Sunday, November 26, 2006

IEEEE why the have not I updated?

Let me just say that blogger beta sucks. Now I can't use hello to post good pictures. I have to use picasa, but it keeps crapping out on me. So anyway yeah its been a while since my last meaningful post, so I'll try to keep it brief. I would have posted a week ago, but there was much homeworking and events happening. So I will start the day after my last post: Monday, November 13. So it was monday the 13th, which is bad if you are Garfield because he hates monday the 13th. Nothing much happened from monday to friday. It was another 5 day week between the two 3 day weeks. So on Saturday, my uncle was supposed to come "any minute." I decided that I wouldn't do my homework like I originally planned because I didn't want to be in the middle of it when he got here (OCD strikes again). So he had this boeing training on new planes thing (he is a pilot and I never get to see him). It was supposed to be done in mid afternoon. I did some homework from 1-2 then waited. Eventually, Sai helped me put pirates on my computer. So I looked at the clock when it was done and it was 4:00. For some reason, I didn't do my homework and played pirates. It is actually a really fun game. So then he showed up at 6:30 and we went to Spiros. On Sunday, my dad remembered he hadn't called my grandpa the night before like he said he would, so he did and grandpa had been waiting for us to come to take him to dinner and he didn't eat until 9. Oops. Well we took him out to lunch with us and my uncle at this microbrewery restaurant in U village. I brought my homework along to do. I needed the internet at one point. I looked at my laptop screen and low and behold, I was recieving the Apple store next door's internet at full. That was the pwnage. That night, I had to go to confirmation. OMFG ITS SO BORING. You eat for the first half hour, but the food sucks. Plus the only people I knew in the class were not there. Maddy showed up, but she was late for some reason (I think it was Bryce). So anyway my uncle left the next morining. I finished my homework in the next 3 day week, but it took over my life and I needed that long weekend to get my sanity back. Anyhow, my English class has gotten better because I am in a group with Bryce and Maxwell Vincent (who has proven to be less of an asshole). We are in the back of the room too. I sit next to Christian Shaber, but he is never there, so that's a plus. So on Wednesday, Davis, Steven, Orion, Sai, Ben, Alex, Oliver, Oliver's brother, and I all went to see Borat. The movie was definately not without it's moments. It wasn't the best thing I've seen, but I've seen a lot worse. I did not like the big naked wrestling scene. That was really awkward. I did like however:
Borat: So you are telling me, my wife. She eez dead?
Mailman Guy: Yes sir, I'm afraid that's true.
Borat: HIGH FIVE-a
Afterwards, my mom dropped Davis, Orion, Steven, Sai, and I at Orion's house. We played some Halo2 because it was more balanced (no pistol sniping). So a phenomenon occured while we played the game. When Sai was there, I always got second to him. When Sai left, I was second to Steven. When Steven left, I was second to Davis. That's me, doomed to be second place. So eventually, it was just Davis, Orion, and I. We decided to switch off with Soul Caliber. It turns out I'm not half bad at that game. I even got Davis to (reluctantly) call me "the pwnerer." Fighting games are too simple. A good win strategy is to go Y,Y,X,X,X,X..... until the enemy is dead. So on Thursday, it was Thanksgiving. I went to my aunt and uncle's house in Kent. Me and my cousin played Ghost Recon on his 360 until it was time for dinner, then we played more after dinner. It was an average thanksgiving. On friday, I went to take my grandpa to a doctor's appointment, then I spent the day working on his house for him because our whole family is trying to slowly get rid of the tons (literally over 50 tons of junk on a lot about 3/4 the size of my lot. On friday, my family watched this Prarie home companion movie while I played pirates. I need one more lost city. Then we all watched Nacho Libre. That movie was also not without its moments. On saturday, not much happened. I got to just veg the whole day pretty much. Except for my neighbor who puts up his lights first all the time was gone, so my family and the older guy that lives on the end of the cul-de-sac took advantage of the nonrain and put up lights on both our houses so our neighbor could come home to see how we beat him. I saw happy feet that night. It was a strange movie. Enough said about that. I went to sleep saturday night after watching the terminator and I woke up to snow. It was about 1/4 or less of an inch, and it turned to rain by noon. It's trying to come back now, but it has been for a while and its going to melt by tomorrow. That's ok because I don't need to make a 4 day weekend a 5 day one. Sorry about the long post, but just remember, this is 2 weeks worth of stuff, so you would have (maybe) read it all eventually. Peace out until later. I will try to prevent this from happening again.


Jack said...

my comments:

a) wtf is pirates (nearer to top than bottom)
b) lol maddy is obsessed with bryce
c) maxwell will always be an asshole
d) you need to either write less (most prefered), or at least put more spaces between thoughts. ur post is a run-on paragraph. you font/colors start to give me a headache after the second sentence.

qwsoo- QUIT SOON

Jack said...


puktw- it says puke.

David said...

a) Pirates is a videogame.
b) heh heh yeah
c) yeah, but he is less of an asshole now than before
d) k

Jack said...


nsirnsmx- narcissism to the max

pronoob5 said...

coming soon----


(i wish)
yeah i didnt read any of the post.

Jack said...

someone really should make an abridged series of this...

dibs not.

pronoob5 said...

dibs not

David said...

