Saturday, March 30, 2013

Old Information, New Post Should Arrive Eventually

Hey, hope all are doing well. I didn't want to get another month of no posts, but at the same time, I don't have time to sit down and make a huge post. I expect that I'll have internet in my own apartment soon enough, so I'll start putting out posts more regularly after that. I think once a week, I'll make a new post until I'm pretty caught up. For this one though, I'll just write about the first couple of days here.

I caught my flight with no problems. Upon signing in, I was given te chance to change my seat to a front row (extra leg room woot woot!) so of course I instantly decided to do that. To add to the excellence, only one other guy moved into that row (a row of three) so we had the middle seat open to put our stuff on. I was running on about 2 hours of sleep because I  was looking forward to sleeping on the plane, but I forgot Korean Air is really nice, so I wound up watching a bunch of semi-recent movies that I had never gotten around to watching. I did manage to get an hour of sleep, but that was really all.

When I landed, it was 5pm and I was sufficiently tired because in Washington, it was now midnight which meant I was running off 3 hours of sleep across 48 hours. I was going to go find the taxi place when I got lucky and a driver coming back from the bathroom saw me and asked if I w anted a  taxi ride. I said yes, so I got a taxi very easy and additionally, I got hep with my bags. The ride to Incheon was 45 minutes (even though the airport is in Incheon...), but it was a good chance to get some Korean practice again. A lot of what I had forgotten came back during the cab ride.

I had to stay in Incheon overnight because I wasn't supposed to arrive until the following day. Originally, I was excited because I never got over to Incheon last time I was in Korea though I had wanted to. Now I just know I don't need to go again. Everything is pretty far apart still, so my plan of going out and finding a nice place to eat kind of died on the table (so to speak). Since it was late (late in America, it was only 7pm in Korea), I just decided to go to bed and get a good 13 hours of sleep. The next morning, the rep from the school (actually I think she was just a hired driver since I haven't seen her since) got me at 10 and we started the 1.5 hour drive from Incheon up to Dongducheon.

Actually, I'm going to stop there for now. I have to get back to work since my partner is gone for the week and I need to get ahead on lesson plans. Until next week, peace out.