Wednesday, March 18, 2009

me: if i learned one thing from the art of war, it's that if your enemy shows a weakness, IT'S RAPING TIME!!!!!111
Blitzmoose: we need to play starcraft now that you have started talking about war and rape
all's fair in war and rape
wow cool
you should replace the words in old sayings with rape
and make them 1000x as cool
Me: "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can rape for your country"
Blitzmoose: a penny saved is a penny raped
Blitzmoose: an apple a day keeps the rape away
improved version
an apple a day keeps the doctor rape
Me: Mr. Gorbachev, rape down this wall
Blitzmoose: hahahaha
take the bull by rape
Me: oh!
rape the bull by the horns!
Blitzmoose: ok!
the bigger they are the harder they rape
Blitzmoose: calm before the rape
three is a rape
Blitzmoose: the ends justify the rape
Blitzmoose: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of rape
Me: fish and rape stink after three days
Me: to rape, or not to rape, that is the question
Me: if you're going through rape, keep going
Blitzmoose: you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it rape
a fool and his money are quickly raped
Blitzmoose: a friend raped is a friend indeed
Blitzmoose: a mans got to do what a mans got to do
does not need rape added
Me: don't rape your chickens before they hatch
Blitzmoose: give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you rape him for a lifetime
Me: a rape in the hand is worth two in the bush
Me: curiosity raped the cat
Blitzmoose: easy come easy rape
Me: hahahalook before you rape
don't rape a gift horse in the mouth
Blitzmoose: rape = mass times acceleration
Me: indeed
haste makes rape
Blitzmoose: ahhahaha
wow some of these are really great
Me: yeah
i got them all on my blog
when we've run out of ideas, ill post
Blitzmoose: ok let's keep going!
Me: ok!
many hands make light rape
no time like the present
Blitzmoose: nice
Me: practice makes rape
rome was not raped in a day
the more the merrier
Me: also one that could be about rape already
Blitzmoose: indeed
Me: the squeaky wheel gets raped
Blitzmoose: rape and forget
Me: hahawhen the cats away, the mice will rape
Blitzmoose: for there to be peace there must first be rape
once bitten, twice raped
Young wood makes a hot fire.
Blitzmoose: hahahahhahaha
Me: that's amazing
Blitzmoose: that is so awesome
Me: those crazy ancient greeks
Blitzmoose: indeed ^_^

1 comment:

Wize Wizard said...

well done guys, that was rather entertaining.

i would like to know how long this conversation took, though.