Monday, March 02, 2009

No Cussing Week in LA

But we don't live in LA, so they can all go to hell I guess. Well congratulations, partially to me as well, because this last week was far more eventful than the previous one. Before I start though, I want to get a couple of things out of the way.

Don't feel obligated to go to the site. I just put it there for quick reference if you felt like it. So this year, PAX is not the last weekend in August, but instead is the first weekend in September. It will be the usual Friday-Sunday thing (September 4 - September 6). Last year we had 10 people, but it was disorganized. This year, we should definitely have 10 people going that we are in regular contact with. I think that group rate still applies, but we need to act faster this year because PAX is limiting the number of badges this year. So if we can get that group discount thing, that would be good. Davis wants us to order before he leaves for Greece for spring break, so Sai, I will personally ask you to spread the word to the UW kids and I will try to do it as well and I'll get going on facebook and all that.

So Steven sent some of us an email the other day about a blizzard contest with a potentially great reward (a SC2 Beta key). Since I had nothing to draw at the time, I decided I would work on that. The going is good. Right now I have a lot of ideas for things to put in it. When I'm done, I'm definitely putting it up on the blog. Hopefully I can win this because that would be pretty cool if I did.

Ok now to the week.

Nothing much happened because I was only in school for Jazz Band. That night, that annoying girl from band showed up and I got worried, but then saw she had a trumpet case. About 2 minutes later she left. I think it means she was coming from another band practice to tell our director she was quitting the band. Many silent huzzahs ensued from the horn section.

Tuesday was a down day for me. My classes were easy. In Math, we were just preparing for the midterm all week, so it was pretty boring. After school, I played some SC with Steven. After he had to leave, I played a lot of Rome: Total War.

When I got to my math class, I found out it had been cancelled. I decided that I didn't want to go to the library and the class was empty and warm, so I went in and did my homework in peace and quiet for once. This was of course after downloading the terran theme onto my phone so I could play it during my homework doing there. After school, I started working on the contest and then played some Starcraft with Steven. After he left, I played Rome: Total War.

Math was cancelled once again, so I did the same thing as the day before. I overheard the class next door taking a test that I can only hope was for ESL, otherwise there are some stupid kids in college. After school, Steven and I discovered a great game called Pickle Bound. I later found the awesome song they loop in the background and Steven did some cutting and recording to replecate the loop they have in the game, hence the song on his blog. When I emailed Steven the song I found, I accidentally sent it to Orion. There Davis, now all your questions are answered.

I got home and played a lot of Pickle Bound with Steven and then we moved on to other UMS games. We spent an hour and a half on one game, but we finally beat it and in the end, it was a pretty cool waste of time.

Dad and I went to meet my grandpa at Costco (origin of quotes below). Grandpa had a list prepared of stuff he needed for a birthday party he was going to the next day. Among the list was "Crap 16oz. Phillips." Dad and I chuckled when we saw this. Apparently, he had meant to spell crab. We saw Erik while we were there, so I talked to him for a bit. After that, we dropped Grandpa off at his house and I fixed it up a bit while dad went to the bathroom. He says he has a lot of projects for me, so I guess during spring break and summer break, I'm going to be over there building crap (and I don't mean crab). After that, I came home and started downloading System Shock 2 before going to play it with Steven and Orion for 2 hours. It's meant to be a scary game I can see, but since the three of us play together, it's more funny than anything else.

I did some homework really quick, then I practiced tennis with Kathryn in the rain because her tennis tryouts are right now actually. After that, I went over to Shoreline Center, but I didn't see Eric there, so I balled out because it was raining. After I got home, I played SC with Steven, then Sai, then just Sai for a while before going to bed.

I had my math midterm which had been postponed to today. It went pretty well. I was in a block for the first half, but then I pulled my head out of my ass and realized I knew how to do the problems. Now I'm posting. Later I have band. Until then, I'm going to work on the contest and research for my 8 page essay about how videogames don't get the bad rap they deserve. Ok peace out until next time.


Davos said...

John is writing an 8-page essay on how the religious right marginalized DnD in the 80s and gave it the bad rap that it has today. And it's true!!! Damn you, religious right....Damn you!

Eric said...

haha I'd be down for pax again. and yeah we had one game at 1pm against this really good team, they used zone on us and horizontal stack and variations of that shit, and it was a close game, biggest lead was like 2 points and we ended up winning. 2nd game at 3pm, the other team didn't show up lol so we just left. you should just get sai to assasinate that annoying girl lol.

Oreo said...

i find it humorous that you said this week was far more eventful than last week when it was still pretty much just school/homework/vgs. No offense though, since that's pretty much what i do too.