Thursday, November 28, 2013

Always got something going on

Sorry about kind of delaying my updates here. Maybe I should just start planning to post towards the end of each month because I like to procrastinate so much. You know, now that I've typed it out, that doesn't sound like such a bad idea...

So how has my life been going? Pretty well. I mean I'm still really bummed about the whole breakup and all, but on the other hand that was two months ago and I have no interest in turning my blog into a Spring-2008 depression fest again, so I'm not going to really mention much more about it. Suffice to say, I would take her back in an instant. But now for more interesting things!!!

My night class ended recently. It was only scheduled to run for about a month and a half anyway. It was pretty nice having a lecture based class like that, but I'm definitely appreciating having some evenings off from work. I still have Korean class 2/3 times a week, so having some days when I can just linger late at work, then go home and make and eat my own dinner is nice. I've also started doing a language exchange with one of my Korean co-teachers which at the very least will not be unhelpful so I'm looking forward to learning this language as quickly as I can.

In other work-related news, my teaching partner here is moving away early. Her husband is getting moved to Hawaii. It worked out best for both of us really. She was kind of overbearing and difficult to work with at times this whole year though we were able to get along well enough. But she and her husband certainly deserve to get put somewhere nice and I figure I deserve to have a month to myself! It'll be good to have the whole classes back together for me. It's big class sizes compared to what I'm used to, but I seriously doubt I'll have any problems. It's just for this last month where finals are done and the lessons are mostly just "for fun."

In a crazy small world story, I found out one of my students is the brother of one of my Korean friends over here. I first met my friend in 2011 at a Starcraft match. He is actually the guy responsible for introducing me to my first pro player, Jangbi. I saw him several times since then and we've been in touch since then. The funny thing is he looks just like his younger brother who is a student of mine. We just found out last week that they're related. Such a weird coincidence.

Social Life:
Hahaha yeah right.

No but actually I just hang out with the Chinese teachers and Brandon a lot, that's pretty much it.

I guess another funny story is that there are just tons of rumours about my dating options at this school. The Chinese teachers are trying to set me up with this one Korean teacher who I think is really cool. At the same time, my first grade and second grade students are saying I should date the Chinese teachers (different classes say a different Chinese teacher) because the Chinese teachers apparently really like me (of course none of this is credible because high school). And while that's going on, the other half of my classes are saying I should start dating the Japanese teacher (who is really cute and looks a lot like Sunny), Actually they think that there's already something going on between us. It's because I asked one question too many about her in class one day or something so they figured I was interested in her. Then they asked her about me and she just acted coy and said she didn't know me that well. She was being professional because she actually doesn't know me that well, but the students assumed she was lying and her and I are secretly dating or something. Oh high school. Is this what it was like to be popular? I sure wasn't missing out.

What else can I talk about in posts? Season 3 ended recently for League. I failed to reach gold, but I did come close in the end. I'm not mad or anything really. I wish I had gotten there, but I feel like I didn't deserve it. I see too many faults in my play. These faults would all have been rectified by just playing more semi-regularly. I'm going to try to do that in Season 4 and I'm shooting for somewhere in platinum. A long and over deserved shoutout to Eric for so much excellent advice in the way of League. Also to Steven for his teaching as well. And of course Mike and Keir for being great duo partners during the season. Next season let's work hard together, 화이팅!

Fantasy Football:
I figured out the last thing I can talk about. I just failed to make the playoffs this season. It marks the first time I've failed to finish less than 3rd place in our league. I was pretty salty about it, but I guess my dominance had to end sometime right? At least I earned a few good records (both good and bad) this year on my way to the bottom! I considered starting my playoff predictions again this year, but I've decided against it because I think the Seahawks are going deep and there's no way I'm going to be the one to jinx them. Oh and feel free to ignore the following advice.


So that's about it. I'll probably start posting at the end of months from now, so expect something probably after Christmas. Happy Thanksgiving (today that you're waking up to if you read this shortly after its posting) and at the very least have a good Christmas. Peace out!