Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Finalizing Preparations

Howdy everyone. I've been hard at work this month getting all my documents in order and it now looks like this will be my second to last post made from America (although who knows what the distant future holds, perhaps someday I shall make posts from the good ol' US of A again). My contract is slated to start on March 1 and I expect to arrive in Korea as long before that as reasonably possible. I want to give myself several days to unpack, acquire things I don't want to carry over but will need (ex. towels, bedsheets, food, etc), familiarize myself with the area I'll be living in, and hopefully to glance over the textbooks I'll be using. As of the writing of this post, I have no idea what my address will be and I have not booked a flight yet. I'm supposedly going to be told these things when I show the school that I've acquired my visa. My visa should come in on Thursday though, so hopefully I'll know these important things before too long. I'm just glad that this long process is finally coming to an end. It may seem like it moved quickly since every time I posted, I had new information. The truth is that I only got that new information days before I would post and those posts were a month apart each. This process began in September and I've been worrying about what I would be doing for employment this year since then. It's nice to finally have some assurance. Having that, I can just take this month mostly to myself to (RUNNINGIN)square away things before I leave.

It also seems like now is becoming a good time to leave the area. Aside from caring for Grandpa, which is a never-ending and increasingly complex task, most other people around me seem to be settling into a new phase in their lives or major projects have been finished. With all that, it seems like I can quietly slip away and people will be fine without me. I plan to interact more with people this time however. I am going to adjust my schedule in Korea though to get up earlier so that I can play games with people in the mornings and get to bed at an earlier time. I think that will work out for me well. If I get up at 8 or earlier on a regular occurrence, it will be easier to wake up for work in the morning. There are so many benefits to doing that, I can't think of a reason not to. I also want to get to Korea early so I can get on that schedule in time for the school year. It will be nice to talk to people I know this time. I would rather not repeat last year where I woke up at 10-11 every day and I thus was unable to regularly talk to anyone other than Keir given my schedule.

In other news, it was good to see everybody on the 30th of December. We had a fairly large get-together (game night minus Chris but plus Davis and Orion) which was pretty nice. I got to hang out with people fairly regularly this month due to that and the Seahawks doing somewhat well in the playoffs. Speaking of playoffs, I forgot to do my picks this year, but just in case you were wondering, I would not have beaten my record. I got four picks wrong, so that would have made me shy of tying my previous record.

I've still been playing League a lot too. I have dipped in my ranking due to people leaving games mostly, but hopefully I'm on the rise. They're implementing a new rating system very similar to the SC2 ladder soon though so that will be nice. Speaking of SC2, the Heart of the Swarm expansion comes out in March. I may have to pick it up in Korean. It sounds like global play will be available, so that should be interesting. Hopefully I can get a Korean version and just change the language.

Well I had best get back to work. I'll make one last post before I leave in February, then my adventure begins. Until next time, peace out.