Friday, October 31, 2014

H....hey there :|

Guess it's been a while huh? Two months without any word from me. I feel like I've still found a way too keep everyone generally up to date but I really shirked my responsibility to sit down and post. I've been keeping really busy these days though so that's why. Before I explain what's been going on, I just wanna give a shoutout to Davis on his really cool and entertaining (as opposed to what I do here haha) blog. My sidebar now correctly links to that one. Check it out if you haven't yet. Also, if there are any weird words or errors in this post its because I'm on my phone (riding the subway was the only time I could spare to make a post) so it's sometimes hard for me to see that my phone suggested something that makes no sense. Anyway, here' s what I've been doing with my life.

Work takes up most of my time and I'm finding myself once again in this pattern od needing to get work done outside of normal hours. I'm getting back up to those 12 hour minimum days. And it's not all class prep either, a lot is just busywork and favors foe other teachers. I still like it though and it's going rather well. I'm still planning on renewing for next year. I hope I can move to teaching the next grade up so I can keep my students.

After work, my next priority is still Korean classes. I'm getting worse about it though because now after a year of going, that 6 hour block of time it takes up 3 days a week is feeling excessive. When work needs me on a Korean lesson day, I'm finding myself shying away from taking that work less and less because I know if I work late enough to miss the subway, I'll still get more time to relax at night. This month was really bad because I missed 4.5/10 lessons. I only attended that half lesson because I felt guilty for missing so much and besides, I had a quick date after it.

"Wait what was that? A date?" Yeah, I don't know if I mentioned but I was convinced in August to try out Tinder. After middling success for a month, I wound up meeting a really cool girl on September 10 and we've been seeing each other since. We're actually a couple now. She's really cool and I like her. It feels a lot better than the last girl I was with because she actually seems to outwardly desire to be with me. I'm actually on the subway to meet her at the moment. She lives on the opposite side of Seoul from me which can be a little inconvenient but we're working around it.

Aside from those 3 things, I've been playing a lot of league. I finally went on a tear recently and got from silver 2 0lp to my gold promos in a relatively short time. I won the first game in my gold promo (bo3) and was really nervous but fortunately Steven was on and offered to duo with me. The series went well, I took it 3-0 and now I'm a proud gold 5 0lp guy. Nowadays I play on my smurf a lot because my coworker has picked it up. It's pretty fun for practicing new champs.

Aside from that, my cat is well and I'm doing good myself. Hopefully all the things that take up my time sort themselves out and I can feel like I have time to myself once in a while.

That's all for now. If you we hanging on these two months, my apologies. I'll try not to do that again. Until next time (which its hopefully soon), peace out.

1 comment:

Oreo said...

Hope we are still gonna get those annual playoff picks at least!