Monday, April 25, 2005


Well this week was rather good and rather bad. Yeah on Monday it was all good. On Tuesday we started testing for ITED which I think sounds like a standardized test owned by the ipod people, not those losers in Iowa. Anyhoo, at dinner, me and my dad were talking about how fun it would be to nuke Iowa and destroy standardized testing. On wednesday, it was ok and whatever. On Thursday, it all fell apart. We got our grade report printouts. Oh no. My mom thought I had a C in English despite me having told her I had a D. Well my mom got mad at me, but I really cant say I didn't deserve it. On Friday, I came home and did almost all of my homework to please my mom. On Saturday, I went over to maddy's house with Davis and jack and we powned some cabinets. I walked out with two bruises. One on my right-mid-forearm from my hand slipping while lifting. Then, later, Davis and me were hitting a cabinet down with a crowbar and I had a hammer. He whacked the door really hard and it cam down on my left knee. No serious injuries. The funies part was on that cabinet, Davis was doin something to knock part out and he hit something and the whole unit came crashing down. Very fun day. Then we all came to my house where maddy got my math book then us 4 played Halo 2. Maddy quit because she thought she was not helping. No offense, but she wasn't. I took on Davis and jack first to 25 kills. Them vs. Me. Jack. Wow I ran him over so much it wasn't funny. Actually it was very funny. I came back and beat them. Then jack went to give me names on aim that I didn't know who they were until Sam told me. She's so helpful. Anyway, then me and Davis powned on legendary a bit. We would have done more but those snipers sniped us A LOT. We shall kill them. Then today I went golfing at Jackson park. I did really bad, but I was just under the handicap par, which I was playing because we had no lefty clubs. Im not very good right handed. Then again, I'm not very good overall.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

ahh i am clean

wow i had a busy few days here. My least favorite part is how i hadn't showered since thursday. i finally got to take one today, much to my relief. i spent a good long while in that shower. Anyway, I saw Sin City on Friday. Wow. It was black and white because if it was al color, it would be red. Sooooo muuuuuuch blooooood. And some topless girls too! A few things were in color like the yellow dude or the red shoes and things like that. One dude had to get electrocuted twice to die in the electric chair. I would not reccomend this for those with weak whatevers. Like if you dont like blood. Bruce willis gets loaded with lead and doesnt die. It is insane. Yeah. The next morning something unrelated ad wierd happened. I havent had a bloody nose since last july, when i hadnt been in the water al year and i was warming up for water polo and worked my nose too hard right away. Anyway, i was recovering from my cold, which is gone now and i had my nose full of boogers and all that good stuff on saturday. So I grab a tissue and try to dislodge this big one. I tried to blow it out. I wet through everything i could to avoid picking it out since I dont really like doing that but that bugger (booger) woldnt budge, so i held my nose over the tissue in my morning tired hunched position and i got it out. Then the waterworks or bloodworks started. It came out very very fast and the tissue was half red before I had time to react to it. I went into my bathroom down here and it kept bleeding but I was careful not to drip on anything but my hand or the tissue. I did a good job of that. No blood on the floor or my sexy couch. Anyhow, I cant remember things like which way you lean your head (forward or backward) when your nose bleeds. I finally guessed tilt back. Then I remembered I had to plug the bridge of my nose. Too late. However, the saliva helped get more blood out faster. Yeah the blood went into my mouth then I stopped when I felt it in my mouth. then, the blood stopped. I had won!. I blew my nosae to get the remaining gunk out. Whoosh. It started up again. By now the sink has bloody tissues in it and is full of blood stains that i got out later. I tried the head tillt with the nose plug. Finally it worked. By the end, it had ben bleedeng almost steadily for oh 3 minutes, and i lost enough blood to fill oh say a quarter of a shot glass. And whaddaya know, all that blood lost and no, drowinessb nvgffffkkkllk;;'klvn;'gklfkb';sdk;'dsfkg;dflkg';kg;l'd';l;'lgds'l;k';'';';l;';l'zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Friday, April 15, 2005

Vegas is tight

Yeah, I just got back from Las Vegas yesterday. I also got to go to the dentist right before I left on Tuesday. It was the first time in a long time that the dentist hadn't yelled at me. Also, they give you those dumb bibs like the purple one I got. Besides how I don't tend to wear purple, the bib rides up on my neck, so I try to pull it down ad I forgot its attatched by coils because it shoots up in my face again. grrrrrr.
anyway, Vegas was cool. I got some trading cards like I said, because my aunt found some in a taxi and put them in my suitcase. I saw some hot chicks at the pool and that was tight. Well I'm bored so I'm going to stop writing or typing or whatever just I'm gonna stop no.
now I will.
at the period.
this one.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Signs of Spring

I recieved the first sign of spring today. Not spring break, but rather a new pair of shorts! My other two, yes two, pairs were getting short. No they werent the same one i had two of the same type. Im not that unsanitary. Anyhow, this pair goes down well below my kneecaps, but rest assured for all my fans, ill still be able to make smiley faces on my knee.

Friday, April 08, 2005

i must say

Recently ive gotten remarks about my title. By many i mean just by keir so far but he matters enough to clear it up. By conquer, i mean no offense to al u other europeans as i am part other stuff, but i am merely expressing my dutch pride. YAY SPRING BREAK

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Home Makeover

You know that home makeover show? the one where they barge into some losers house and make it all pretty? Well im making my blog pretty. the end

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Yay a blog, i think

Yay, this is like the first thing with technology that I did without peer pressue, since starcraft of course. well yep. yep.yup.yup.yup.yup.