Monday, April 30, 2012

The final month begins

I realize it's April when I'm making this post, but it's mostly through the day already so therefore as good as May. May isn't really my final month I suppose, but since I get done so early into June, May might as well be considered the end of college for me. I don't know what the deadline for accepting law school acceptances is/was, but I have now fully committed to not going (at least not in the immediate future). I can't get Korea (and some people and things there) out of my mind no matter how hard I try, so I'm going to start looking for jobs. My parents have started to back the idea more and mom even did a bit of looking and found a class I can take that might at the very least make me a more desirable hire. It could also increase my pay scale, which would also be cool. It means now that since I'm not starting law school in the late summer/early fall (how many slashes am I going to have in this paragraph?), I'm going to be doing nothing much with my life outside of that class I might take. My parents actually sounded fine with that though and it's not like I won't volunteer to work around doing things for the family this summer anyway. In the past, I was a little hindered on the shed cleaning because my uncle would need to double check everything to see if it was junk or salvageable. The trouble was he was sick and rarely could make it and we agreed on the junk or not junk status of things every single time anyway. Unfortunately, now that he has passed away (didn't mention it, but it was in January), I shall clean the shed once and for all in my own little way of paying tribute to his memory. He had very little to do with the process other than looking at things, but I know he always wanted to see the eventual end-product of a clean shed and I will try to do that this summer. Anyway, I dragged on this paragraph enough and you get the idea (that I'm going to try to go back to Korea by the end of the year to live and work hopefully for a long time).

In other exciting news, I got my transcripts from Yonsei! I finally had to go to the study abroad office at my school when they were 3 weeks overdue. I had to pop in also to get some forms signed, but I brought it up with the advisor there and she said she would contact the necessary people. That was a Thursday. The following Wednesday (mind you there is usually a snail-mail like time delay when sending emails to/from people  in Korea (AND it was going into the weekend)), I was emailed by the registrar that my transcripts came in and everything was approved. I almost 4.0ed my semester there which came as a surprise to me, but was a quite welcome one. Now that I have that sorted out, I realized I definitely don't need my policy class to graduate. Unfortunately, it's past the withdrawal date. I got rid of my W in Accounting 202 when I transferred (dropped the W because of a change in major and the class was suddenly irrelevant). I decided in the interest of not getting another W on my transcript, I would stick with this class. I can now care less about that class though. I'm putting out the minimum effort that I believe will give me an A in the class, so that has opened up some good time. Time I have filled with work for my other classes. The time opened up for my other classes has benefited those greatly. I'm having a lot more time to get the subjects we're talking about. And when I understand things more easily, assignments get easier and I get more free time. With that free time, I've been playing LoL more often and have even found time to get back into SC2 with Keir.

SC2 has been fun again and hopefully I'll get to play more in the future. I figure I'll have lots of time when I'm back in Korea, so I've put off my single player plans until then. I'm considering starting to train in the summer though. I've noticed that PAX prime last year, then PAX east this year both had SC2 tournaments and I think the skill level will be low enough that if I get going and train hard, I might have a shot. In League of Legends, I recently got level 30! Now I can play ranked games on my own (I will when I get time) or team ranked games with Steven, Eric, Chris, Eric (Canada), Albert, Albert's Brother, Peter (when he gets level 30) and anyone else we eventually add to the team. I can't wait to get back into that. I would have spent most of this weekend doing that, but they had the first open beta weekend for Guild Wars 2 so I spent my time doing that.

The Guild Wars 2 beta was so awesome. Since I planned on doing Guarding in the main game, I wanted to use these beta weekends to try a profession I didn't think I would consider playing when the game was released. My first one was engineer. I spent a lot of time this weekend on my engineer (and not just because I designed her to look like Sunny). It was a really fun class to play. Steven and Chris played a lot too and I have to say being able to play with them was extremely fun. Playing on my own was more enjoyable than Guild Wars 1, but still wasn't as great as playing with people. I do like the changes they've made to the game though (and there have been a lot). Not having to worry about mana is the best among those. I think next beta, I will try a mesmer to see if that goes over as well as engineer did.

This was a nice break from my work, but I suppose I had better get back to it. I had a six day weekend this week thanks to mission day (which was so perfectly timed given the presence of the beta on Friday-Sunday). I am now left with only studying for my microecon midterm this week which I think I have a chance of doing well on. Until mid may when I next post, peace out.

Monday, April 09, 2012

I Hath Surely Stepped in it this Quarter

Sorry about the delay, I got legitimately busy for once after the quarter started. As a senior and an Econ major, my life in classes recently has been mainly reading articles and research reports and preparing to discuss them in class. On top of that, I have to work really hard for part of the quarter (or if I were smart, spread it out over the whole quarter) to study for tests and to write papers. But this quarter, I wound up in two of the econ classes that actually give regular homework. On top of that, my third class is also doing that. As a result, I've found myself doing pointless busywork with most of my free time since the quarter started. On top of that, it's tournament season for frisbee, so I have to be extra conscious about how much I can get done ahead of time. But enough complaining, I'll make a quick post here to talk about my classes.

Intermediate Microeconomics:
This is that one course where no matter who you talk to, it gets a groan and a negative response. Everyone thinks it's really hard and I have to agree. But I became an econ major after taking my first micro class, so I have high hopes for the class even though it's apparent I am behind on the math. I would have been doing better had I taken this course last year, but they couldn't fit me in then. Now, I'm taking it in my last quarter alongside the capstone course. Both of those classes are really giving me a lot of work. The math for micro is slowly coming back to me; it's been since 2009 Fall quarter that I did any math that was relevant to this subject, so it's fair to say I was more than a little rusty going in. The course is taught by my stats professor (the first professor I had at Seattle U, my last math teacher, and one of my two advisors at the school), so that's at least nice. I keep winding up in an early class when I'm with him, we're just destined not to sleep in I guess. This time though, I'm not falling asleep so much.

The Policy Process:
I was originally hoping my transcripts from abroad would come in on time which would allow me to only take two classes this quarter. Unfortunately they STILL haven't come in (a concern all of its own), so I was forced to keep this class. When registering, I didn't care what class I got because it was early February and I figured my transcripts would come in on time anyway. I wound up just going by the timeslot I wanted and filtered that for any philosophy or political science classes that fit and this was the only one. I didn't even know the title of the class until I walked in the room on the first day. The professor for this class looks like a student; he has a lip piercing, wears chains on his jeans, and is young enough that he is still finishing his doctorate. It's clear that he is still getting his bearings as a teacher, but he's a pretty nice guy nonetheless. This class is rather light on the actual problem-solving homework load (unlike the other two classes which assign large lists of problems to solve) and is instead very heavy on reading. In some ways, it's worse than the problem solving because I have to retain everything I read. But hopefully, this class shouldn't cause me too many problems this quarter and I can devote more time to my other two classes.

The History of Economic Thought:
This is my fun class and it's also going to be my hard class. It is the capstone course for econ majors which means it is the final course we get before we graduate. In lieu of having a huge final essay (which is what I thought we did), the class concludes with a 45 minute interview (per person) between the professor and one student at a time. He has said that other professors often like to come watch it happen, which means I will likely get anywhere from 1 through 4 of my old professors watching me get interviewed on the last 500 years of economic thought, seeing how I retain my knowledge. I'm sufficiently afraid of this final and I want to absolutely kill it, so most of my late-quarter time will be spent studying my ass off for this interview. Aside from that, this class is almost completely the same people (and we sit in the same places) as my markets class from last quarter, so there are cool people to talk to in it. On top of that, the professor is extremely funny and though he's scatterbrained, he's easy enough to learn from.

We had our first tournament of the year (calendar, not school) and my first tournament in almost a year recently. We went to Ellensburg for CWU's tournament. Only 7 teams showed up, but it was still a pretty good time. I didn't get much play time as I wanted, but I got as much as I should have because I was still out of tournament form after missing so much practice time. It was no big deal though because we had over 2 full lines (I think there were about 16 people in total there). Our one grad student (law school) was talking all  Saturday about how he always wanted a Finafrock (terminology changed for my blog, but you know what I mean) and he was running out of tournaments to get it at since this is his last year in school (he finishes law school in May). The next day, I was running on the D1 line (our zone defense line which turned out to be super baller for some reason) and he wound up getting a Finafrock. The whole team ran up and partied with him after he got it. On the weekend, we wound up going 4-2, so not too bad, but room for improvement. We have sectionals coming up in a couple weeks, so we'll see how that goes. With our field gone, our practices have been limited in existence, so I haven't been able to get playing much. I hope it doesn't hurt my play coming up.

Other stuff:
Not much is going on otherwise. I've still been working along on League, trying to get to level 30 so I can do ranked teams with Eric, Steven, and Chris. That will be fun when it happens. I beat Mass Effect 3 the other day and was disappointed by the ending as was the rest of the internet it seems.

I'm actually going to try to get ahead on homework again since nobody is online for LoL at the moment, so until next post, peace out!