Thursday, April 07, 2011

After 6 years, my blog is still not dead!

Provided blogger stays online. And for the time being, it looks like it will be doing that for a long time. Before I get started, happy 21st Orion! Hopefully you sober up enough to read this post in a few days. In other news, not much is happening. I've been keeping busy, but finally found some time to sit down and make a post about the new quarter. I'm also going to squeeze in some stuff that I omitted from spring break because I didn't want the last post to run long. Turns out it might not have mattered, I don't know if anybody read it.

Spring Break:
I mostly spent my time earning money in Guild Wars with the new guild. I've been doing a nightly run with them and it's fun because a bunch of us just hop on vent and talk while we do the run. It makes the 90 minutes go by quicker. In fact, if this post shows that I posted it on April 7th, it's because I took a break in the middle of this post to do a run with them since they wanted me to come along. I did also get to see some people over break including the usual gang of suspects (Steven, Eric, and Chris) as well as Davis and Lucy at one point. In addition to that, I played games, worked on some single player Guild Wars stuff, and went to drill state. It was cool because they got first place in one of the events they did. I don't know, I'm not an expert on dance. I suppose it was good, but then again all the performances seemed good.

But now spring quarter has started and you no doubt want to hear about my classes!

Business Ethics (Mondays, Wednesdays 7:45am-9:50am):
I actually wound up in the wrong building the first day, but was able to find my way to the class on time. The nice thing about getting lost at 7:45 in the morning is nobody is really out on campus, so if you see people walking around, chances are they are going to the same place you are. This class is pretty cool. I like the teacher. He challenges people whenever they make a point, not to be a dick, but to make them think about why they take that point. We are in the middle of studying Utilitarianism currently, so I've been talking a lot. Most people in the class thought this was a totally crazy idea while about four of us actually bought into it. I was more than happy to argue in favor of it and I think I did a really good job of it actually. There was also one point a couple lectures ago where the professor brough up Ayn Rand. When he saw the confused look on everyone's faces, he asked if any of us had even heard of her. Myself and one other girl near me raised our hands. Now mind you, this was a class of nearly 30 people and only two of us had even heard of Ayn Rand. I suppose on one hand, that's a sad thing, but on the other hand, it's a very great thing.

After this class, I have a break until about 1:30. It is a great amount of time that I could be using to get ahead on readings, play games, read books, or do just about anything. So far, I've primarily used it to sleep, which has also turned out to be a good use of my time. It also prepares me for the afternoon onslaught of classes that I foolishly(well I guess I had no choice) scheduled in the late afternoon when I am extremely likely to fall asleep.

International Political Economy (Mondays, Wednesdays 1:30pm-3:35pm):
This is the class taught by my econ professor from last quarter. There are four of us in the entire class that are repeat students of hers, so I've become in kind of that inner circle of hers. Since she is a major player in the econ department, I'm trying to suck up to her more in order to get a letter of recommendation from her when I apply to law schools. If I get time, I might actually be volunteering to help her do some research eventually. The class itself is pretty basic. It has to be since it is also a class required by the international studies major. So what we are left with is a class that is challenging for them because they have no econ background and is *supposed* to be challenging for econ majors because we don't know much about political decisions. Fortunately for me, I am well versed in both since I've done a lot more law study than the average econ student, so I think this class will go well for me.

Economic Growth (Mondays, Wednesdays 3:45pm-5:50pm):
This course is basically what you would get if you took my final project in econ last quarter and made it into a class. I like that it is like that because it gives me a chance to redeem myself for a project on which I felt I could have done better. Two of my three team members are in this class, but I'm not working with them because my friend from SCC (who is also in my ethics class this quarter (we always wind up in the same place (we might even be both going to Korea at the same time))) is in that class and we're going to work together for the final project. For the final project, we're going to do a legitimate research paper, which will be pretty fun. As a bonus, the professor will pick the top two in the class and work with the authors for about a year and eventually will help them get the report ready to be published. We're definitely hoping we get to do that, but since we both lead busy lives, we won't be particularly sad if it doesn't happen.

With it getting warmer, some people are coming back to practices. It's been a bit difficult because those people took three months off while the rest of us were hard at work so we've had to accomodate some of their sucking while we play. We have a tournament at Eastern coming up this weekend and we had to invite some of those people since we were short on guys to play (in my opinion, we should have invited the girls) so we'll see how that goes.

Going to Steven's on Saturdays has been fun. We were playing a lot of Minecraft for a while, but are now getting back into Brawl and Munchkin because there are just a lot of douchebags online in Minecraft. Last weekend, we took a bit of a break to try to teach Chris the names and looks of each member of SNSD (you know, the important things) which turned out to be a very funny use of time. We also got to hear Eric's Korean impression which brought me to tears. It was pretty damn funny.

Well I shouldn't really bring this up. It just popped into my head that I have my first practice test tomorrow. I'm hoping I beat Keir's first time score.

Study Abroad:
It looks like I have been accepted right now, but I don't want to speak too soon, so I'll let you know in the next post.

That's it for now, until the end of the month, peace out.

1 comment:

Oreo said...

Forgot to comment on the last post, but !!!! @ studying abroad in Korea. That's really cool. I can't wait for all the dutchpride posts from the asian continent.