Monday, June 02, 2014

I *May* have forgotten to post last month

I had to take a second to appreciate that title. Anyway yeah I did forget to post last month. As per usual, I've been super busy. I just don't know anymore, I think in 2015 after I finish my Korean program, I should start thinking about either getting out of teaching or getting more qualified to be an actual teacher. Then I could at least make more for the amount of work I'm putting in. But in the meantime, these extra classes (though they are a ton of work) do pay pretty well so it's okay.

I really have been busy in the last month, even my free time has been carefully calculated. It's been really weird because the guys will stay up late on their Saturday nights playing League and even though they stay up past 3am with me, I'm usually the first one to have to sign off (even though its only around 7pm for me) because I have to get caught up on work. That all being said, I'll try to fill you all in on stuff that's been going on.

My night class started up again. Last time around, it was a test preparation class for a speaking test. Really easy to plan for because you could pretty much come up with a logical way to teach it based on how the test itself is arranged. The class was hard to teach though because there's only so much you can do with speaking activities and it's hard to work on 8 peoples' speaking skills at the same time. Since the class was definitely the most boring topic of the four foreign teachers' classes, I let my students suggest some things they wanted to me. The top one that came up was English Culture. I had no idea that it would be this much of a pain in the butt, but I took it on. In addition to doubling my class size (I have 16 now), I also doubled my workload (or more). Turns out planning for what to teach, what order to teach, and how to teach things related to English culture is extremely hard. That class has been nice to teach and I feel like it's been fun for the students, but there's no way I can keep it up next term so I'll probably wind up changing the class to something else. It's really because of this class that I've been so busy all month. It's a horrible pain to plan for.

Besides that, my normal workload is going smoothly. In addition, the middle school classes on weekends are going well too. We're getting towards finals, so Brandon and I are trying to think of what to do after that point. Also we're considering not switching for next semester because some of our classes we only get once a week and we don't feel like we've gotten to know them enough yet. We'll see how that goes.

Outside of Work:
Outside of work I've of course been just as busy. It'll seem like I did a lot here and that might give you the impression that I have tons of free time, but don't be mistaken, I'm just becoming really efficient with my free time.

If you've talked to me this month, I've surely complained about my computer being dead. If you haven't heard about that, it's also why I haven't been streaming my games. It seems that my motherboard and/or SSD died so I had to replace both. I also bought a new computer case while I was at it because my old one got smashed to hell when I originally sent it over to Korea from the states. The build is complete, but I have yet to test it. I'll be doing that when I get back from Japan.

On that note, Brandon and I are going to Tokyo tomorrow until Sunday. We decided to go because it is a 5-day weekend for our school. Wednesday is election day, Thursday is a holiday for our school's founding or something, then Friday is....Armistice day? I should really look into what magical occasion is giving me a day off. Anyway, I think it'll be fun to go back to Japan since Brandon's never gone and I hope I like it better than the last times I went.

Speaking of things I've been planning to do, I have been planning to start going back to the gym. My night class is starting to wind down, so from next Monday, I'll be going back to the gym with the Chinese teacher that I used to go with plus one of the new Chinese teachers. Why do I mention this? Not sure really, but it does kinda go with the fact that I've pretty much gotten a makeover over the course of the last month.

In the past month, I changed my look up a bit. I got new clothes of course as I'm starting to update my start using fashion. In addition, I saw this picture recently on Reddit and thought "Hey I wonder if I can pull off hair similar to that." It's not the same, but it's I guess kinda similar. Either way it's now not just lazily resting on my head the way it has entire life. In addition, I finally gave into peer pressure with everyone (including my eye doctor) saying I should get contacts and I went ahead and did it. Wearing them was hard at first. It took over an hour in the store and I couldn't put them in by myself. I even lost one and had to come back later in the week to try again, at which point it still took 45 minutes. I've slowly worked myself down to a point where I can get them both in in about 3 minutes, but then my eyes burn and tear up for about 10 minutes after that since they're still not fully used to wearing contacts. It'll get better as I go. Anyway, I look totally beautiful now ^__^

You probably don't know or care what I'm talking about, but I'm getting pretty decent at Planetside 2. It's a fun game. I won't bore you with more than that I suppose.

We've started to do more ranked 5s when we all play League with each other these days. A few weeks ago, we actually hit gold with one of our teams. So that means I finally got gold. I'm super excited about it. Hopefully I can do the same in soloqueue. At the very least, having gold in my pocket in any ranked queue has helped relieve a LOT (read: all) of my League related stress.

And last and probably most important is my Korean class. I just finished level 2 this last month (it's the equivalent of 12 months of study). I still have 20 more months to go (oh wow that just hit me) but I think I can make it. I've always said that if I ever lost my teacher, I would probably start looking for different schools closer to me. That actually has happened as we go to level 3, but now I feel like I might stay because of the class. I really don't like the 3 hour commute 2-3 times a week, but any other school just wouldn't be the same. I've lost the teacher, now I think if I lose the classmates too, that'll be the point at which I just say screw it and go to another school (of course that can always change, knowing me). In the meantime, I want to see if I can finish the full course.

That's about it for now, I should get back to packing. Until next time, peace out.

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