Sunday, August 31, 2014

Classic me, delaying a post until forever

Wow it's been since June that I really sat down and made a post. And now it's September here (although it's still August in Washington so it still counts as an August post!). I've been pretty busy all summer which has been nice here and there and less nice here and there as well. I guess I'll get into it now.

The cat:
I've named her Daria (Dari or 다리 meaning 'bridge' in Korean plus 'a' to make it a girl's name). I named her that way because she was found under a bridge. The school (all the way up to the principal) made a special exception to allow me to keep a pet in the dorms, the first time it's ever been done for this school. I think her cuteness won everyone over. She's had the chance to meet students and usually gets along with them, which is fun. The downside is she's kind of mean and likes to bite me a lot. I can't wait until she gets older and calms down. In the meantime, I'm collecting some sweet battle scars :/

Work has been going well. Since my last post, we finished our first semester, had summer break, and have now started our second semester. As of today actually our schedule changed and now school starts and ends 40 minutes later, so I'm working a proper 9-5 now. I'll need to adjust how late I feel like staying because I used to stay until 5, making it so I worked 8-5 every day. I figure I don't do anything good before cooking dinner anyways, so I might start staying until about 6 every day then going home to cook dinner and do whatever it is that I do. And being able to wake up at 7:40 is pretty nice. It's like being back in college (SCC, not SU when I had to start class every day (that I actually had classes) at 7:40).

Summer break was fun and interesting. I got rented out to another high school that asked our school if they could borrow a foreign teacher to teach a summer class. It was interesting and a valuable experience to get to teach students who aren't the super studious type I'm used to here. And the class was really easy to teach as well, plus I got paid well to do it (and since our summer classes aren't paid above our base salary, I was the only one that got paid any extra money). Even better, they liked me so much, they requested that I come back during the semester as well, but I have night classes/Korean lessons every night of the week, so I told them I couldn't do it, but I could probably come back during winter break.

Our school has sports day and the festival this week (rescheduled from first semester due to the ferry incident) and then next week is Chuseok (Korean thanksgiving) so I'm working a pretty relaxed week this week into a 5-day weekend, then a 2-day week the following week. I'm looking forward to using one of the 5 days to just do only work and get super far ahead, then using the other 4 days to play Planetside 2 or grind or whatever.

Other stuff:
Aside from that, I've been keeping up on Korean lessons despite having to miss several classes during July and August. I was able to marathon league for a little while recently and I saw some gains in lp that I have more or less lost since then. I'm holding off for now and just waiting for this weekend when I can really set aside some time to play. I'm kinda losing hope of making gold this season which sucks because I think once again my main barrier is that I just don't have enough time to play during the year. Next year will maybe be my year. Honestly I would play a lot more if Planetside 2 weren't so a) fun and b) less time consuming. I can only play league on weekends really but during that time, I want to play with the guys. I just need to find alternate times to play it.

I also went on vacation to France with the family since they were there for 2 weeks. I joined them for the second week when we went to Paris then out to western France (Mont Saint Michel and Normandy). Since I enjoy studying WWII history and since I've had to look at a picture of Mont St. Michel that's been above our fireplace since forever, it was nice to get to see both things.

Aside from all that, general business has ensued. Nothing major worth reporting, especially since I should get back to work. Until next time, peace out!