Thursday, January 19, 2012

Re-assimilation into America (but also some other noteworthy events in Asia)

I have indeed had classes by this point in time, but I will refrain from mentioning them until when I next make a post which I'm planning to do next week in the first half of the week. I should be able to hold myself to that deadline because the post will be short since it will only pertain to my classes. In this post, I'll cover the last few days I had in Korea, then Japan, then briefly go over things that have happened since I've been back. But before I get to that, shoutout to Steven for updating! Thanks for giving me new reading material! Go check out his blog if you get bored of my rants.

Final Days in Korea:
On the moving out day for the dorm, we had to be cleared out by 11am, so many people opted not to sleep due to a combination of some people having early flights and everyone not wanting to have to lose a lot of time when they could be having last hurrahs with each other. I wound up spending most of the night with Chang and this guy who is a BroodWar caster from England who was in town visiting (coincidentally, Chang happens to be his biggest fan) on his way to visit his parents in China. We also hung out with a couple other guys from TeamLiquid who were in town visiting relatives. I wound up getting into the dorm really early in the morning as some people were actually leaving (around 3am at this point). I got into my room where Steve (roommate) was still up and packing and I joined in as well. I got about an hour of sleep and he just went to sleep and planned to get up at 10:30am. I had to get up at 6 and make two trips back and forth to the hotel where I was staying. I would have liked to do it all in one trip, but I had bought so many things, I couldn't get it all into the one suitcase I brought (getting everything I had over in such a small amount of space was challenge enough). I wound up falling asleep in all the taxis I took, but it was fine because the taxi drivers were cool guys. I finally got back to the dorm after my trips after a 2 hour double cross town trip session and just went to sleep. I was awoken with a knock on the door as one of Steve's friends came to say goodbye. It was 11:30. So we both had to pack up and leave quickly. I said goodbye, then went downstairs to help Chang move her things to the bus because she had two huge suitcases that I'm sure she could have lived comfortably in (like using them as houses). That night, after some BroodWar related antics with the caster and the two other guys as well as a friend of mine from the OSL finals, I went back to the hotel and was reunited with my parents.

And so began the busy days of traipsing about Seoul in weather that was in highs of the teens. I showed them all my favorite places around the city and they seemed to get why I liked it so much. I also got to show them how pro I had become at interacting with people, which was also nice. I warned them that old people would point at me and say things to me, then I would respond to them and that all that was happening is we were talking about how I was wearing shorts in such cold weather. It happened a lot, so I was glad I didn't warn them for something that didn't happen. Another fun thing was that our hotel had a really nice casino that is regarded as one of the nicer casisnos in Seoul. I went gambling there twice and just wound up doing roulette both nights because the blackjack tables were all super crowded and it was a lot easier to enter a roulette table. The first day was just dad and I. I won about $25 (25,000W) and dad won about $37. The second night, all four of us went gambling. We all started out with $50 each. Mom and Kathryn and dad did slots for some reason. Mom and Kathryn combined came out up $5 and dad lost all his money. They went to bed way before me and I wound up sitting at a roulette table for 2 hours with these two nice Japanese guys and we all did pretty good. It was funny to react at each other when we all won big money from boxing out the same numbers. In the end, I won $350 (350,000W) and had to cash out at the big boy cashier. I was pretty happy with myself there. There was a Girls Generation repackage album that was different from the Boys by only one song, but it also came with some cool other things and since I won big money, I figured paying (normal CD price) for it was definitely fine. I do not regret that purchase as I now have a nice picture of Sunny looking back at me from above my computer screen.

Going to Japan:
This will be brief because I confirmed through my second time in Japan that I don't really care much for Japan. I just fit in a lot better with Korea. I think if I wind up living there, I will do more travel to China and if I learn a language after Korean, it will be Chinese (Mandarin or Cantonese? I thought Cantonese was for pros, but Eric says I would just get made fun of a lot T___T (I just wanted to be a hipster Chinese speaker)). Anyway, Tokyo was kinda cool. It was unlike any other city I've been in. I thought Seoul was huge being the second largest city in the world and all, but Tokyo stomps the crap out of that. It is massive and the subway system is complex to an equally insane degree. We looked around a lot and got to see a lot of the big tourist attractions. Using some of the gambling money I won, I bought myself Girls' Generation's Japanese CD that I had been looking for last time I was in Japan. In addition to seeing the sights, we spent a few days at Tokyo Disneyland because yes, we absolutely had to. It was really okay. The Japanese seem to be really afraid of rollercoasters, which were conspicuously absent throughout the park. Aside from that, it was a neat experience. Flavored popcorn is big there, sometimes the lines were even larger than those for the rides. After the five days in Japan though, I was starting to get homesick. Not necessarily just for Washington, but for Korea as well. I really just wanted to get out of Japan to somewhere I liked.

On our way out of Japan though, we found out the morning of our flight that it had been cancelled because the flight from Seattle never arrived. There was a small group of people from our flight that was also going to Seattle and we wound up getting rescheduled on the same flights, which was kind of nice to have people to share the experience with. We actually had a direct flight to Seattle, but they changed it to a Singapore Air flight (dad and I were super excited because we had seen the ads in the Economist and knew how good the planes were) and then we had a 7 hour layover in LAX (T___T) before going home and getting to Seattle 12 hours after we were supposed to land. The Singapore air flight was super kickass. It had bigger screens, more legroom, a power outlet, free internet, and pretty flight attendants. I would have used the internet, but I found a lot of good movies that I had wanted to see while I was gone from the states, so I used the time to get caught up with that. The layover sucked, but I drank a couple big beers on an empty stomach which allowed me to sleep through about 3 hours of the layover. In the end, we got to Seattle at 10:30pm on New Years Eve and stayed up pretty much just to see the clock turn over to midnight before going to bed. I was able to normalize my sleep schedule, but my family slept in way late the first day.

I've been doing normal things again. School and frisbee started up so that's been eating up some of my time. I'll get into those next post in what will be a fairly short one. I also started seeing Grandpa on Wednesdays again which has been nice to get back to. There has also been game night which changes nights and times now that Steven and Chris are both working (props to that guys). Finally, I started back up with the D&D group. They switched to 4e while I was gone which is unfortunate because according to Steven, there has been less roleplaying and more combat which has definitely been the case since I've been there. I got my new character though and it's been pretty fun to play, so I don't mind terribly. And there has been an economic aspect added to it which of course I enjoy because Chris invested in land which was converted to a farm and brothel (I have no idea why those two things, but they're really profitable).

I really miss Korea still which is interesting because I didn't miss America at all when I left. I don't mind so much when I'm hanging out with people, but times like right now, I kind of wish I was back. I haven't watched any live Starcraft since I've been back partially because I just can't go back to low quality streams and I got too used to it being on at a convenient time. Fortunately, BroodWar matches get free high quality vods posted, so I've been keeping up with that better so than with SC2. I just started playing again though with Keir. I can't wait to play more, it's been too long since we've played together. I also have started to get more into LoL with Chris and Steven and Eric. It has also been fun to have them teach me how to suck slightly less. And of course the biggest news:




My Hall of Monuments Page as Proof
 The moment.
 At long last they can be together!
I'm pretty happy about this.

So I'm done with Guild Wars 1 forever. Unless Chris calls me back in to help him with his own progress, there is no chance you will ever see me online. I was determined to spend as little time on this as possible when I got back and thankfully, I was able to play the mercantile game rather than having to resort to farming to get my last three titles. It took two weeks after getting back, but on the 14th of January, I finally did it. Major weight off my shoulders as now I feel like I got back a piece of my life that I haven't had in a very long time.

Well until next week, that's all I have for you now. I'll see you later.

1 comment:

Oreo said...

also, gratz on the Singapore Air flight! I did an accounting research project on them last semester and they seem like da bomb. I mean, they must be if becoming a Singapore Girl is one of the most coveted jobs in the country.