Thursday, March 09, 2006

BOOM. Ha ha I fooled you.

So as my title suggests, nothing happened until saturday, when I got a ride from Davis to Zach's house for his party. (You thought I was going to skip that and go to the bomb threat didn't you?) So anyway, we got to Zach's house and started on some moving of technology. Later, when everyone showed up, there was some call of duty and super smash brothers melee. You might hear at school that Davis pwned us at call of duty. Well he did. They all also thought it was not fair that the weapon I have skill with was the shotgun. They deemed it unfair to use it, so I gave them a piece of my mind when I sniped Alex with it. Talk about pwnxored. We watched Harold and Kumar, which Sai didn't like, then more videogames and some trampolining. Crack the egg is a good game. Somewhere in there, Alex got "the Munchies" and Zach's parents thought he and Sai did drugs. Sai left around 11:30ish because his parents said he couldn't stay. After that, we watched Old School. Steven passed out right after that I think. Davis played some Condemned, then we all tried to go to sleep. Keyword there was tried. Me and Jake noise pwned Davis and Alex, who tried to beat Jake up and punched Steven, who somehow didn't wake up. When we woke up, we played more videogames and more trampolining. A good quote from that morning was:
Davis: Zach why are you wearing those short shorts?
Zach: Because they're fun.
So I went home with Jake and Davis, then not a whole lot until tuesday. Tuesday went normal, except that there was a bomb threat and we got out of 4th and 6th period. We just hung out in the Shoreline Center gym and got free food. Of course there was no bomb and we went about our daily lives. On wednesday, at 2:25 PM, school got out and I had gone for a week without calculator games. Unfortunately I played some today in english, but we were watching this really stupid movie that we actually didn't have to watch. Nobody around me wanted to play cards so I had to resort to the calculator.


zack0217 said...

Well David, you suck at call of duty with or without the shotgun. That being said, Alex Breaden says you're a fag, but he still loves you, and he wants to know if it's still on for tonight. - I just type what I'm told. You're a chode licker, and alex agrees.

p.s. you suck green moldy soggy ass with the doo doo butter hanging out

blitzmoose said...

I remember that...