Monday, March 26, 2012

Regular updates, how do they work?

Ah the problem of continuously putting off posting, I am unfortunately left facing a lot of things to say. Warning, you have what will possibly be a very long post ahead of you. But eventually I'll get the hang of posting more often again and hopefully I can get to posting twice a month at least so I can keep the size of each post down. I did finally decide I had to post though after a couple important straws broke this camel's back. Those things happen to both involve Seattle U; one being my clearance to graduate (I was starting to get worried) and the other being my acceptance to Seattle U law. I'm still leaning towards applying for teaching jobs in Korea, but it was nice to get that acceptance; my family had gone almost a week without hearing about a college acceptance (Kathryn has heard back positively from 6 of 8 so far). So anyway, time to reminisce about last quarter.

Projects Galore:
To wrap up the quarter, I was faced with two group presentations (a 20 minute one and a 50 minute one) as well as two 3,000 word essays. The level of business was almost reminiscent of spring quarter 2011 when I was doing projects alongside LSAT study. This quarter was less busy and the pain was less that I had so much to do and more that I had been lazy all quarter and brought this upon myself. My essays actually turned out to both be more enjoyable than I had hoped. My videogames and culture essay discussed the past, present, and future financial success of professional Starcraft. It wound up going over the limit by about 2,000 words; however I don't think the professor minded. We had to make a brief presentation to the class in addition to the paper and mine naturally went long (I couldn't help myself, I had a captive audience listening to me talking about Starcraft!), but everyone seemed to really enjoy it and was asking me questions about it afterwards. My second paper was a market analysis on the market of my choice. Since I chose my topic late, I wrote about how OPEC countries act as a cartel to control market prices. It was a pretty dry paper, but I had fun researching and writing it. I think it was just nice to get back into that grind that I never really had to get into in Korea.

My presentations were another matter. The 50 minute one actually went pretty well. There were only four groups in the whole class, so each group had 8 people, which is more than enough people to hide amongst. My other project was not as successful. We were the last to choose our topic, only really deciding on it a week before the deadline. What's more, we only had time to work on it during a four day weekend. It was a pretty stressful project in that I wound up doing almost the entire thing. I felt under pressure to do well and to carry it because the professor teaching the class for which this project was to be turned in is one of the ones that wrote me my letter of recommendation (the one I really respect and am terrified of). She also seemed to really only give me any credit for being intelligent in the group which I think was partly due to the fact that she knew me (which should suggest otherwise...) and the fact that I was the one that nobody ever had a problem with. The other three kept pointing fingers at each other for some problem. And I don't know what goes on in the International Business department (all three of them were in that major), but they turned in some really unprofessional crap to me that I had to really edit. One guy is from China and English is his second language, so I was fine editing his stuff, but I expected to have to edit less from the other two. Fortunately, I had allocated an entire weekend to devote to preparing the project and that seems to have paid off given my final grade in the class. On the day of the presentation, one of the girls in my group showed up late to class. It would be excusable normally, but she was late by 15 minutes consistently every single day of the quarter. The only day she showed up on time was the first day of presentations when we thought we were going to have to go, so we met before class. When the presentation started without her, I had to be ready to take her spot on it because not only was I the only one that read over everyone's part, but the IB people seemed really unable to publicly speak (but again in one case that's because he's not confident in English even though he did really well). Anyway, I was happy to put all that behind me. I even got time to study for the last test ever with my favorite professor and based on how I feel about the test and how my final grade turned out, it seems that it was my best grade on any of her tests.

I actually wound up missing pretty much all frisbee events and practices between the beginning of February and the end of the quarter. I had some really bad sickness that we thought was pneumonia at one point, but now we have no idea. I'm basing it on what dad's doctor told him since I gave him exactly what I had and I refused to go to the doctor myself. Either way, I seem to be over it now. I did make it to the last practice of the year on our field. It's being torn down to make a really nice one that will be available next fall once the seniors have graduated. Those of us that showed up celebrated the last practice with drunk frisbee. I brought a shit ton of PBR (I bought it ironically which probably makes it 1000 times worse) and we had some hard stuff too. There was a lot of public urination, burying cans on the field, jokes, and the captain even gave a speech from LotR whilst riding around on his imaginary horse at one point. It was a great way to send off the field in style. Now that I'm healthy(ish) again, I'm looking forward to tournament season. We have one this weekend in Ellensburg, then sectionals next month. After that, hopefully one at EWU which was really fun last year and then a tournament at a location which I do not know, but I do know it involves a weekend of solid drinking. I opted not to go last year because I didn't want to tempt the fates with my 21 drinking bet and all, but I'm for sure going this year.

Well this is mostly League of Legends related. I did recently get Mass Effect 3, but nothing to report right now. I haven't seen the supposedly shitty ending yet and I hope it's not as bad as they all say. I've been playing a lot of League with Eric, Steven, and Chris. The occasional drunk LoL is also fun. I'm starting to narrow in on a few champions that I suck slightly less with although I still have a really bad game all too often. I haven't played much Starcraft recently, but I've been occasionally watching it still when I get time and am up late enough.

Spring Break:
I spent my spring break doing my tour of the family which has basically involved me talking about Korea to every family member that hasn't gotten to see me since I got back. I spent some time at the ocean with Grandpa over the weekend which was fun even though the weather was kinda crappy. We got up to see my  great aunt and uncle in Forks which was nice as always. After that, I had about a day back, then went to Eastern Washington to see my uncle and aunt and cousin, then to see Shorewood do the state drill competition (Kathryn's in it, I'm not a creeper). I found out my cousin's husband plays League, so hopefully I'll get to see him online sometimes.

So I don't know where I last left off on my teeth and all, but I had that root canal for the tooth that long ago was chipped and had since died. Looks like I'll need a second because the one next to it was involved too. But in the meantime, I'll be getting permanent plaster caps (veneers?) on my front teeth tomorrow. For the last two weeks, I had temporary ones which are actually one unit and are made of plastic. Having two teeth as one has been uncomfortable, but I will soon not have to bear that annoyance anymore. The biggest pain in the ass about the temporary caps has been I can't bite my fingernails which has driven me insane to a point where I would be biting my nails even more frequently. Tomorrow I get it all fixed up though and I'll have nice, permanent caps over my front teeth. I elected to have them look exactly the same as before rather than make their bottoms level with each other because I decided I liked it being just slightly off like that since the teeth are otherwise perfectly straight. I'll take picture of it and I'll include those in my next post for your viewing pleasure (on an imgur account, I don't want to subject you to my teeth every time you hit this page).

Wow, that's actually all I had to say. Maybe we got lucky and this post was a little shorter. I'll probably wind up posting next Monday after the tournament in Ellensburg. If not then, I'll be posting in the second week of April. Until then, peace out.