Monday, August 12, 2013

Oops, I did it again

Well it seems one wasn't enough. I have once again had a month where I failed to update my blog. Sorry about that. I really meant to last month, but it was finals + the end of the semester until the 26th (year round school), so laziness and me being preoccupied with other things kept me from posting. After that, I went to Hawaii to meet up with family and spent that last week of the month forgetting that I was supposed to update. Anyway, good things have been happening so I figure I should update on that.

I feel like I generally got everyone filled in on the stuff I'm doing so maybe from now on I can actually talk about experiences or something? Hey wouldn't that be nice.

I guess before I forget, here's a link to the most recent video of my apartment. I filmed it in July or something I think. Either way, it has indeed changed from the last video you would have seen it. Important additions are my bedsheets (that only took me four months to get bedding...) and a new desk that actually has enough room for my computer (plus it has room for two monitors now!) which has made my computer setup feel a lot nicer. The one thing I feel bad about is my tower has always been on top of my desks since I first built it, but now it has to be below the desk. I feel a little bad sticking it down there, but it hasn't had any problems and I have only accidentally kicked it once or twice, so it's not too bad I guess.

The summer season is in full swing and thankfully, my air conditioner is working well. Without it, I would be dying in the heat/humidity. I still feel like a rich guy though for having an air conditioner, an unnecessary luxury in Seattle.

The end of the semester finally came and now I'm halfway through my contract. That means only half a year left with my current teaching partner (unless some bill gets passed about military spending in which case she may have to stay another year, fml). That hopefully will not happen though. Aside from that, school is going well. The students are good, my Korean lessons are really helpful, and I'm getting along well with the other coworkers. One guy got fired back in March and his replacement arrived shortly before my last post, so I didn't know anything about the guy. He's turned out to be really cool. I'm going to grab dinner with him in a few minutes actually. We hang out fairly often and just get a beer or eat or something. He's about my age and a Redditor so we get along well.

Final news (I'm already at about the end of this post because as I said, it's about dinner time): I met another person haha. The guy who has worked here all year (there are three of us foreigners that have been here all year, my teaching partner, the other guy, and me) had a friend of his wife and back in March, he said they would be willing to set me up with that friend. I was skeptical at first and eventually I wound up meeting that other girl and hung out with her for a couple months. We went on two dates so I can hardly even say we dated. I'll get to that in a second.

Anyway, that other girl and I stopped seeing each other in May (just that we weren't really interested in each other (mostly her being less interested in me T__T)) and a couple weeks after everyone found out we had stopped seeing each other, the guy said he was still willing to help set me up with his wife's friend. At that point, I was a little bummed out because I'm so introverted, it's hard to meet people here and I was figuring I wouldn't have the chance to meet anyone again. Anyway, I said sure it could be fun. Before we went to meet her, the guy kept saying things like "you don't have to date her if you don't want to" and stuff like that to make me feel like there was no pressure if I didn't like her. That kinda weirded me out and I was starting to worry if there was something wrong with her. I was wondering if I was walking into anything bad. Turns out he was just weird and I had nothing to worry about. The dinner was awkward at first because everyone knew that the other two were really trying to set us up, but eventually it became less awkward.

We've gone out three (technically four if you count the first time in which we did go out just the two of us after the four of us had dinner) dates now. It's going really well. Neither of us have dated anyone before (that's why I don't really count the other girl. I mean I didn't do anything with her anyway, not even any hugging so how can I possibly count that?) so we're going really slow it seems, but as long as I don't move too slowly in this then I should be fine. I consulted the guy who set us up since he has beaten the game so to speak and he says I'm doing good so I'll take that as a good sign. Hopefully this can continue for a long time.

What happens if she ever becomes my girlfriend? That's like the final objective of my angsty teenage years of this blog.

At any rate, I'm going to try to start holding myself to regular posting times again, no more of this whenever I remember to crap. I'll try to do posts in the first week of every month. I have to just do one post a month because my life is too mundane and busy (yes at the same time) to post too often. So look for a post to come along in the first week of September (only half a month away!!!) and then every month from there on out. Who knows, maybe even in only half a month I'll have some cool news! Until then, peace out.