Sunday, September 14, 2008

Maka posty posty

Well I wonder how many of you found it odd that I went an entire week without posting while I was at my house. Truth be told, I didn't have much to post about at all. Expect a short post, I know you like those types anyway.

Last Friday, dad came home not feeling well. It turns out he had the flu that becomes bronchitis. Some more avid readers may remember when I had this thing halfway through junior year (I still love the quotes Orion). So anyway, throughout the week, it has spread to Kathryn, who has had to miss swimming practices and almost school; and mom, who has had to miss work. I have tried to distance myself from them and to drink lot's of juice while they are sick. Hopefully the practice my body recieved on fighting this thing last time was sufficient and that is why I am holding it off so well, but I really don't want to catch this bug right before school starts.

The fair:
On Thursday, I took grandpa to the Puyallup fair. It was pretty cool and mostly new to me because the last time I went was fo 2.5 hours (2 of which I was at the ZZ Top concert) during Freshman year. I don't even remember the times I went before that because I was so young when they happened. The fair was cool, there was a lot of stuff to do. At one point, we were watching a 3 girls (none of them hot (looked around sophomore/junior ages)) and one boy who sang up in the girls' register. They were some travelling group and they weren't the best singers, especially when they tried to harmonize. One of them was pretty good. An awkward moment was when one of the girls was singing "I will always love you" and during the chorus I looked up and she was making AWKWARD EYE CONTACT WITH ME. The rest of the fair was cool though.

Tropic Thunder:
I went with Ben, Sai, Ahmad, Eric, Tom, and Bohdon. It was a really good movie compared to what I expected. Afterwards, we played some tennis.

Guild Wars:
Steven and I made it to the Hall of Heroes the other day, which was cool because I had never been before, but we lost unfortunately. I did manage to get my first rank in the hero title track, which means more possibilities for groups will soon open up for me. Also, Orion has gotten back into it and we are pwning up Factions.

So this coming week is Davis' last week. We should all really hang out because if I am informed correctly, Sai has the week off of work. We should make this week an epic party, or at least make a few days of it that. Ok well this post wound up being somewhat long, sorry, but peace out anyway.


Davos said...



gcujz...gee, cuz.

Oreo said...

haha, i remember that vista quote.

also, AWKWARD EYE CONTACT was priceless.

irfeg, nearly hilarious.