Sunday, September 28, 2008

How School Is.

Sorry about this being late in the day, but I only now remembered that I had not posted about college yet. I have been keeping myself busy today though, but I shall get to that later. How about I just jump right into it for a change?

My schedule:
9:30-10:20: English- Vasishth
10:30-11:20: Principles of Accounting- Hogan
11:30-12:20: Jazz Band- Reid
12:30-1:35: Algebra- Hancock
7:00-9:30- Band- Noreen

Tuesday - Thursday:
9:30-10:20: English- Vasishth
10:30-11:20: Principles of Accounting- Hogan
11:30-12:20: Jazz Band- Reid
12:30-1:35: Algebra- Hancock

9:30-10:20: English- Vasishth
10:30-11:20: Principles of Accounting- Hogan
11:30-12:20: Jazz Band- Reid

So as you can see, my schedule is perfect for me because I get out early on Fridays as a treat and I also made it so I can get up after 7am, which makes me an entirely different person. When I was making my schedule, all I wanted was to be able to get up after 7. I now get up just as Kathryn and mom walk out the door, so I get up to an empty house which is also nice. I like SCC I guess. It could be better, but I figure if all goes well I'll just be at the UW in a year, so I can put up with this as long as I need to then. You probably want to hear about my classes though, so here it goes.

The teacher must come from another room or something because he always comes in just as class is starting and he unpacks his stuff. He's a short guy from India and he is really cool. His handwriting will make you realize why people compare bad handwriting to chicken scratches (it is often illegible), but he knows his stuff and is quite funny, such as when he made flavor gum sound like an orgasm and when he started joking around about ecstasy (not the drug, but then relating it to the drug). Willie is in that class as well as Greeny, so it's pretty cool.

Oh my God that class is boring. I understand what Sai meant now when he said Accounting is easy, but it just takes a lot of time. It is simple math, but it just takes a long time to do. The teacher is really knowledgeable though. Our class was too big, so we had to move to this big room that seats 100 and we are about 40 people, but since the desks are made for right handed people (WHICH DRIVES ME INSANE) I am able to use the vacant desk in front of me, which I greatly appreciate. Also, my accounting textbook has a picture of a surfer on it, which confuses the hell out of me (picture to come).

Jazz Band:
That's right, I wound up doing it after all. It's a really cool group. I fight right in with the trumpet section because all of the men in the section have goatees. The other two guys are between 30 and 50 and are quite good, so it's cool to learn from them. We also have two girls in our sections. The saxophone section looks good too. Unfortunately, we have no trombones right now, which is a problem. I'm trying to recruit Steve McCarthy though. I had forgotten how much fun it is to play jazz and I am really enjoying it especially since it breaks up my otherwise boring day.

My teacher is this older southern lady and I really like her. She's good at math and is unintentionally funny at times. She also likes to make awkward (in timing and phrasing) jokes that usually I am the only one laughing at. She likes to pick on me for that for some reason, but it's cool because I can give her some backsass without getting in trouble. I sit next to a few older ladies in the class as well. The one right next to me reminds me a lot of Mrs. Borumand. It looks like it will be a good class because the teacher is not boring like most of my other math teachers.

I was surprised that this band is actually about 80% made up for 30-50 year olds. We have a couple guys over 70 years old as well. Our horn section is about 7 strong and we change parts around a lot, but we got Armenian dances and I made sure to claim first part on that. Kezia and Steve are in the band, so they are some good people to hang out with. We actually manage to get a lot done for meeting only once a week, so it will be cool to see how this plays out.

College life in general:
I am forced to park down the hill in the Greenwood lot because my day starts so late, but I don't mind because it forces me to use stairs which will slowly get me in shape (it's quite a trek). I hate that the music program is about as far as possible from the main campus, but at the same time it's cool. It does make getting in and out of Jazz band on time a slight challenge though. I have been late to math both days that I've had it, so I'll need to get better at that. I actually have almost the two farthest apart classes right after one another, so it's hard to get to math on time, but I'll get used to it. I really like the fact that I get out early on Fridays because it makes the weekend start earlier. I also like being able to now stay up until 11:40. It makes a good amount of time for homework or gaming.

Outside of college:
Well I took care of the garbage in the back of my truck and took it to the dump the other day. Today, I decided it was time to buy a DS and then mom convinced me to use up all my gift cards (I had a lot), so it became the day of shopping. I went and got my black DS WITH APOLLO JUSTICE!!!111 and then went to REI where I got mom a water bottle, Kathryn a birthday present, and me a new hat that I wanted, but would probably not have otherwise bought if I did not have a gift card. It's a cool hat, I should post a picture of it sometime. After that, I used my Coldstone Creamery card to treat mom and dad to some ice cream there. They had never been, but I think they liked it. I still have a card for Barnes & Noble (need to hit up the one in the U district with the good music selection) and one for Joe's (perhaps they shall have good sunglasses or Seahawks stuff). After we got back, I took out an axe and cut down this old, dead tree in our yard. I gained new respect for those timbersports guys as my arms are still tired. Now I am getting sore again from holding them up to the keyboard to post and I just realized I should do my math homework (even though it's a joke of a review (negative exponents ooOoOooOOo)), so I'm going to peace out for now.

Monday, September 22, 2008

It's schoolin' time.

Well yes, I start school today. Even though it's only a band class and even though I have tomorrow off before starting my other classes, I still count today as my little first day of college. I first off must apologize if anyone missed me this weekend for gaming and such, but I was busy the whole weekend (the Guild Wars people will notice since I actually went over a day without signing on). Anyhow, I will now detail why I was gone. Feel free to read this if you wish as it is my last disorganized summer post before I move into school time posts that wind up being more regular and organized. Oh also, if you haven't yet, check the pictures below. Then again, everyone has seen my new comp now that ever will, so just feel free to anyway. Ok, so off to the week.

Davis came over a couple times to beat Bioshock after he had come so close before Orion had left. After watching him and thinking it looked like fun, I tried to get back into it, but I just got bored with it this time (better than being too scared to play). I just couldn't get into the controls and the visibility issues, so I stopped playing again and got into some other games, such as Pirates. Also, I spent an entire day on Rome: Total War last week doing an imperial campaign. It was really fun, but when I finished at 10:00 at night, I looked around and thought to myself "Wow, I just wasted the whole day." Aside from that, this week I did not get as many vgs in and I missed a chance to play more factions with Orion. Now that I am home more regularly for school, I will have more time for vgs (after homework of course).

DS Fund/Work:
Well my DS fund has reached the required amout ($130.00) and just in time for my summer job as a Gardener/Unlicensed Contractor/Elderly Care Specialist to end. I now have to decide which color of a DS I shall experience Phoenix Wright 3 (damn straight) on.

Davis' Goodbye Party:
Davis left on Friday and had stuff going on Thursday, but that didn't stop us from having an epic party on Wednesday night. We had the intention of playing GoW, but for some reason, Ahmad and my xboxes would not link up again like they did during the last party. It wound up being people playing Brawl, while Davis and I on my PCs played Steven and Sai (who had brought their laptops) at Starcraft. Despite the fact that Steven's team won every game, it was still pretty fun. Everyone left around 12:30 or 1 I can't remember, but it was late. Ahmad stayed later with Sai and I for some COD4 that was really fun. Ahmad left around 2, then Sai showed me Zero Hour, which is pretty fun. At 2:30, we put on Star Wars Episode 4 and we had both fallen asleep before Luke's aunt and uncle were killed and I was once again woken up to the menu which had been looping for hours.

After dropping Sai off at his house, I went to Grandpa's house. When I came in and asked what he wanted to get done today, he said "Well I wanna get that CRAP your aunt was BITCHIN' about the other day." I almost fell over laughing because of the way he said it. We got his driver's license renewed and we went to Costco to get the stuff she wanted us to get.

I got up at 7 to go to Grandpa's birthday party at Panera in Northgate mall. It's this cafe on the outside that he's been going to for over a year now. The people are really cool and they were very generous, not accepting money for hosting the party. There were a ton of people there. The auto mechanic and his co-worker that I always visit closed their shop for a few hours to come by and say hi. After that was over, Dianna and I took Grandpa to Sam's club to get some stuff for his family birthday party that night. We also got some angel food cake mix for me to make since they did not have premade cakes. After that, we went to his house and dropped him off, then I went home to put more pictures on his electronic frame and to make the cakes. I came back a couple of hours later and then we waited around for an hour before the family got there and we went to Santorini's. After that, we came back and had my mediocre cake. It was good and people liked it, but I like Mom's or Kathryn's cakes better.

We got up early again to go to the Shorewood-Kamiak game at Qwest field. Shorewood scored on a safety shortly after we arrived, but that was the only score for them the whole game. Even though Kamiak won 35-2, I had fun sitting on the 50 yard line and going up in the hawk's nest for a while.

My aunt wasn't feeling good, so she called me up and offered me her ticket to the Seahawks game. I took grandpa there and we had a good time watching us actually win. It was a good game, but we still need to get some more practice in if we want to take on the Giants and win in 2 weeks.

I haven't done much yet, but I don't intend to either. I'm making this post now and then I'll get on Guild Wars to see what I've missed. Until I have learned what college is like, peace out.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Epic fail.
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The package Bioshock arrived in.
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Skyway must personally inspect every box that comes into our house.
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Skyway is checking for bombs.
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Take that, my graphics card has a dragon on it.
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The tower.
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The fan that lights up on the side of the case.
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The front panel on the CPU.
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This is how the setup looks when the flash is on and drowns out the lights.
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Skyway enjoys this computer more because it is more comfortable than sitting on my old monitor.
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This is how it looks with a cat sitting on it.
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This is how it looks when the lights are off around it.
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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Maka posty posty

Well I wonder how many of you found it odd that I went an entire week without posting while I was at my house. Truth be told, I didn't have much to post about at all. Expect a short post, I know you like those types anyway.

Last Friday, dad came home not feeling well. It turns out he had the flu that becomes bronchitis. Some more avid readers may remember when I had this thing halfway through junior year (I still love the quotes Orion). So anyway, throughout the week, it has spread to Kathryn, who has had to miss swimming practices and almost school; and mom, who has had to miss work. I have tried to distance myself from them and to drink lot's of juice while they are sick. Hopefully the practice my body recieved on fighting this thing last time was sufficient and that is why I am holding it off so well, but I really don't want to catch this bug right before school starts.

The fair:
On Thursday, I took grandpa to the Puyallup fair. It was pretty cool and mostly new to me because the last time I went was fo 2.5 hours (2 of which I was at the ZZ Top concert) during Freshman year. I don't even remember the times I went before that because I was so young when they happened. The fair was cool, there was a lot of stuff to do. At one point, we were watching a 3 girls (none of them hot (looked around sophomore/junior ages)) and one boy who sang up in the girls' register. They were some travelling group and they weren't the best singers, especially when they tried to harmonize. One of them was pretty good. An awkward moment was when one of the girls was singing "I will always love you" and during the chorus I looked up and she was making AWKWARD EYE CONTACT WITH ME. The rest of the fair was cool though.

Tropic Thunder:
I went with Ben, Sai, Ahmad, Eric, Tom, and Bohdon. It was a really good movie compared to what I expected. Afterwards, we played some tennis.

Guild Wars:
Steven and I made it to the Hall of Heroes the other day, which was cool because I had never been before, but we lost unfortunately. I did manage to get my first rank in the hero title track, which means more possibilities for groups will soon open up for me. Also, Orion has gotten back into it and we are pwning up Factions.

So this coming week is Davis' last week. We should all really hang out because if I am informed correctly, Sai has the week off of work. We should make this week an epic party, or at least make a few days of it that. Ok well this post wound up being somewhat long, sorry, but peace out anyway.

Friday, September 05, 2008

There you go.

Sorry about the delay, but I was out of town. The word post is below the pictures. Enjoy them. Orion, here is all the "cool" shit you missed getting. Expect some of it to show up at your door mysteriously.

The American van.
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Why you should never give gamers pipe cleaners. On other days, there were life size 3 dimensional penises. By life size, I don't mean like life size penis, but ME sized. That's right, some people made a 6 foot tall, 3 dimensional pipe cleaner penis.
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Someone had to do it.
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The first thing we saw upon entering the exhibit hall.
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Eric is noticeably happy.
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Chris grabbin' his ballz by the ladies.
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Captain Falcon, Apollo Justice, and 2 others I forget the names of playing Rock Band. Last year, these were the Phoenix Wright guys.
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Wow SC on the PC freeplay.
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SC freeplay.
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Sai's angry face while playing CS:S.
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The word "Game" kept flickering on and off.
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