Monday, August 25, 2008

0r10n are teh gawn

Well Orion left, but not before we had a weeklong (with breaks) party to send him off. There was a Pokemon marathon that didn't work out because of boringness and repetitiveness. We also went to see our Stanwood friends from FBLA, which was pretty cool. There was also a poker party in there in which I actually managed to profit, making my first profitable poker party in I don't know how long. I added that hard earned dollar to my DS fund. There was lots of assorted hanging out as well and I think that he was sufficiently happy with his departure party. It's going to be different now having 2 friends that I have to remember live 3 hours ahead. Aside from Orion leaving, I haven't done much. I went to see my dad's friend's new house at his housewarming party yesterday and that was kind of cool because it was a really neat house. Other than that, I am just waiting for PAX and training at SC so that I can survive the first round of the SC tournament. This is quite a short post for me and I only made it because I was bored and hadn't done anything much in the past week and I don't plan on doing much this week, but hopefully things will liven up after PAX and I will have some stories to tell.


blitzmoose said...

When you get a DS you should get Pokemon Diamond as both Davis and I have Pearl.

Also, I am up for SC today. Are you though?

Davos said...