked, then a new guy, an experienced WoW player, and my professor's dad (who was really cool) who were all dps. Then at the request of the professor since I was a priest, I provided heals. Healing is really the final frontier for me in MMOs because I seem to have touched on every other type of role except that one. I am proud to report though that I did really well and my group was one of only two that didn't suffer any casualties. I have to start writing my paper for this class soon, but I'm excited about it because I'm writing about the history and economic prospects of professional Starcraft. It's an interdisciplinary core class, so we were suggested to write papers about videogame culture that we could relate to our own majors in some way. This is going to be my easiest paper because I can definitely talk about economics and Starcraft for a long time.

Sorry to cut this post short, but I don't have too much left to say. Also, I'm making it while my rice is cooking for lunch (yes, we finally got a rice cooker!!!) and it's about done, so I'm going to tend to that, then get my papers started.