Sunday, March 22, 2009

I can has girlfriend?

Why am I even planning on posting about the week leading up to this. I know that all of the readers are going to be skipping to the end to figure out if I now have a girlfriend. Well take this: It's neither a yes or a no. So there, now you know the answer and you have to read the whole post because none of the end stuff makes sense without the beginning (ok just kidding, but seriously, don't skip out on the whole post reading). I'll try to make it interesting.

Tuesday-Thursday afternoon:
Tuesday was a dead day, meaning we have no classes, so I spent the day beating Metroid: Prime, then starting Resident Evil 4, then getting pissed off at the controls and giving it up to go play Ocarina of Time. My finals went well. I shall now recap my classes.

Business Precalc (Math 111)
This was an odd class because we started out with 40 people, so there were two people on the first day that didn't even get chairs. Before long, they started dropping like flies and at the end of the quarter, only 7 of us showed up on time, and the remaining 10ish showed up within 15 minutes of class starting. So that means over half of our classed dropped, which was actually pretty nice. I can't wait to get my grade since I did pretty well throughout. I enjoyed being the first to finish our (surprisingly easy) final and watching people give me that "how did you manage to do that so quickly" look as I turned in my essay and left.

Great Works of Asian Literature (Engl 154W)
THis was one of my writing intensive classes and it wasn't too bad, but if it had been taught by any other professor than this guy (my favorite professor at SCC), it would have been an intensely boring class. This was also the class in which I had my favorite classmates (besided Jazz Band of course). The people were really cool and though the material was boring at times, it ended up being a good class and I'm glad I took it.

Jazz Band (I don't know the code (why the hell am I putting these in anyway?))
I liked this semester even more because as I get better, our bottom line increases and we are able to play better songs. Ok I'm not the worst one in the band....oh shit. I am. Oh well, Doug knows that if we get a part that's hard, I just will work to get it down because we actually play cool music worth (thinking about) practicing.

Concert Band
I'm glad that stupid annoying girl wasn't in it and I hope she does not come back this quarter.

English 102
This one was my online class and it went surprisingly well. I had a lot of fun doing it and I was psyched to get a 4.0 on my final essay that I felt I deserved because I put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears (as well as time) into it. I'm doing another online class this quarter to keep my hours down, so this will be cool. I heard the one I'm taking is a really cool course if done online. If it works out, I think I will start doing an online class every quarter so I don't have to spend too much time on campus each day and I can keep my eating schedule somewhat normal.

Ok, with that out of the way, I'll get into the weekend. Warning though, It'll be short because I had to edit out all the times I had sex.

Yeah I didn't think you would fall for that either.

After the final, I packed and headed out to the airport. I had a window seat, which was nice and the people next to me were nice as well. The flight got in on time and I had to make a quick stop to pee (TMI? I think not) and then I went to meet up with Rachel in the main area. We went back to her house and I got to meet her dog that I had forgotten that they had gotten ten months ago (it was not ten, I was just doing a thing with the word forgotten to gotten to ten (OCD strikes yet again)). It was late at night, so I went to sleep after hanging out downstairs for a little bit.

Rachel and I, being indecisive, could not figure out what to do, so we decided to think of things we could do while walking the dog. That plan failed because we didn't think about things we could do whilst on the walk. Eventually, we wound up going to lunch, then cleaning out the car for her mom. Also, somewhere in there, I almost asked her out, but didn't because I was too nervous (get ready for that to come up a lot). That night, we learned that due to snow coming in over the pass, Rachel was going to have to leave the next day so that she wouldn't get pwned by the snow, so with the permission of her parents, I arranged to fly out of Reno instead and I would go to UNR with her and spend the night in her dorm room. We stayed up late watching a show called MANswers that basically involves a dude mentioning the words "boobs, chicks, farts, sex, penis" over and over again. It's like Mythbusters for perverts.

Because we stayed up until 1, Rachel slept in until 11. I didn't mind though as I had Phoenix Wright going while watching some March Madness. We had a couple hours to run some errands, then we had to pack and leave right after lunch. During the car ride, chalk up another time I failed to ask her out because I was nervous. It was a good two hour car ride in which I had ample time to get over my nerves, but did not somehow. It was quite snowy in the pass and I was only somewhat glad I was not driving (it could have been a good challenge). Anyway, when we got to the campus, Rachel was going to be late for her lacrosse practice so she could show me around then get me situated in her room while she was at practice. That worked and before she left, the dinner plans with her team were looking unstable, so I actually asked her out. When she came back however, it turns out that the team wanted to have dinner after all, so I went with her and the team. There were some hot chicks on the team and they were all really nice. We ate at this pasta place and to not be picky, I had spaghetti...WITH MEAT SAUCE ON IT OMFG. Someone call Orion as he has probably fainted from reading this. After we got back to Rachel's room, we hung out with some people on her floor and watched Triple X with this girl that reminded me a lot of Maddy (quite a lot, it was rather frightening). After that, we talked about something with her (I didn't pay attention) and then headed back to Rachel's room, where her roomate had already fallen asleep. Her roomate is kind of a Gil Lim, but nicer and approachable. She seemed to enjoy my sarcasm and slight pervertedness (I held back, I know). I slept on the floor, though they both doubted my ability to be comfortable. I said, "If I can sleep in dirt for the OA, I can sleep on a carpet." Sleep was pretty good, I mean I slept, so it wasn't bad.

So we got up and had to leave to the airport. Realizing it was now or never, I finally overcame my nerves and talked to Rachel about it and she said that she wanted to, but perhaps later when she has matured a bit because I guess she's been through some bad breakups or something and she didn't want there to be bad blood between us. I said that was ok and I let her know I would be trying again later, which seemed to be well recieved, so I don't have a girlfriend, but I do have a reservation (which is a record for me (which is really sad when you think about it)). I know that someday she shall be my girlfriend, but at least not 2009. That's cool though as I'm starting to appreciate single life above age 18. So yeah, perhaps there will be ladies between then and now (then again, this is me we're talking about so probably not), but whatever happens, I know a good thing when I see it and I can wait a little bit (I can hear you guys thinking how naive I am, and to you I say this is a special case that normal stereotypes can not be applied to). Anyway, the flight back was awesome. I got seated next to a Canadian guy that actually ended every sentence with "Eh." I did all I could to not laugh, but he was a really cool guy. We flew back on a Q400, which is a 2:2 plane with propellers (not a jet). The flight attendents were funny, the view was awesome, and MY SEAT VIBRATED. It was like a 2 hour back massage, which felt so amazing.

Anyway, yeah I think things are going to work out. There is not a doubt in my mind that I will someday wind up with the girl of my dreams and if it takes a little bit more waiting, I can deal with that. I mean come on, I've gone 18.5 years without sex/relationships, I can sure as hell last a couple more.

I know it might seem like a rushed post, but I gotta take care of Kathryn for dinner tonight (we're going to grandpa's house since he has food) since mom and dad are in Vegas meeting one of dad's clients (more on that next post). Anyway, until next time, peace out.


Oreo said...

first of all, props on finally talking it out with rachel.

i have seen an episode of manswers late at night as well. that is where I learned it is possible (and very dangerous) to get drunk by pouring alcohol into your ass.

lol @ "I know it might seem like a rushed post" since it was at least your average length i think.

Eric said...

bow chicka bow wow

I have also seen manswers and learned that you could make a taser out of a disposable camera. But yeah seems like a pretty sweet trip.

David said...

So that's where I learned that before! I thought somebody had shown me that. It was you, Eric.

Davos said...

GJ David!
It is definitely worth waiting for. I don't think you're naive at all. Good for you.

Why the hell am I being so positive all of a sudden?