Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Almost forgot about this!

It's been a while since I posted. I've been keeping pretty busy and to be honest, I might have missed September completely had I not remembered the blog exists. I've been doing mostly the normal things and just trying to spend as much of my time doing those as possible. On top of those things, I've started to try to become a power user on Reddit to chase after Keir's success. That will happen perhaps never because he is just too good at Reddit. But enough of all this, I'll probably just move to things and keep this post moderately short.

I've given up on soloqueue for League. They changed the rating system to one where your highest ever elo is now the reward tier you will get come season end. Unfortunately, this means that if I had never played following my placement matches, I would be about 200 elo higher right now. But after the reset, your "current" elo was made your new highest. On top of that problem, people are now trolling and not caring in matches because you can get your highest elo to the point you want it, then trash your elo for the rest of the season without really caring because your highest elo will always be there. I really wanted to pull myself up to gold rating, but it seems that will not happen in soloqueue. Fortunately there is another way to get gold (well two actually). I can get gold on the ranked 5s team I'm on (which is unlikely because we rarely are all on) or to do ranked 3s for which there is no real defined metagame. People don't play it very often, so there's no real set way to compose a team (though there are dominant strategies, but they are not common knowledge like other game modes). Anyway, I played a couple games in a team with Eric and Eric Canada and we went 2-0 pretty decisively. We are having schedule problems right now because Eric Canada just started school so we will have to work around that. It seems that this method is my best bet of getting to gold though.

Guild Wars 2 has been good. I've been leveling up a lot slower than Chris and Steven though. Steven has been level 80 for just over a couple weeks and Chris has been there for about a week now. I'm still level 51. Now that I'm not playing League as often though I'll probably start catching up. Recently, I've been using my former League time to step up my search for work.

Search for work:
It's been going well. I did a lot of research and I think I have a program nailed down. I want to apply to the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education program (SMOE) because it would put me in Seoul (though the location would be random, but anywhere in Seoul is fine with me). Failing that, I could always do GEPIK which guarantees placement in the region immediately surrounding Seoul. I would rather be in the city though, so if SMOE doesn't work out, I'll be probably giving another program that could place me within the city a try before doing GEPIK. As of right now, I've been trying to work with my resume which at the moment looks like crap since I'm just starting out. It's hard to find ways I can tailor it to a teaching job, but mom agreed to help look at it so that will be nice.

The shed and work and things:
That has all been going well. I think the shed is going to be done soon. The cement pouring was supposed to happen a couple weekends ago, but it wound up not happening. I really hope that goes down soon though because its starting to turn cold and this is getting ridiculous that we haven't done it yet.

Other stuff:
My great aunt (grandpa's sister) died last weekend. It was pretty sad because it was unexpected. She went really bad in just a couple of days out of nowhere (the couple days prior, she had been up and having fun at a wedding). We all made it down to see her in Port Angeles before she died though, so that was nice. I learned while I was there that I am apparently the only one interested in our Dutch heritage. Or at least I'm the only one deemed smart or resourceful or willing enough to look into it so I can summarize it for other people? Either way, it looks like the burden is on me. I was planning on doing all this someday anyway, but not for a while. I guess no change there, I really need to learn Korean before I invest time in learning Dutch.

In girl news, I haven't gotten to see my friend in a while. We had opposite schedules for a while and then a couple weekends ago, we were supposed to get together (she asked me then I responsed and I never heard back from her with a plan) so I'm not sure if she didn't get my text and thinks I didn't text her and is mad at me or something or what (have fun decoding that sentence, I'm not going back to edit it :/) but I haven't seen her. I might try to hang out with her this weekend if we can get in touch. On the plus side, this means she hasn't had time to set me up with a girl. The more and more I think about that, the less I figure I want that because I don't want her to set me up with a girlfriend for two months before I go off for a long time. If I get in the right place in Korea, I've begun entertaining the idea of staying longer and longer. We'll have to see where it goes though.

So this was a pretty quick post, which I guess is good and bad. I keep busy, hopefully everyone else is doing well. You can always get in touch with me on facebook and crap like that. We have a private mumble server now too, so if you want the info, ask Steven or myself and you can hop on and voice chat with us there. Until next time (when hopefully I have a job!), peace out.