Sunday, April 17, 2005

ahh i am clean

wow i had a busy few days here. My least favorite part is how i hadn't showered since thursday. i finally got to take one today, much to my relief. i spent a good long while in that shower. Anyway, I saw Sin City on Friday. Wow. It was black and white because if it was al color, it would be red. Sooooo muuuuuuch blooooood. And some topless girls too! A few things were in color like the yellow dude or the red shoes and things like that. One dude had to get electrocuted twice to die in the electric chair. I would not reccomend this for those with weak whatevers. Like if you dont like blood. Bruce willis gets loaded with lead and doesnt die. It is insane. Yeah. The next morning something unrelated ad wierd happened. I havent had a bloody nose since last july, when i hadnt been in the water al year and i was warming up for water polo and worked my nose too hard right away. Anyway, i was recovering from my cold, which is gone now and i had my nose full of boogers and all that good stuff on saturday. So I grab a tissue and try to dislodge this big one. I tried to blow it out. I wet through everything i could to avoid picking it out since I dont really like doing that but that bugger (booger) woldnt budge, so i held my nose over the tissue in my morning tired hunched position and i got it out. Then the waterworks or bloodworks started. It came out very very fast and the tissue was half red before I had time to react to it. I went into my bathroom down here and it kept bleeding but I was careful not to drip on anything but my hand or the tissue. I did a good job of that. No blood on the floor or my sexy couch. Anyhow, I cant remember things like which way you lean your head (forward or backward) when your nose bleeds. I finally guessed tilt back. Then I remembered I had to plug the bridge of my nose. Too late. However, the saliva helped get more blood out faster. Yeah the blood went into my mouth then I stopped when I felt it in my mouth. then, the blood stopped. I had won!. I blew my nosae to get the remaining gunk out. Whoosh. It started up again. By now the sink has bloody tissues in it and is full of blood stains that i got out later. I tried the head tillt with the nose plug. Finally it worked. By the end, it had ben bleedeng almost steadily for oh 3 minutes, and i lost enough blood to fill oh say a quarter of a shot glass. And whaddaya know, all that blood lost and no, drowinessb nvgffffkkkllk;;'klvn;'gklfkb';sdk;'dsfkg;dflkg';kg;l'd';l;'lgds'l;k';'';';l;';l'zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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