Monday, September 10, 2007

Back in Blaptop.

Well it happened, school started and I didn't have the classes the right way so I witheld from posting until they were righted. Then I got lazy. Now without further ado, here is the post.

1st Period- Wind Ensemble - Harshman -- Well I finally made it. The top of the mountain, the big cheese. I am glad to finally be up where the air is thin. Even if I share this thin air with 4 other French Horns. I think I can beat out Mr. Goei and possibly Chip as I hear, but Brad and Maddy will be good competition for me.

2nd Period- Hollywood and History - Stuart -- This is going to be one EASY class. All we do is watch a historical movie, then before the next one has finished, turn in a review of the one we just watched. Eric Chan is in that class with me, so it's a nice class to start the day on.

3rd Period - AP Physics - Davis -- This was originally accounting, but since I wanted a science credit, so I joine this class because I heard so many cool people were in it. This was correct. Only a couple people in the class are strangers to me. Some cool people in the class are: Davis, Steven, Orion, Alex, Ahmad, Ben, Albert, and the list goes on.

4th Period - Senior Lifetime Sports - Moreno -- Huzzah Moreno is the teacher. This class is going to pwn with the exception of the one week of dance lessons. Other than that, I can hang with Justin and I'll be good with that. The first time attendance was taken, my name was called and suddenly 2 guys blurt out "WHOA DAVID'S HERE?" It was Matt and Mike. It was cool they were excited I guess.

5th Period - AP Music Theory - Hendrix -- ZOMG. This class would be way easier if I played the piano. I have managed to find shortcuts to the right answers that people missed a couple times so far, but it's going to be a really hard class. It's full of cool people though like Davis, Kezia, Sam, and that odd kid that sits next to me.

6th Period - Law - Kim - Yeah how did I wind up here is a good question. I originally had Movie Genres, but I switched out partly because it was a bad group, I could easily get to Steven's class second semester, and I had 2 movie classes on the same day. My options for filling this semester's 6th period were: Law, Strength and Fitness, Power Volleyball, Jewelry Metals, Woodcarving, or Paint and Draw. It was obvious to choose Law. This class seems cool despite it's conservative lean(Gerard, Justin Hinkley, Dominic, Tyler, etc). This class should be a good one and if not, well at least I'm not carving wood.

Now for some prominent events since school started.

Davis and I see a painter staring inquisitively, almost as if confused, at a partly finished wall.
Davis: And then he realized..............they were paying him by the hour.

Davis and I saying hi to anyone I met on the way to Music Theory
Tori Holloway and Kelley Jordan walk by
Davis: Hi Kelley!
Tori:*Angry Glare*

We played at the football game on friday in which we of course lost. I brought my horn, but unfortunately, when I got there, I discovered I had only brought the case, so I sang along to the songs since I had learned about Do Ra Me in AP Music Theory that day.

Whilst waiting in line for my schedule change, I met a hot girl. Said hot girl opened a conversation by her own choice. Said hot girl showed signs of intelligence and was talking about how she wanted to get in honors classes. She said hi to known juniors, so I assumed she got confused and was referring to AP by saying Honors. Then Jens(freshman I know) comes by and says Hi. I thought NOOOOOO. Then when I told her about how I wanted to get AP Physics, she didn't know what that class was. She was a freshman. The kill all point right there. I was close though. I did find out her name though on my own. Whilst looking for fines, she said "I'll look and see if my sister has a fine, let's see E's over there..." Nothing gets by me when I am paying attention. She also said her sister is kind of Emo. That led me on a goose chase as there are 4 emo E girls in the class year she described. I found my sister's yeabook instead and found out her name. I will not divulge that information on the internet however.

One day into school, Sai already knew how to crack MacMinder and had Quinn back up and running. Ah district, you are so n00b.

That's it for now. Peace out.

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