Saturday, February 04, 2006


Well I did it. I got the blog back from the Zack-utch. Whatever race of evil haxorz he is. Those were a few bad days of him hacking into everything I had. Luckily I was able to prevent hack of AIM. Unfortunately, nobody could figure out how to change my hotmail password, so he got in there. I eventually figured it out. I also obviously took back the blog. So since my last post, the most important thing obviously was Keir here. It was most excellent, although I missed Valerie's party to which I wasn't invited so it didn't matter. We played some SSBM and SSB and MP7. I think it was 7 but they have too many Mario Parties. Oh wait. The date on the last post is messed up so I'm overlapping. Oh well, ok. Nothing happened until the last weekend of January. So Red was forcing me and Jacob to go to JLT, or Junior Leader Training so we can set an example for all the little kids that are going. Us both are signed up and we are the only older scouts going so if one of us bails, that other one isn't going to have much fun. Again we are both signed up. I tell Jacob when we're meeting on Saturday because he missed the meeting. Do you know what he did? He claimed he had family buisness. There is no way I can believe him because he finds an excuse to get out of everything. So thanks to him, I'm screwed with a bunch of 7th graders and Garrett, who looks even younger even though hes a freshman. Either way everyone hates him. So we paired up electrically heated cabins like the new kids from 325 and the real 853 kids. Well I had to pick one. The age of the kids in the 325 cabin was closer to mine, but I didn't want to sleep with Garrett because he sucks. I picked the 853 kids that weren't bad and we actually got to sleep on time. I was very happy to leave the next day and come back to Rome:Total War so I oculd win as the Julii. I'm starting a harder campaign now. So the semester finals were pretty easy, except I guess I ddin't do so well on a few. The 4th period World studies massively poached a bunch of 2nd period people. 2 people transfered from Boner, I mean Bonner. Spanish class went up too, by 16 people! Our class it now way too full and I don't like it because the teacher never calls on me for those stupid participation things. Well I'm going to stop now to play Rome:Total War. The moral of this post is: Don't have all of your passwords be the same.


blitzmoose said...

Keir came and i missed it?!!?!?!?!? NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! If that happened, and congradulations on winning the crusade against evil haxxorz.

David said...

"Oh wait. The date on the last post is messed up so I'm overlapping. Oh well,"

blitzmoose said...

WHO IS CINNABON?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?