Sunday, November 05, 2006

Metro Natural? Wtf Seattle? Now people will think we are gayish hippies

Yeah some n00b made Seattle's new catch phrase "Metro Natural." People in Arizona even heard about it and were like wtf. As my mom said, "This new slogan will make people "say wa?"(previous catch phrase). So the rest of this week was slightly uneventful. We lost to the blue angels, but in typical us fashion, we made sure they didnt score all the goals. Owen scored one on us. Oh and by the way, if anybody wants to pwn damian, by all means don't let me stop you. I will if I get the chance. Friday was cool because there were magnets in chemistry. On friday night, I embarassed myself by losing first to eric in a tvt, then albert in a zvp. I beat albert later on, but eric still remains at large on my to do list. I went to this college fair on saturday, which was too crowded. I saw steven. I also saw daniel fuerte(strong). After that, mom decided since I'm getting confirmed, I have to go to church. I stuck it to the man by wearing shorts and a sweatshirt. There were other people wearing that too, so the sticking didn't go as planned. Today, I go to get the CID terms and the Pessimism terms and lo and behold, the website is down for service. I am now convinced that our district is run by a retard. Sai and I managed to get the terms and there are twice as many as usual, so we might split the work. Heh Heh. G2g peace out.


Oreo said...

yeah i read about that damn slogan like a week ago or mroe, and i was like "WTF, that is the gayest slogan ever!" (pun intended) the only thing is that many seattlites are gayish hippies, so it is somewhat appropriate, however that is still no justification for me.

you gotta wonder whoever said that a city has to have a slogan? i mean seattle is well known and somewhat teh pwnage, so why do we need a slogan which inevitably will make people not want to come here.

zack0217 said...

dAVID. i don't even have to read this post to konw that it's pure shit. you suck, and i hope you are in a car accident, and end up with only one testicle. NOOOOOB.

pronoob5 said...

I want to have david's babies.

PK Dave said...

I challenge you for that right.

Anonymous said...

zack sounds unhappy, therefore he needs drugs.

blitzmoose said...

City slogans are a bad idea pretty much. I thought that our slogan was the evergreen state or something instead of say wa and metro natural.

David said...

Sai: "Evergreen STATE" That's the STATE'S nickname/slogan/wtr.

blitzmoose said...

Oh we are talking about Seattle and not both Seattle and the state at the same time. I see.