Monday, August 25, 2008

0r10n are teh gawn

Well Orion left, but not before we had a weeklong (with breaks) party to send him off. There was a Pokemon marathon that didn't work out because of boringness and repetitiveness. We also went to see our Stanwood friends from FBLA, which was pretty cool. There was also a poker party in there in which I actually managed to profit, making my first profitable poker party in I don't know how long. I added that hard earned dollar to my DS fund. There was lots of assorted hanging out as well and I think that he was sufficiently happy with his departure party. It's going to be different now having 2 friends that I have to remember live 3 hours ahead. Aside from Orion leaving, I haven't done much. I went to see my dad's friend's new house at his housewarming party yesterday and that was kind of cool because it was a really neat house. Other than that, I am just waiting for PAX and training at SC so that I can survive the first round of the SC tournament. This is quite a short post for me and I only made it because I was bored and hadn't done anything much in the past week and I don't plan on doing much this week, but hopefully things will liven up after PAX and I will have some stories to tell.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Ear infections can cause obesity?

Yeah I heard that on the news last night. Next thing you know, they will have proven that breathing causes death. Anyway, there are a buttload of pictures and some videos below. I suggest you look through them at your leisure because most of them are cool or at least provide a good anecdote. Also, if you want to see where I come from, check them out. It took 3 days to post all of them because when I got up into needing word verifications, I would stop because I wanted to leave off in easy places for myself. Sorry for taking so long to post them also. It would have been quicker, but when I uploaded mom's, they randomized. The most pictures of hers I had in a row that were in correct order was 6. There were 490 total, so there was lots of organizing to be done there. Well with that being said, let's cover the past while.

Well Klahaya tennis finally ended. I am sad because I will never get to partake in it again, but I'll always have the memories and I will pop by next year to say hi a few times. The last week was cool because only about 1/3 of us were there, so there were about 5 people and we just played games and stuff. On the last day, we got a bunch of the prizes that were unused for the younger lessons and four of us stayed through 3:00pm, 4 hours after our lesson got out because the girl and I were done after that. We almost went to Wild Waves on Thursday, but it was a tentative plan and fell through. Other than that, I look forward to more tennis in the future.

High School Reunion:
We drove down to Richland last weekend for Dad's 30 year high school reunion. It was pretty cool to see some people. Kathryn and I saw Hancock, which was a meh movie. We met some funny people and not much else happened. Also, my uncle made a really good prime rib. He takes the steak and covers it (I mean so that you cannot see the steak) with black pepper and garlic salt. It was SOOOO GOOD. After that, we went to pick up my grandpa from my great aunt and uncle's house in Selah. It's always good to go see them. We showed them pictures from our trip to the Netherlands and we learned about our family's connection to Queen Wilhemina (friends) and we also learned about another friend of the family with a last name pronounced Fuk-yuh. My great aunt remembers being told not to laugh at her name as a kid.

Aside from those two things, I have been playing a lot of videogames. Guild Wars is going well and I have been practicing Starcraft for the tournament at PAX. I am actually learning this time and I think I am getting better, though nowhere near the level of Steven. I did manage to legitimately survive for 17 minutes against him though. Take that Sai and Keir! I've also been playing Flight Simulator. I got past the missions I had done on the last computer, so now that I am in new territory, it's a pretty fun game.

Well that's it for now. Orion is back and we need to make party. I'm currently downloading the first 2 seasons of Pokemon. My computer downloads it very fast and I am very impressed, but I am going to stop the post now because I want to cut down on processes running during the download so that it goes faster.

Also, who put that sticker on the back of my truck? Please tell me because I was quite angry to find it there.

That's it for now, peace out.

Friday, August 15, 2008

The train that took us from the airport to Den Haag.
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There were lots of bikes.
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Cool sand sculptures.
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If someone offers you Bitterballen, DO NOT TAKE THEM. It was gross meat in this nasty looking and nasty tasting deep fried crap. It was very bitter and was a ball. It was bad.
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Coca-Cola light is hella you.
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William of Orange. He was not the one that was the king of England. This was just William the Silent.
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William of Orange!!!
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A tile in a church that was after my heart.
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Ooh, sign me up!
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The beach at Scheveningen.
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Finally we stick them in their own bathroom. They can go play their acoustic guitars half naked in there.
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The pier at Scheveningen.
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Funny signs.
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A tennis tournament in Scheveningen that happens right after Wimbledon.
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Watching an exhibition match at Scheveningen.
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More tennis.
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The International War Crimes Court.
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Laying down the law at the International War Crimes Court.
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Funny hitches.
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A new windmill for energy. There were many of these.
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And a traditional windmill for irrigation.
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Occasionally, the road would go under these canals. One time, we went under as a boat was going through, so it was like going under the boat. How backwards.
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Boorbergum, where some of my family is from.
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Me with the great great great grandparents. They come from my grandpa's mother's side.
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