Sunday, August 05, 2012


Well the class is done and once again, my life shall slowly return. I managed to weather the storm pretty well (as you may have surmised from my title, I 4.0ed the term). I called it my class, but in actuality it was a 12-credit term of graduate level courses just condensed into a month. This is the first time I've ever gotten a 4.0 on a term anywhere, so I was pretty happy when I did it. And it was especially good because I don't know how much more school I have left in my life (at least as a student anyway). I feel like I'm actually ready to teach now that I'm done with the class. But since Korean schools are on semesters, I will have to wait a little bit before I can get out there. I doubt this post will be too long, so I'll just get on with it now.

The class:
The 16 students in the class all became pretty close friends and it was sad to see everyone go, but I think we'll all be in touch to some degree. I made good friends with the guy from Mongolia, and if I see only one other person from the class in the rest of my life, it will most likely be him. I might try to find time to travel over there from Korea since he said I should. The night class went pretty well too, it was nice to see the students making progress using methods we were learning to teach them. Other than that, the class was just a lot of work. I didn't play many games at times (most times) throughout the duration of the course, but now I can get back into that.

There were two LoL tournaments during the class term. One was at the end of the week I last posted on. Eric and Steven were on a team together, but then someone was added to that team who had a higher priority than those two, so Eric said he was fine being an alternate since he didn't want to steal Steven's spot. A couple days before the tournament, another team posted on the facebook page for local LoL players that they needed players for their team due to people not being able to make it. Eric signed up since his other team wouldn't need him (the captain of that team actually referred him) then Eric signed me up as well. Then the next day, Steven said he couldn't go to the tournament, leaving the other team one Steven down. Eric and I wound up playing on the fun team we were on and we got unlucky and got put against the best team in the bracket. We lost by some crazy amount of kills, but we had fun just messing around because we wanted to not be too pathetic looking in defeat.

This week, we had another instance of the same tournament (it happens every other Friday), but this time we had our ranked team with us. It was Steven, Eric, Albert, Eric Canada (filling in for Chris who couldn't make it) and myself. We lost in the first round again, but we really should have won. Nothing much else to say. Next time we got it.

Plans after class:
Well now that class is out, I have a fair bit of time before I can really start working. I figured I didn't want to just work somewhere and only be there for 3 months, so I'm doing odd jobs in the meantime. I will be finishing the shed and my Aunt's backyard this year finally. Also, my other aunt is moving into a new house, so I'll be helping with that. Then, my cousins occasionally need my help with their yard work. Additionally, I have one weekend worth of things to help my Grandma in Vancouver with. And I now may be going to my uncle's house in Kennewick for a couple weeks to help him out there. In addition to all this, I'm still working with Grandpa once or twice a week for pretty much the whole day. Then around all that, I'll be studying Korean and playing League to try to raise my elo. I sound kind of busy with all that, but I doubt it will be more than I can handle. It will feel like a vacation compared to the last month.

Hanging out:
I spent most of my free time since the last post just playing League here and there. I did manage to hang out with my friend a couple times. She suggested throwing a party at her place and inviting just a bunch of girls and I be the only guy. That was kind of an intimidating thought and I don't know if it would happen, but she seemed convinced it would be a good idea. Either way, she has begun looking for people to set me up with so we'll see what happens.

Other than all that, I haven't gotten to do much. My family took a trip over to the tri-cities this weekend to see my cousin's new baby that was born on July 4th. It was pretty cool. I am now facing a lot of promises I made to do things coming up before I leave so I'll probably be starting all that up tomorrow. For now though, maybe I'll finally find some time to have to myself for however long I can get. Until next time, peace out.

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