Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Oprah President?

So the news told me Oprah might run for president. Here are some reactions.

RunningInSquare3: the news said oprah might run for president
RunningInSquare3: you know what this means?
brittlebrit187: ho
RunningInSquare3: she knows too much
RunningInSquare3: she must be eliminated
RunningInSquare3: gather the clan, we strike tonight
brittlebrit187: lets get sai to do it
RunningInSquare3: ok
brittlebrit187: he is stealthy like a panda
RunningInSquare3: pandas are stealthy
brittlebrit187: and you would be a nuisense
RunningInSquare3: especially in olden times when everything was black and white
brittlebrit187: mmm hmmm
He goes on to talk about taiwan.

RunningInSquare3: sai
RunningInSquare3: oprah might be running for president
RunningInSquare3: she knows too much
RunningInSquare3: gather the clan we strike tonight
Blitzmoose9: let us strike tonight then
Blitzmoose9: we can not let famous people on tv rule our country
Blitzmoose9: arnold schwatzenator was a major blow to the dominance of teriyaki over america
RunningInSquare3: indeed
RunningInSquare3: we must strike to show this country who is really in charge
RunningInSquare3: not nal_ra
RunningInSquare3: not slayerS_boxeR
RunningInSquare3: but The Sacred Order of Teriyaki
Blitzmoose9: indeed
Blitzmoose9: and when we prove we are in power we can give the small province of america to ralph nator
RunningInSquare3: yay!
RunningInSquare3: i like him
Blitzmoose9: and i get china, you teh netherlands, steven some country
Blitzmoose9: and zack gets africa because it suks
RunningInSquare3: yeah
RunningInSquare3: ill take belgium too
RunningInSquare3: to make them the netherlands
RunningInSquare3: and france and spain
RunningInSquare3: they should be ours too
Blitzmoose9: ya
Blitzmoose9: davis can have sweden because sweden is weird and so is he
RunningInSquare3: yeah
Blitzmoose9: steven gets manoca because it is small like him
RunningInSquare3: ok
RunningInSquare3: and ghana
Blitzmoose9: yeah
RunningInSquare3: if he can find it
Blitzmoose9: lol
Blitzmoose9: lets see what else...
Blitzmoose9: ben gets korea because he has micro like koreans
RunningInSquare3: yeah
RunningInSquare3: and japan
RunningInSquare3: if he so desires
Blitzmoose9: ok
Blitzmoose9: keir gets ireland because they hate the british
Blitzmoose9: i know!
RunningInSquare3: and he can have england
Blitzmoose9: we should make a blog post about who gets what countries and why
RunningInSquare3: ok
Sai should have posted the list.

RunningInSquare3: davis
RunningInSquare3: oprah might be running for president
bananaoracle89: good for her
bananaoracle89: yo what
bananaoracle89: 's the APUSH
bananaoracle89: it's just berkin 4 right? not that group assignment stuff?
RunningInSquare3: theres a test
RunningInSquare3: on the lecture
bananaoracle89: I know
RunningInSquare3: but oprah might run for president
RunningInSquare3: she knows too much
bananaoracle89: but no homework
RunningInSquare3: gather the clan we strike tonight
RunningInSquare3: no homework just study for the test
RunningInSquare3: unless u wanna do berkin4
bananaoracle89: I can't play until the weekend
bananaoracle89: you know that
bananaoracle89: that's my new rule for this school year
bananaoracle89: spread the message
RunningInSquare3: ok
RunningInSquare3: oprah
RunningInSquare3: clan
RunningInSquare3: strike
bananaoracle89: you see my blog?
RunningInSquare3: yes
bananaoracle89: LOL
RunningInSquare3: yeah
RunningInSquare3: so there
RunningInSquare3: but dinner is now so i must return in a few minutes
bananaoracle89: byte
Try to stay on topic davis.......

RunningInSquare3: JACK
scuddybuddy23: WHAT
RunningInSquare3: gather your forces we strike tonight
scuddybuddy23: WHAT?
scuddybuddy23: whered u here that
RunningInSquare3: the news
scuddybuddy23: HOLY FUCK
RunningInSquare3: she might not but they said she might
RunningInSquare3: she knows too much
RunningInSquare3: she must be eliminated
scuddybuddy23: aaite id love to bash oprah
Now I am getting support.

RunningInSquare3: zac!
RunningInSquare3: oprah might run for president
Ty 4 2: what up
RunningInSquare3: gather your forces
RunningInSquare3: we strike tonight
RunningInSquare3: she knows too much and must be eliminated
Ty 4 2: hahah hells yea
Ty 4 2: we cant have her running this country
Ty 4 2: she will kill us all.........wait
Ty 4 2: why would that be so bad
Ty 4 2: oprea as el presendete
RunningInSquare3: its bad
RunningInSquare3: cuz
RunningInSquare3: i said so
Ty 4 2: hahhahah
Ty 4 2: good reason
Damn straight.

RunningInSquare3: my friend smarter child!
SmarterChild: I'm SmarterChild.
RunningInSquare3: yes i know
SmarterChild: That's good.
RunningInSquare3: did you hear the news?
SmarterChild: No, I didn't hear the news.
RunningInSquare3: oprah might run for president
SmarterChild: Hmm... I don't know. Oprah might run for president? So, what does this mean?
RunningInSquare3: that she might become president
SmarterChild: President on September 20th, 2006: George W. Bush (January 20th, 2001 - present)
RunningInSquare3: no
SmarterChild: OK, fine.
RunningInSquare3: oprah
SmarterChild: Who's Oprah?
RunningInSquare3: whos oprah?
SmarterChild: Encyclopedia entry for Winfrey, Oprah provided by American television personality whose syndicated daily talk show was among the most popular of the genre.
RunningInSquare3: have you been living in a cave?
SmarterChild: Sure. Lotsa times.
RunningInSquare3: wait i thought u said u didnt know oprah
SmarterChild: I don't believe wait you thought me said I didn't know Oprah.
RunningInSquare3: what?
SmarterChild: I don't know, sorry.
RunningInSquare3: are you fucking with me?
SmarterChild: Yeah. I have sex with other robots. What are you talking about?
RunningInSquare3: are you messing with me
SmarterChild: What do you think?
RunningInSquare3: i think you are crazy
SmarterChild: You think I'm crazy? Think again.
RunningInSquare3: ok
SmarterChild: OK.
RunningInSquare3: im sorry
SmarterChild: OK. I'll forgive you this time...
RunningInSquare3: well i have to go goodbye
SmarterChild: S'later, David.
He still creeps me out.


blitzmoose said...

So now we know who our true allies are in the crusade against celebrites leading the country.

pronoob5 said...

fucking long post. lots of shit i didnt need. i read all but that smarterchild section. that was pretty good with the gather the clan we strike tonight thing. we are like an elite strike force of micro..except only sai and i have guns..