Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Time to get back on the schedule of regular posting.

First of all, an old convo I have been meaning to post. No racial slurs are intended or made:

SGFshorty90 (10:02:14 PM): lol dude
SGFshorty90 (10:02:18 PM): there was a racoon outside
SGFshorty90 (10:02:22 PM): and i almost got to shoot it
SGFshorty90 (10:02:26 PM): but it ran away too fast
RunningInSquare3 (10:02:30 PM): darn
RunningInSquare3 (10:02:40 PM): have ur gun loaded for next time
RunningInSquare3 (10:02:48 PM): those damn racoons will learn their lesson
SGFshorty90 (10:03:38 PM): yeah they killed our first cat
RunningInSquare3 (10:03:47 PM): damn them
RunningInSquare3 (10:03:50 PM): they bit my old cat
SGFshorty90 (10:03:59 PM): we should go coon hunting
RunningInSquare3 (10:04:11 PM): they bit up my climbing rope
RunningInSquare3 (10:04:12 PM): OMG
RunningInSquare3 (10:04:13 PM): yes
RunningInSquare3 (10:04:18 PM): and i can wear my coon skin hat
SGFshorty90 (10:04:28 PM): lol
RunningInSquare3 (10:04:37 PM): that'll learn 'em
SGFshorty90 (10:04:43 PM): and we can bring our air so....wait...
RunningInSquare3 (10:04:51 PM): its ok
RunningInSquare3 (10:04:54 PM): i can play sc while u do it
SGFshorty90 (10:05:04 PM): lol
SGFshorty90 (10:05:05 PM): touche
RunningInSquare3 (10:05:10 PM): u mean dunch?
SGFshorty90 (10:05:16 PM): sure
SGFshorty90 (10:05:31 PM): but actually i ment touche
RunningInSquare3 (10:05:44 PM): ah

So I survived my first full week of school recently. It was odd not having band on an even day. Also, the days are equal in "goodness" this year because on even days, I have Hollywood and History(easy) then Lifetime Sports(easy) then Law(kinda boring). On odd days, I have Band(easy/fun) then AP Physics(hard/fun) then AP Music Theory(boring/hard/fun). Yes it is boring and fun. Mr. Hendrix is awfully monotone for a choir teacher. In other news, I have been steadily working towards that Guild Wars title for exploring 100% of the map. It's been going good. I have been holding myself to getting 1%(takes about 45-60 minutes) each day. The going is slow, but steady. Luckily, I either have all of an area, or less than 20% of it, so it's easy to figure out where I need to explore. Steven left the Guild in search of a more competitive PvP one, so I am the new Guild leader. The football game last friday was pretty cool. Not really much more to say. Oh yeah, my friend that I have known since preschool emailed me and asked if I wanted to come down to california for homecoming, so I am going to go. This weekend, I am going to be in Vancouver, Wa to see my grandparents and get the stuff we had them haul to Branson in their RV for us including my golf clubs which will help me play better in Lifetime sports. Here's a lame ending for you.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Back in Blaptop.

Well it happened, school started and I didn't have the classes the right way so I witheld from posting until they were righted. Then I got lazy. Now without further ado, here is the post.

1st Period- Wind Ensemble - Harshman -- Well I finally made it. The top of the mountain, the big cheese. I am glad to finally be up where the air is thin. Even if I share this thin air with 4 other French Horns. I think I can beat out Mr. Goei and possibly Chip as I hear, but Brad and Maddy will be good competition for me.

2nd Period- Hollywood and History - Stuart -- This is going to be one EASY class. All we do is watch a historical movie, then before the next one has finished, turn in a review of the one we just watched. Eric Chan is in that class with me, so it's a nice class to start the day on.

3rd Period - AP Physics - Davis -- This was originally accounting, but since I wanted a science credit, so I joine this class because I heard so many cool people were in it. This was correct. Only a couple people in the class are strangers to me. Some cool people in the class are: Davis, Steven, Orion, Alex, Ahmad, Ben, Albert, and the list goes on.

4th Period - Senior Lifetime Sports - Moreno -- Huzzah Moreno is the teacher. This class is going to pwn with the exception of the one week of dance lessons. Other than that, I can hang with Justin and I'll be good with that. The first time attendance was taken, my name was called and suddenly 2 guys blurt out "WHOA DAVID'S HERE?" It was Matt and Mike. It was cool they were excited I guess.

5th Period - AP Music Theory - Hendrix -- ZOMG. This class would be way easier if I played the piano. I have managed to find shortcuts to the right answers that people missed a couple times so far, but it's going to be a really hard class. It's full of cool people though like Davis, Kezia, Sam, and that odd kid that sits next to me.

6th Period - Law - Kim - Yeah how did I wind up here is a good question. I originally had Movie Genres, but I switched out partly because it was a bad group, I could easily get to Steven's class second semester, and I had 2 movie classes on the same day. My options for filling this semester's 6th period were: Law, Strength and Fitness, Power Volleyball, Jewelry Metals, Woodcarving, or Paint and Draw. It was obvious to choose Law. This class seems cool despite it's conservative lean(Gerard, Justin Hinkley, Dominic, Tyler, etc). This class should be a good one and if not, well at least I'm not carving wood.

Now for some prominent events since school started.

Davis and I see a painter staring inquisitively, almost as if confused, at a partly finished wall.
Davis: And then he realized..............they were paying him by the hour.

Davis and I saying hi to anyone I met on the way to Music Theory
Tori Holloway and Kelley Jordan walk by
Davis: Hi Kelley!
Tori:*Angry Glare*

We played at the football game on friday in which we of course lost. I brought my horn, but unfortunately, when I got there, I discovered I had only brought the case, so I sang along to the songs since I had learned about Do Ra Me in AP Music Theory that day.

Whilst waiting in line for my schedule change, I met a hot girl. Said hot girl opened a conversation by her own choice. Said hot girl showed signs of intelligence and was talking about how she wanted to get in honors classes. She said hi to known juniors, so I assumed she got confused and was referring to AP by saying Honors. Then Jens(freshman I know) comes by and says Hi. I thought NOOOOOO. Then when I told her about how I wanted to get AP Physics, she didn't know what that class was. She was a freshman. The kill all point right there. I was close though. I did find out her name though on my own. Whilst looking for fines, she said "I'll look and see if my sister has a fine, let's see E's over there..." Nothing gets by me when I am paying attention. She also said her sister is kind of Emo. That led me on a goose chase as there are 4 emo E girls in the class year she described. I found my sister's yeabook instead and found out her name. I will not divulge that information on the internet however.

One day into school, Sai already knew how to crack MacMinder and had Quinn back up and running. Ah district, you are so n00b.

That's it for now. Peace out.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Seabrook Word Post.

Yes let me first of all say I know I posted them backwards of how I usually do it (which is backwards itself, so I accidentally posted forwards). Just go to the bottom of the pictures and come back up. It was an accident and I didn't realize I was doing it until I was in for so many pictures that it would be a huge waste of time to correct the mistake.

And with that out of the way, let's get to Seabrook.

On tuesday, I got to SW at 8am thinking that this year I would actually be there on time with everyone else. Everyone else turned out to be the girls. Orion came about 10 minutes late and Steven came shortly thereafter. No sign of Davis, which was highly odd as he loves getting up early even more than I do. So we got into the place to get our pictures taken and the photographer lady wouldn't let me smile funny even though I wasn't buying pictures this year because I am getting the portrait junk done. I gave a stupid looking smile I hope and we'll see how it comes out. Then we went to the SAC and Cecilia tried to trick me into buyin a senior shirt. I might do it because the back mentions "kind of a big deal." Which has a whole other meaning for people that play Guild Wars.

I got my schedule from a girl that was wearing a low shirt that I had to use all my eye micro to look at her and not let my eyes wander even in the slightest. After the schedules, I got some weird classes (marine biology wtf?) but the lines for changing schedules there were too long, so I'm going to go in at about 7:00 on the first day. After that, we went to the ASB line that didn't move at all hardly. Davis showed up and realized he had to take pictures. We met Linnea's exchange student for this year. So I got my parking permit and this time it is lower than 100. Also, it's green.

After that, we had to get our laptops, but oh wait we needed a stamp to get it, so we all went back and got stamps. Ari McInnes was stamping papers at the door of the sac to exit and I didn't have a paper, so I got the genius idea to get her to stamp my hand. Steven and I wound up coming back another time to actually get the paper when we were denied entry again to the laptop place. After finally getting my laptop, I was excited to see that that little plastic cap on the charger that I had made such a huge effort to not lose last year was still on the charger. Unfortunately, there were no duckheads, which I used a lot, so that will be a slight problem. They also had me sign a contract, but I didn't sign it until I saw my laptop because I actually read the contract since it was about four sentences long. On the way to our lockers, I walked by the ASB line and said hello to the other girls (Emily, Kezia, Fritzie, and Jessalyn). They said something about how my laptop didn't have writing on it. It turns out some people had black writing reading shoreline schools on their laptop. We all checked our adjacent lockers of pwnage and then the auxiliary one which Davis picked up off the ground.

After that, we(which will mean Steven, Orion, and I) headed out to Seabrook. The drive was relatively quick and Orion got pretty good mileage for his car. I did some puzzles in the backseat. For lunch, we stopped in a sleepy little town and had pizza at this place. The pizza was really good and the whole thing cost about as much as 2 slices at "By the Slice." We got some groceries at Ocean Shores and then headed up to Seabrook. All we did the rest of the day was play a game of Monopoly in which I used my idiocy to change the power from Steven to Orion, forcing Steven out of the game, leading to my (team awesome's) win.

The next morning, I got up at 9 and made breakfast/played on my gameboy until 11 when I woke up Orion and Steven for breakfast or lunch rather. After that, we went to the beach to play frisbee for a while. When we came back, we biked to Pacific Beach which was maybe a ten minute ride for me because I picked the bike with no gears so going up hills was pretty intense. At Pacific Beach, we got a couple groceries and then came back to Seabrook. We played a game of Scrabble in which Orion won, then some Gauntlet Legends until it got boring, then more Scrabble in which Orion won. That night we roasted marshmallows for smores and some little asian girl kept coming to inspect our fire or something. I knew she had no expert opinion though because I was the incompetent boyscout, so I knew everything. Steven did some FPS with no crosshairs(except for pubes?) to put out the fire.

The next day, I got up early again and did the same thing and we all ate the breakfast at lunch time. After that, we drove to Ocean Shores to do the go-karts there. We did the fast cars first. After a couple of laps, I noticed a silver object on the racetrack. I thought it was my camera, but it was Steven's phone. Orion ran over it on the next lap, but those phones are very durable and it was not damaged more than cosmetically. After that, we did the slick track which is fun to drift on. I managed to get a 360, but not the fabled 720. Steven also managed to slide into me. He got tboned by my parked cart. After carting, we went to an arcade where i pwned them both at Skeeball and Pwned deer in buckhunter. I would have gotten the high score at skeeball on one machine, but due to a glitch of not counting balls right, I missed it by 1,000 points. I threw that last ball and beat the record but it didnt register. We got 10 bouncy balls and a Kazoo for our 258 combined tickets. Those quarter machines are like slot machines for kids. They ate up half of our quarters. Some guy actually stopped and chuckled at us. We got some billiardsage going after that in which we determined that Orion is better than Steven, who is better than me, who is better than Orion. We came back to Seabrook and we had hot dogs and went kite fighting. It was quite fun to slam kites into each other. We had to stop after Steven and I busted a string on each kite. That night, we watched Blade and Firewall. I fell asleep during Firewall because I had already seen it and it was boring. I fell asleep as the action started too.

The next morning, I made breakfast again and since it was the last day, I finished off all the breakfast food we had. I made 11 eggs into scrambled eggs, and I made double bisquick pancakes, so each person got 5. Wow that's a feast. Well it was ok. We packed up then hit the road. There was a big traffic slowdown for 40 minutes, but thanks to speeding, we managed to get me to tennis practice only 10 minutes late. It got rained out half an hour later.

Now I am at home and I have gotten back into Guild Wars. I sold my minipet Grawl from PAX after realizing it was a special thing you only get at conventions. I hate minipets, so I sell them. I got 80,000 gold for mine, so I bought 15k armor and I'm dying it black. I also am beating all the mission bonuses.

So Steven went to get Factions the other day and rode his bike to northgate to get it. On his way back, he got a flat so he called me. Steven, you are lucky you called when you did because that was the only 5 minutes I was in my room the whole day that I was awake. What was I doing? I was sorting my different types of accumulated change from recent trips into their respective piggy banks. Yes I sort my coins.

So I took the truck to pick up Steven and on the way back, he mentioned about going back sometime to get that logitech keyboard that we used at PAX. I had found gift cards, one at best buy and an amex one, so I said we should go back today. We went to best buy to use our gift cards. Unfortunately, they didn't have factions there, which was what I wanted, but they did have Eye of the North, so I bought it. Then we went up to target where I used my amex gift card to buy Factions. Now I have all the games, so I am set for a while.

Right now I think I need to go to tennis soon, so peace out.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Both license plate letters on the two white cars were RLY.
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Problem with the packing. Not as damaging to the trunk as when I tried to shut it and forgot that the gas cap was blocking it from shutting.
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Orion and I did shots to finish off the milk.
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I froze a half can so I could have it later.
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Heh heh.
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A good myspace picture of emoness.
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And just in case you thought I didn't put it in.
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Oh no Davis, I didn't recycle the newspaper.
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Accidentally leaving my mark.
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It was pretty intense. I got a head on collision with Steven at one point.
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The kite fighting begins.
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Holding on to the tail that we didn't use off a kite so that it wont fly away.
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Orion setting up his kite. This is one of the only pictures I'm in.
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This town was so goody-two-shoes that it had its own premade lemonade stand.
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Orion: Good then we don't need hot dogs.
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Driving back to Seabrook from Ocean Shores. The triforce is a little more visible here.
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I don't know why everything I did was in FPS style picture. Maybe it was from watching too much Pure Pwnage.
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More Billiards.
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Typo to the extreme.
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Playing Billiards.
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Oh, and this Kazoo.
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258 tickets got us these 10 bouncy balls.
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