Monday, March 09, 2009

I keep on truckin' every day (since I drive one).

So this has been a pretty good week. I don't know how eventful it was really, but I assume the post length will tell me how good of a week I had. In videogame life, I've been working on the contest and I gave up on Rome: Total War for a while because it randomly lost all my saved data, so I won't be playing it for a while (until I get sufficiently bored again). I'd say System Shock 2 is going well, but that would be redundant because we haven't played in over a week.... So anyway, this is the last full week of the quarter and Keir is on spring break, so it's going to be a good week. Unfortunately, I wont play online SC until Wednesday I think because I have a band rehearsal tonight and a concert tomorrow. After that though, I'm good to go. Now, with nothing left to say, I can get to the week.

Band went well, except that stupid annoying girl showed up at the end. I don't know what her deal is, if she's performing with us or not. Either way, I'm not giving up the solos that she used to play. She can have them when she puts in as much time as I have to learning them and when she stops being such a huge bitch. She was wearing this jacket that said GLC, which turned out to be Green Lake Crew. I was talking with one of the french horn players/assistant conductor and he asked if I knew what that meant (she was talking to the conductor at the time). I told him I assumed it was Green Lake something because that's all I could think of for GL. When he asked her, she said Green Lake Crew and he said "Oh that's what David was thinking." Without pause to think about what she was saying, she uttered her typical question of how I'm connected. "What? How do you know that? Who do you know there?" All I could say was "I just used intuition to guess." Later, I was talking to one of the girls from the trumpet section (she's also in jazz band with me) about Victoria when this girl comes up again very annoyingly. She offered a cookie, (a lady in the band had a daughter selling girl scout cookies) which I thought was a nice gesture, but I declined a cookie hoping it would mean she would get on her way faster, but she did not, so I had to walk back to the truck with the girl I was talking to and this other girl annoyingly tagging along (not cock-blocking (meaning there was no cock attempt to be blocked) or I would have been really mad). After I got home is when I discovered my Rome: Total War info had been erased and I became angry at it and decided to get some Starcraft in.

Our math class had a scheduled non-meeting day because the professor had a doctor's appointment, so I got to sleep in an extra hour. It was very very nice to bank that sleep and then to only have 2 hours of school. My trumpet lesson went well. I'm making quick progress in my range and my tone is also getting better.

After classes, I finished the remnants of the first half of my 8-page essay before deciding to play Starcraft. I couldn't remember the last time, or if, I had beaten both Starcrafts without using cheat codes. I figured with SC2 coming out soon, I should get to it, though it is Blizzard after all, so I probably have until I'm 63 (Steven, just pretend to laugh, or pretend to read this post even :/ ). I got through the first half of the terran campaign. I had to laugh at the first few levels though because I was able to win them with just Raynor. I later talked with Steven about it and it turns out he had done the same thing.

I had a meeting scheduled for 2pm with my counselor for registration, but his wife is pregnant (I thought they had a daughter in college though...) and on top of that, he is the head of the business department and teaches an extra class beyond most professors and also has a ton of other appointments, so he had to reschedule for the next morning, which sucked, but it had to be done to get registered. I played more Starcraft in the afternoon.

I had my meeting in the morning and signed up for Business Law, Math 148 (business Calc), Jazz Band, and Intra-American Studies online. My schedule will be 9:30-12:30 Monday - Thursday and 10:30-12:30 on Fridays if I get my law class. I am on the waitlist for it currently, but I'm early enough on it that I think I have a chance of getting in. If I don't, I know of an Accounting 202 class that I had been considering and I'll just hop into that because accounting classes are always underfilled since they meet in huge rooms. After my 12:30 class, our Asian Literature class had a field trip to the Seattle Asian Art Museum. It was cool to hang out with those people outside of class. They're my favorite non-jazz band peers that I've had yet. We had some cool times there, learning that one of my new friends was once Seattle's 8th most wanted, watching Grant ride a camel statue that turned out to be a man, and checking out naked chicks in the paintings. After that, I came back by SCC and registered really quick before heading home. More Starcraft ensued that night.

It was the Booster Auction day, but I didn't know it until only a couple of days before this time because my mom was not involved this year, so I didn't get to gague when it was based on the pre-auction rage emanating from mom. She'll be doing it next year, so I'll probably experience the rage again next year. That afternoon, I went to pick up grandpa from the mall. Dad thought he had done something bad because he usually calls to talk to dad, but he called to talk to me. It's just because he likes going places with me because I willingly help him bring back crap from the mall and we work on his house and stuff. We met dad for lunch after getting grandpa some new medicine and fixing a couple things in his house. Then we ran some more errands before going home for an hour and a half, then bringing Kathryn back there to have dinner with him while mom and dad were at the auction. I finally got to see WallE, which was really good. As usual, my parents bought a lot of useless crap from the auction, but this year, we got a new record for the randomest piece of crap yet. A background though: Mom hates when things don't get bid on because if they don't get bid on, they go to waste essentially, so that's how mom wound up winning the conduct a band last year (which thankfully I made sure she did not redeem). This year, she bought a bobblehead of Moises Alou. Go ahead and google him. I can say he has nothing to do with us. I did, however, like this fact that I pointed out to mom to show her just what she had bought.
"Alou is one of the few baseball players who bat without the use of batting gloves.Alou urinates on his hands to alleviate calluses, explaining why he is able to avoid using batting gloves."
That night, I stayed up watching an old Steve Martin comedy. A quote I liked from that one was:
Steve: The only other doctor I trust to do that operation is Bekker!
Doctor: But Bekker was killed in an elevator in England last month, surely you heard of that!
Steve: That's just it! Not only is he dead, but he's 6,000 miles away!
The movie was by the people that made "The Jerk," so it was really funny. I watched half of it, then turned it off because I was getting tired and I guess while I was getting up, I fell asleep. When I woke up, it was 2:15, but only one clock said that (it automatically switched for daylight savings, which I had forgotten about) so in my half-asleep stupor, I confusedly climbed upstairs to go to bed, unsure of what time it was. I woke up an hour late because my clock was off.

I lost the hour, but I got everything done in time. I peer reviewed an essay that could have been good because it had an interesting topic (addictive potentials of MMO games), but it was total BS. The lady writing it blamed her kid's vg addiction on everyone but herself, so in my editing, I made sure to dickishly tell her how to put parental settings on her 360 and her PC. I sent a lot of people the essay, so talk to me about it or tell me if you want to read it. The family and I watched some TV, then when Kathryn had to go up to bed, dad said to flip over to this Celtic Woman special (a telethon as it turned out) on PBS. Normally, here I would say google it, but it's probably better that you don't. As everyone else went upstairs, I kept watching all 2 hours because, quite frankly, they were hot. Also it was easy listening, which is a genre that lives up to its name (only sometimes). I got mad when the announcers came on though because they were not hot and they were bitching about how other networks are evil and PBS is the only one with morals. I don't know how I watched all 2 hours, but I did and then I went to sleep.

Not much happened today. I've done the normal routine right up to this post. I have a dress rehearsal today and a concert tomorrow. On Friday, my revised paper is due and that could take a couple of hours any time, so I'll do it today and tomorrow a bit. From Wednesday on, I'm good to go. Until later when we "Skype it up to the max bitch@ and then again!", peace out.


Oreo said...

It turns out I have also seen about half of that Steve Martin movie. It was playing on HBO in China during the summer.

Davos said...

With Celtic Woman, it's always a balance between them being hot and having to listen to Celtic music for 2 hours...I've never made it the whole way through.