Thursday, September 02, 2010

Pre PAX Postery

Ok well I doubt anyone will really read this post because I will be making a PAX post as well as many picture posts soon. That being said, if you are reading this, then hooray! I'll say it again in later posts, but once the school year starts up, I will be posting every other week now. I might go down to once a month depending on how busy/interesting of a life I lead. For this post, I'll just mention what I've been up to since last time and then get to bed here so I can get up early for PAX tomorrow morning.

Work kind of dried up this month because after I left for those two weeks, people seemed to get along just fine without me. I did get a chauffeur job for my neighbor (taking him to drivers ed) that was easy money. I've still been doing horn lessons every week and that has been cool too because she's been getting a lot better. I'm feeling less incompetent with each new note she reaches. If she keeps going at this rate, she'll by 1st horn material (she has no competition, but she doesn't quite have the range for 1st horn parts yet) by January. I've still been working on the backyard at my aunt's house. The junk left by my Grandpa will never go away. We just took a record single dump load though last week. The whole load was 1,200 pounds (300 in metal which is free). Usually I don't put that much in the truck, but we were able to pack a lot of heavy things in this time.

We've been up to our usual tricks, going to Costco a lot and eating there. Some interesting things at Costco that happened were I ran into Orion's mom and his sisters. That was kind of an awkward conversation actually. I also witnessed a crazy person yelling at one of those buttons that you push to cross the street (well that's not really fair. Maybe he was sane and the button had accosted him in some way). This last Monday, I went to the fair with him and that was about as interesting as it usually is: somewhat.

Starcraft 2 and gaming in general:
Stacraft 2 has been pretty awesome. I'm not playing as much as I thought I would right now, but I think once I settle back into the school year and find myself on campus for lengthy amounts of time, I'll start playing it more often again. In the meantime, I'm also playing some old 360 games that I hadn't played in a while. As for DnD, that has been going well. The group works together well and our characters are pretty fun to play and play with. If you really want to know what exactly has been happening, go ahead and look on the DnD site link to the right.

Teh Faire:
Davis, Lucy, and I went to a Renaissance Faire (or was it Medieval? I forget) a couple weeks ago. It was a pretty interesting way to spend a day. I don't have much else to say about it I guess. If we do go back though, Davis and I both think we should dress up. I don't know if I will go back though unless it is cooler and cheaper.

PAX Preparations:
The past couple of days, I have been preparing the PAX costumes with Davis and Steven. We're cosplaying Typing of the Dead, which will be super awesome. You'd better believe there will be pictures.

Ok well I think I was able to keep that relatively quick, so peace out until after PAX.

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