Monday, December 30, 2013

Last day of the month, really putting it off here.

I almost forgot to post. That would have sucked. It would have made it two Decembers where I forget to post, how embarrassing that would have been. This month, the whole year in general I guess, was pretty decent. In particular though, this month went pretty well for me. Here's why:

New job responsibilities:
My working partner here finally left. Last I mentioned, she was almost certainly leaving. It happened. I had the whole classes to myself this last month and I think everyone was really happy about it. I really enjoyed the chance to work on my own. I would be happy if they didn't hire a replacement for her next year. Unfortunately, even if they didn't do that, they would move one of the other two guys over to help me because they want to have 2 teachers on the English majors in order to give them the special attention they deserve for selecting English as their area of focus. In the end, it's all moot anyway as it sounds like they'll hire a new teacher. I've enjoyed working on my own though and it has made me less worried about being able to do a good job if I wind up needing to move to another school. However it's currently going so well here that I think I might be able to work at this school until my Korean is good enough to land me a job in a field relevant to my major.

But who knows where life will take me in a few years anyway...

New bed:
On the note of my coworker leaving, she and her husband were getting rid of their beds. Their mattresses were damaged slightly in transit to Korea and it created a dip in the mattress. Now back home, I used to have a mattress that had a big dip in the middle (like a hammock kinda) and this mattress they had was the same way. I happily bought it off them before they left. I've been sleeping better than ever (I was sleeping well before, but now it's more improved) since I got it.

New friends:
I still hang out with the Chinese teachers a lot, but somehow our foursome has drifted apart. The two Chinese teachers don't hang out with each other much anymore and they don't hang out with Brandon at all outside of me. So I've split my time a lot with them and it's why I sometimes haven't been online on weekends (also because the Saturday middle school classes were winding down so I was busy with those). The one Chinese teacher that I spend a lot of time with recently introduced me to her friend. Her friend is amazing and gorgeous, but naturally has a boyfriend. Such a shame. Either way though, it's nice to have another cool friend. I hang out with the Chinese teacher and this friend she introduced me to pretty often now. In fact, I will have seen them for four days in a row this week, pretty nice.

New schedule:
This just really pertains to working out. I started working out again because the Chinese teacher (that I just mentioned) wanted to start and wanted someone to go with. I haven't really lost any weight, but I haven't gained any. That doesn't matter much to me anyway, I'm kind of going to try to build muscles. Gotta make my arms less twiggy.

New finger(?):
I cut off the very tip of my finger. Maybe half the width of my watchband, so not a terribly large amount, but it was a significant piece. Of course I didn't go to the hospital for it. I have a bandaid on it and hopefully it will heal soonish. I'm currently lamenting not making this post earlier because it kind of hurts to type tonight using that finger :(

Well that's it for now. Tomorrow (well today I guess) is New Year's Eve and I'm hanging out with the Chinese teacher and her friend. The next post I make will be at home in Washington (I'm home from 1/10-2/1), so until then, peace out!

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