Friday, September 29, 2006

It's all in a day's work for an SA pr0. Posted by Picasa


Nothing too much has happened since the last post. School has been school, which is school. Tennis has been doing good, but we are not going to be undefeated this year. Stick Arena is working on the laptops so that is good. Starcraft has picked up a bit. Yeah not much else to say.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Once again, I have said what everyone is thinking. For now it is photoshopped, but soon it shall be real. By the way, that is Carol Berkin I am pwning. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Oprah President?

So the news told me Oprah might run for president. Here are some reactions.

RunningInSquare3: the news said oprah might run for president
RunningInSquare3: you know what this means?
brittlebrit187: ho
RunningInSquare3: she knows too much
RunningInSquare3: she must be eliminated
RunningInSquare3: gather the clan, we strike tonight
brittlebrit187: lets get sai to do it
RunningInSquare3: ok
brittlebrit187: he is stealthy like a panda
RunningInSquare3: pandas are stealthy
brittlebrit187: and you would be a nuisense
RunningInSquare3: especially in olden times when everything was black and white
brittlebrit187: mmm hmmm
He goes on to talk about taiwan.

RunningInSquare3: sai
RunningInSquare3: oprah might be running for president
RunningInSquare3: she knows too much
RunningInSquare3: gather the clan we strike tonight
Blitzmoose9: let us strike tonight then
Blitzmoose9: we can not let famous people on tv rule our country
Blitzmoose9: arnold schwatzenator was a major blow to the dominance of teriyaki over america
RunningInSquare3: indeed
RunningInSquare3: we must strike to show this country who is really in charge
RunningInSquare3: not nal_ra
RunningInSquare3: not slayerS_boxeR
RunningInSquare3: but The Sacred Order of Teriyaki
Blitzmoose9: indeed
Blitzmoose9: and when we prove we are in power we can give the small province of america to ralph nator
RunningInSquare3: yay!
RunningInSquare3: i like him
Blitzmoose9: and i get china, you teh netherlands, steven some country
Blitzmoose9: and zack gets africa because it suks
RunningInSquare3: yeah
RunningInSquare3: ill take belgium too
RunningInSquare3: to make them the netherlands
RunningInSquare3: and france and spain
RunningInSquare3: they should be ours too
Blitzmoose9: ya
Blitzmoose9: davis can have sweden because sweden is weird and so is he
RunningInSquare3: yeah
Blitzmoose9: steven gets manoca because it is small like him
RunningInSquare3: ok
RunningInSquare3: and ghana
Blitzmoose9: yeah
RunningInSquare3: if he can find it
Blitzmoose9: lol
Blitzmoose9: lets see what else...
Blitzmoose9: ben gets korea because he has micro like koreans
RunningInSquare3: yeah
RunningInSquare3: and japan
RunningInSquare3: if he so desires
Blitzmoose9: ok
Blitzmoose9: keir gets ireland because they hate the british
Blitzmoose9: i know!
RunningInSquare3: and he can have england
Blitzmoose9: we should make a blog post about who gets what countries and why
RunningInSquare3: ok
Sai should have posted the list.

RunningInSquare3: davis
RunningInSquare3: oprah might be running for president
bananaoracle89: good for her
bananaoracle89: yo what
bananaoracle89: 's the APUSH
bananaoracle89: it's just berkin 4 right? not that group assignment stuff?
RunningInSquare3: theres a test
RunningInSquare3: on the lecture
bananaoracle89: I know
RunningInSquare3: but oprah might run for president
RunningInSquare3: she knows too much
bananaoracle89: but no homework
RunningInSquare3: gather the clan we strike tonight
RunningInSquare3: no homework just study for the test
RunningInSquare3: unless u wanna do berkin4
bananaoracle89: I can't play until the weekend
bananaoracle89: you know that
bananaoracle89: that's my new rule for this school year
bananaoracle89: spread the message
RunningInSquare3: ok
RunningInSquare3: oprah
RunningInSquare3: clan
RunningInSquare3: strike
bananaoracle89: you see my blog?
RunningInSquare3: yes
bananaoracle89: LOL
RunningInSquare3: yeah
RunningInSquare3: so there
RunningInSquare3: but dinner is now so i must return in a few minutes
bananaoracle89: byte
Try to stay on topic davis.......

RunningInSquare3: JACK
scuddybuddy23: WHAT
RunningInSquare3: gather your forces we strike tonight
scuddybuddy23: WHAT?
scuddybuddy23: whered u here that
RunningInSquare3: the news
scuddybuddy23: HOLY FUCK
RunningInSquare3: she might not but they said she might
RunningInSquare3: she knows too much
RunningInSquare3: she must be eliminated
scuddybuddy23: aaite id love to bash oprah
Now I am getting support.

RunningInSquare3: zac!
RunningInSquare3: oprah might run for president
Ty 4 2: what up
RunningInSquare3: gather your forces
RunningInSquare3: we strike tonight
RunningInSquare3: she knows too much and must be eliminated
Ty 4 2: hahah hells yea
Ty 4 2: we cant have her running this country
Ty 4 2: she will kill us all.........wait
Ty 4 2: why would that be so bad
Ty 4 2: oprea as el presendete
RunningInSquare3: its bad
RunningInSquare3: cuz
RunningInSquare3: i said so
Ty 4 2: hahhahah
Ty 4 2: good reason
Damn straight.

RunningInSquare3: my friend smarter child!
SmarterChild: I'm SmarterChild.
RunningInSquare3: yes i know
SmarterChild: That's good.
RunningInSquare3: did you hear the news?
SmarterChild: No, I didn't hear the news.
RunningInSquare3: oprah might run for president
SmarterChild: Hmm... I don't know. Oprah might run for president? So, what does this mean?
RunningInSquare3: that she might become president
SmarterChild: President on September 20th, 2006: George W. Bush (January 20th, 2001 - present)
RunningInSquare3: no
SmarterChild: OK, fine.
RunningInSquare3: oprah
SmarterChild: Who's Oprah?
RunningInSquare3: whos oprah?
SmarterChild: Encyclopedia entry for Winfrey, Oprah provided by American television personality whose syndicated daily talk show was among the most popular of the genre.
RunningInSquare3: have you been living in a cave?
SmarterChild: Sure. Lotsa times.
RunningInSquare3: wait i thought u said u didnt know oprah
SmarterChild: I don't believe wait you thought me said I didn't know Oprah.
RunningInSquare3: what?
SmarterChild: I don't know, sorry.
RunningInSquare3: are you fucking with me?
SmarterChild: Yeah. I have sex with other robots. What are you talking about?
RunningInSquare3: are you messing with me
SmarterChild: What do you think?
RunningInSquare3: i think you are crazy
SmarterChild: You think I'm crazy? Think again.
RunningInSquare3: ok
SmarterChild: OK.
RunningInSquare3: im sorry
SmarterChild: OK. I'll forgive you this time...
RunningInSquare3: well i have to go goodbye
SmarterChild: S'later, David.
He still creeps me out.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

This is the manliest picture I have ever seen. It is even manlier than the car with the license plate: 069-MAN. Posted by Picasa

Is it Alex Breaden or Jimmy Page??? Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

My cousin the anecdote man

I just got an email from my cousin. He is the one that just got married in October and recently moved to Las Vegas. He is trying to hook up with a big casino to work for one, which would be sweet. He also said he is going to give professional poker a try while he's there. My cousin has a ton of really good anecdotes that are really really good. I will now tell you about the two best ones he could tell. These are not lies, they actually happened and how they did, I have no idea still.
Awesome anecdote 1: Back in the day, when he worked for Enterprise, he had to go pick up "a group" from an airport because it was a slow day and the boss let him drive out to SeaTac to pick them up to bring them back to their hotel. He goes to the airport and calls the boss to ask who to look for and the boss describes them. Turns out, he was picking up Blue Oyster Cult (70's rock band). He got to drive BOC around.
Awesome anecdote 2: This is an old one. When he was much younger, he was very wild. He and some friends went to Vegas and saw that the Billboard big party something or other was going on. His friends and him decided to go sneak in because it was very exclusive. His friends went ahead and got in while he went to the bathroom first. When he came out, he was about to go into it, when who should walk up to him and say hello, but Christina Aguilera. There was some story about he was dancing with her for a second(showing off his sweet dance moves?) and that part I don't know is true, but I do know he at least carried on a conversation with her and made it into the thing later.
Yeah my cousin is a pimp and hopefully, I will be as cool as him so I wont need to tell stories about how cool he is while I wait for something to happen to post about.


If you haven't seen those red stripe commercials, you should try to find them. Its just some guy saying hooray beer. They are teh good. So on thursday, school started. I shall now give a rundown of my classes.
1st-Healthy Adult Living- I'm taking this for a health credit because I didn't want to spend my life taking Spanish. So on the friday when we had it, I go from my car to the other side of the school where I was told it was. I soon realized it wasn't there, and realized that my updated schedule said it was in the portables. There, I met with a group of people in the class with me. We had to wander around and get redirected a bunch until we were led to "the hardest room to find on campus." The freaking preschool room. So the chairs are a foot off the ground. I sit at a table with a bunch of seniors and a girl that is in college and took this class for I dont know why. It is a good class.
2nd-APUSH-The mother of all classes. Guthrie is such an awesome teacher, but unfortunately his homework is not as fun as he is. Oh well. I keep telling myself, its this or history day. Nothing he can throw at me will make me want to do history day again.
3rd-Math Analysis-Davis is in this class and Marapao is not very hard, so I may have a chance at a B.
4th-Band-Well it's band. That's about all I can say. Too many flutes though. All speaking their asian (Orion: ching chong Mazda Subaru)
5th-Chemistry- I picked an element next to Orion's so I sit next to him. Davis is right behind us. Poor Steven is farther away. That class should not be too hard and we will actually get experiments.
6th-English-THE SECOND YEAR IN A ROW ENGLISH SUCKS. I at least like my class, but none of my real friends are there. Now we have a seating chart and I am in the front with my screen facing the teacher. No fun in that class.
That's it for now. APUSH is giving homework again.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Dutch Priest Charged in Madonna Threat

By Associated Press
Fri Sep 8, 11:42 AM

Pop singer Madonna performs during her concert at the ...
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands - Amsterdam prosecutors said Friday a 63-year-old priest has confessed to phoning in a fake bomb threat to a Madonna concert in the Dutch capital city last week.

"He was hoping to stop her from performing her famous 'crucifixion' act," prosecution spokesman Robert Meulenbroek said, referring to a scene in the 48-year-old pop star's latest show.

The scene, a mock re-enactment of the crucifixion of Christ, offended some Christians during earlier concerts in Italy and Germany. Two Amsterdam concerts went ahead as planned on Sunday and Monday, despite a handful of protesters.

Meulenbroek said it was likely prosecutors would seek a community service punishment for the priest, since it was very likely this was his first such offense.

The priest was arrested almost immediately after making the threat Sunday, since he used his home phone to make it, and he called an emergency services number where the call was automatically traced.

The priest was brought before a judge Friday and has been released pending judgment, Meulenbroek said. "We take bomb threats seriously, but in this case it was clear very quickly that it was not real," he said.

Madonna's "Confessions" tour next stops in Japan on Sept. 16.

Friday, September 08, 2006

No, this is not a joke. This is very serious. I clicked one box in minseweeper at random and won right there. One click and I win. If you don't believe me, enlarge it and notice my time was 001 second. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

For those of you in APUSH, you have no idea how close I was to bringing this in. It is a Thanksgiving centerpiece. I had it ready to go when I got my better idea. 2nd period will know what that is. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

RIP Steve Irwin

I'm going to do my best to make this post short. Since my last post, one thing that happened was my grandpa needed to get surgery to remove a cancerous tumor on his bladder. We have gone to see them the past 3 weekends in a row. The first weekend, they were talking with us and somehow TV shows came up. They asked about 24. It turned out they had seasons 1-3 on DVD. I have them for now. The second weekend, my uncle was there. When we got back here, we learned my cousin that got married last October was going to leave his job with Enterprise Cars to go sign on with a casino in Vegas. Perhaps he can score us some rooms next time we're in the area.... So anyway he was unsure who to quit to because he's pretty much the head guy in his large area. He can't find his superiors. So the 3rd time, this past weekend, my grandpa was in Intensive care after surgery. On saturday, he was sleeping. On sunday, he made a big improvement and could talk again. He was even allowed to eat solid food (ice cubes). So tennis at Klahaya ended and then SW picked up. I made JV this year and me and Scott Anderson are high doubles. That's because we are great. We won our first meet against Mariner. More stuff has happened, but I don't want to talk about it because its not more important than my summer homework.