Monday, May 18, 2009

Even though I had no competition, I still was the first to make a post about Victoria.

Well I'm back from Victoria. It was fun to the extent that it could be. In the end though, I'd have certainly had more fun back in Shoreline hanging out with Orion, Steven, and Davis (and you too!(disregard the you too if your name is Orion, Steven, or Davis)). Before Victoria though, I need to get the week out of the way. Don't worry about how long this post will be. Since Victoria was overnight, I don't think it will take up as much space as it used to. Also, sorry, but I forgot my camera at home so no pictures. Perhaps next year. Oh, and shoutout to PAX-goers (especially Ahmad), we aren't doing that group thing, so buy your tickets. Also, don't wait like last year to buy your tickets because PAX is growing very quickly and they said this year they might reach their limit for ticket sales, so buy yours now.

Band was rather boring and painful because we got a new Sousa march that he apparently made to commemorate his making so many marches. I hate that guy so much. Did he try to change it up a bit? No, he just went with the typical Sousa style: <3<3<3 to trumpets and drums and the rest of the band can suck it. After that, I came home and watched 24.

We got our character roles for the mock trial for law. I got a witness unfortunately, but the attorneys were two people who seemed smart enough. It's a little unfair to them though because everyone gets the same number of points no matter what their job is, so the jury has basically nothing to do to get their points, while the attorneys have to do a lot of work to get theirs. I'm a witness, but I would have liked to get attorney. After school, I spent a lot of time "farming"(happy, Steven?) collectible items for Nicholas the Traveler in Guild Wars and made good money doing that.

Steven and I finally changed our guild to Luxon. I was very happy to do this as I never really liked the Kurzicks, even before I knew who they were. Luxons are much better though, especially at alliance battles. We were even able to beat the Kurzicks on the map that is the most rigged for them.

We started our mock trial in law. One of the lawyers was not there and the guy that was there had been gone the day we got our stuff, so he was looking it over for the first time. I helped him out by filling in for the girl that was missing until she came in. She was right on the same page as me, which was nice. When it came time for opening statements, our guy had written up a nice speech that sounded really good. The other side didn't do so well. One guy stood up and couldn't form a word for 30 seconds until his other attorney stood up and made their case, but not without putting "um" literally between every word. After school, I was going to hang out with Steven and Orion, but unfortunately, I had homework until later hours in the day. It was helpful to have that much though because it made for good studying.

I had nothing much going on, so I met up with Steven after school. *Edit: Orion met us at Steven's house. I forgot to mention that.* From there, we went to throw a disc around for a couple hours before coming back to Orion's to play a strange soccer/punching game. It took an hour and a half, but we finally beat that damn team love. Then, Orion drove me to SCC so I could put my instrument in the truck to send it up to Victoria. After that, we had dinner at Orion's and waited until Davis got there. When Davis got there, we went on an adventure to get settlers of Cataan and then we played it. It is very fun. Orion, it's good to have you back. It's been so long since I needed to type your name that every time I went to type it in this post, I've been hitting "Oroin." Perhaps now that you're back, I can start to get more practice typing it fast again.

I had to be at the clipper at 6:45am. It was not the fun, since I had gone to bed at midnight. On the ride over, Erik, Darren, Chris (lead alto in jazz band), and I played some advance wars in which Erik was on an island and Chris and I formed an alliance against Darren. When we got to Victoria, we all went to our rooms. I was with Dan. The rooms were so nice, they had an entrance hallway with a closet on one side and a bathroom on the other. If you went straight, you went into the bedroom with 2 twin beds. If you went right, you wound up in the living room with a couch, 2 chairs, and a nice deck. We also had a kitchen with a full refridgerator, a sink, a stove, an oven, and some cool pots and pans. It was a really nice room. So I split off and went with Erik and Darren. I felt some obligation to hang out with them because of the Shorewood thing, but I probalby should have just hung out with Dan and the jazz band and drummers or by myself. Anyway, we went to the mall and got a hot dog and a pop. That was the last real meal I would have in Victoria. After that, we went to the videogame store, followed by the comic shop, then the miniatures store (tabletop gaming like Warhammer and stuff). After that, we had to suit up for our concert. I brought my red dress shirt and blue suspenders, so I looked pretty awesome I must say. Our concert was on the docks, which has wind and no shade, so playing music there was hell. When we all de-suited, the three of us went to see the Shorewood people. I saw some shorewood kids, but none as awesome (well it was nice to see Bohdan) AS NATHAN!!!1111 It had been too long since we had had one of our awkward conversations, but it was good to see the guy and hear about the horn situation (it's totally screwed now). He said band wasn't the same without me (see Maddy, I always knew he liked me more!) which could have meant that he missed Maddy and I bickering on either side of him. After seeing the Shorewood kids, we went to get my Dutch chips at the secret grocery store, then we hung out with some Shorewood kids. It was Adam, Frazier, Scott, Sam, and Emily. After being in their room for some time, I started an 8-person comp free for all and I won in an hour and a half. About that time, Bohdan came into the room because the people in his were smoking and he and I left because we didn't want to hang out there any more. After that, I went back to my room. It was 11:30 and I was running on little sleep, so it was a fun, dazed walk across town (we were staying behind the Empress). When I got back to the hotel room, I didn't see Dan or anyone that was drinking there. I guess they decided not to party in our room. I got worried at first, but then I saw that Dan had come back and had one of his hard lemonades, so I knew he was alive and probably getting helza crunk somewhere. I watched mythbusters and played fire emblem on the couch and the next thing I knew, Dan was walking in the door and it was an hour and a half later (I fell asleep), so I got up and went to bed.

I woke up at 9 as per usual, but I stayed in bed for 2 hours to maximize rest time. Someone knocked on the door once at 9:30, then once around 10:30. I figured it was Erik and Darren because they were hanging out with people and after I left the room it seemed like they didn't think I wanted to hang out anymore, so I was free then. We had our parliament performance at 12:30 that we did well at. After that, the jazz band and drummer people went to spaghetti factory, but I left them there to go see Rachel's sister's band that was there. I stayed to watch, but she didn't tell me they went last *whomp whomp.* As I was heading back to the spaghetti factory, I saw the group walking out and I met up with them. They went to go sit at the parliament for a while, so I went my own way yet again. First, I went to my second favorite store in Victoria, Lyle's place. I got 2 good Led Zeppelin CDs for a good price, then I crossed town to go to the secret grocery store again for my Dutch chips to take home. After that, I had an hour and a half until we had to meet, so I went to the meeting spot and just waited there for people to arrive. The clipper ride back was less eventful and when I got home, I cooked myself some real food, then went to sleep.

I was put on the witness stand today and the attorneys did a good job of protecting me, so I tried my best to protect their case. The other 2 witnesses took 10 minutes each and so far, mine has taken 20 minutes. We pick it up again tomorrow. I didn't think my witness was really that important, or maybe it's just because I'm able to dance around the questions more than I know. Whatever the reason, it's going to be more fun times tomorrow. Band concert is coming up tomorrow, and not much else is happening.

So yeah this week will be much easier. I have a Mariners game on Sunday, but the rest of the weekend is wide open for me. Peace out.


pronoob5 said...

why would I be happy when you call it farming, when I told you it is hunting?

Friday chapter you forgot about how Orion played frisbee also.

Since you said Victory was boring I'm not reading that long ass paragraph.

Orion Eric and I were talking about how you should get a driving ticket and then go to court so you can get some rl exp.

Oreo said...

funny that you mention sw kids smoking cuz i heard that one of them got sent home for smoking the marijuana.