Monday, October 31, 2005

The Dark Ages or something?

So my post on the 17th of October was really long and if u wanna read it and comment anywhere on my blog, then click the october link to open ALL of october. So anyhoo, the main jist of what happened since my last wordy post can be seen by the pictures. So on Saturday, we had our fist not-loss of the soccer season, tying 2-2. Petter (not sure of spelling) did a saweet job of coaching. Steven got a blog now, so he can bother me with comments which more of you should do and this weekend I had over 8 hours of homework, but luckily my math homework went fast because my cousin who is a senior in Calculus was learning the advanced version of what I was. So today's halloween and I'm bored which is obvious since im posting. Later y'all.


Thursday, October 27, 2005

I FOUND MY EYEPATCH! Posted by Picasa

This was my reaction to the gatorade bottles Posted by Picasa

Recently, I noticed that the label of our gatorade bottle was stiffer than usual. Upon further inspection, I noticed that we had recieved 2 labels! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Mustangs are so cool. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Funny Conversation

Breadman690: check my profile now
Breadman690: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It Reads:
"Gross stuff
RunningInSquare3: fine i will suck balls and like it a lot cuz im a queer
RunningInSquare3: I like to watch old granny's mud fight
RunningInSquare3: Barry Manelo is so hott"

RunningInSquare3: finally it says more than "nuthin"
Breadman690: yea it does
Breadman690: did u look
Breadman690: ?
RunningInSquare3: u misspelled manilow
Breadman690: haha
Breadman690: no i didnt
RunningInSquare3: lol
Breadman690: maybe
RunningInSquare3: yes u did
RunningInSquare3: my mom has like all his albums
RunningInSquare3: its barry manilow
Breadman690: hahahha
Breadman690: k u know best
RunningInSquare3: yeah lol
RunningInSquare3: i cant believe i corrected u though
RunningInSquare3: oh well
Breadman690: hahah
Breadman690: i know
Breadman690: u have like pride issues about it huh
RunningInSquare3: yes i do
Breadman690: lol
RunningInSquare3: and "old granny's" is actually old grannies
Breadman690: hahaha
Breadman690: stfu
RunningInSquare3: lol
RunningInSquare3: u cracker
Breadman690: i was jk
Breadman690: u cracker
Breadman690: u da cracker
RunningInSquare3: we are both crackers
Breadman690: no im half asian
Breadman690: lol
RunningInSquare3: well im half dutch
Breadman690: im yelow
Breadman690: yellow
Breadman690: haha
RunningInSquare3: ur a moldy cracker
Breadman690: ur a fat free cracker
RunningInSquare3: an anthrax cracker
RunningInSquare3: yeah
Breadman690: all pale and no flavor
RunningInSquare3: im a fat free cracker
RunningInSquare3: fat chicks dig me
Breadman690: haha

Thursday, October 20, 2005

I forgot to post this picture of what I did in Chicago. I am soo cool. Posted by Picasa

The Greatest FFA Ever

So I just played the best ffa ever with Sai, Steven, Keir, and Me. Almost immediately after we start, Sai ally visions me. I ally vision him too. Still later, Keir figures out what the races are (me-protoss)(steven-terran)(sai-terran)(keir-protoss). So I'm making a bunch of Dark Templar preparations, when I realize Carriers are better. I am able to make Dark Templar though. I decide to have arbiter capabilities, although it was a waste because I didn't use any. So Steven secretly cuts a deal to ally me. I accept with no intrest in keeping either alliance in the long run. I tell Steven we need to kill Sai and then for a while, I forget he is my ally. So eventually, it gets to Sai attacks Keir, Keir attacks Steven, and Steven attacks Sai. I make 12 carriers. Then, Steven is taken out at Sai's base, but I can still see it, and I remember we were allies. I feel like it's time to make this a real ffa at that point. I saddle up my carriers and head off to Sai's base. On the way, I kill a couple of his battlecruisers to "make people think we're enemies." Then I storm his base and powninate it. Quickly, I am met by a good amound of battlecruisers. They managed to kill 5, but I killed them and Sai's base. I knew he had an auxiliary base and it was right above him so i killed it. Then I figured out he had a hidden base. I found it just above Steven in the middle. Next thing I know, that base is dead, but then, his engineering bay flies into Steven's base, and is destroyed. Sai was eliminated. So I got my carrier total back to 12 and heded off towards Keir. I took Keir out and killed all of Steven's helping units. I couldn't bring myself to kill Keir all the way, since he kept it a true ffa, so I stopped Steven from attacking his last building, an assimilator, and ste off to kill Steven. Next thing I know, Steven SCV rushes Keir's last building and eliminates him. So he says to attack hi base for a while to take up time. He attacks my base for fun but goes really slow at it. By the time he realizes that I'm not his ally, he can't see my Dark Templar anymore. I kill the base he had inside my base. I killed his main base, then killed his last Command Center, but he didn't die. Then, I noticed that I left a Science Facility behind, so I decided that Instead of killing it, I would just ally/end Steven to save time.
The End.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I just couldn't get rid of this conversation

Keir on war:
brittlebrit187: denmark only killed three germans!
brittlebrit187: THREE GERMANS
RunningInSquare3: denmark sucks
RunningInSquare3: u could have done better even
brittlebrit187: indeed
brittlebrit187 (7:42:13 PM): i would have zergling rushed germany

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Since my good buddy Jack seems to like cool stuff reflected in stuff and since people hate my belt of pownage pictures and since nobody complains about his iPod picture, I decided to dedicate this reflection picture of the belt of pownage (poanage?) (poenage?) (nah I'll stick with pownage) to Jack. Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 17, 2005

Making Steven Mad is Funny.

Yeah, so our soccer team is still defeated (being the opposite of undefeated) and our record is probably somewhere around -20 goals now. So on tuesday, the tennis season ended, and of course, JV came out undefeated, so I at least was on a sports team that was competent this year. On wednesday, we had the homecoming assembly. As I forsaw, it was boring. The best part was before it, I saw Mr. Rose wandering around. I was like yo Jake look its Mr. rose. Jake said "What a fag." So about the minute before it starts, Mr. Rose walks up our bleachers, past me, and sits down next to Jake. The freshman are now trojans, which means we still have the worst name ever. So on friday, my sister's birthday party. Yeah. I stayed downstairs. Later on in the day, my left handed uncle came. We all hung out on friday and on saturday, us and a bunch of other relatives on my mom's side of the family had lunch together, then we rushed to soccer. My cousin Kaitlinn, is really into fashonny stuff and we like to make fun of her for it, but this time, I got an earfull about not going to homecoming. She says next time I see her, I need to have at least gone on one date. So hot girls out there. Cough cough call me cough cough. On saturday, like 10 people or so went to Davis' "anti-homecoming" party. It was cool. I brought along my N64 and TV so we could play Super Smash Brothers (the good kind) or Goldeneye on it. On sunday, it was my cousin James' wedding. I got to wear a flower thing since I was filming the wedding. Also, there was this really anal lady on the bride's side who we called "purple dress." She pretty much had to be in charge, so my mom, my dad, my uncle, and I made a game to see who could piss her off the most. She got really mad at me because I was supposed to only press record on the camera then walk around and take pictures on her digital camera. I stayed with the video camera and gave the digital to my dad to use. She got mad at me for that. Then, my did did really good when he didn't take any pictures. Our little group had a good laugh about that. Meanwhile, my uncle didn't really get chances to make her mad, but my mom somehow was really doing a good job of it. Then I screwed up big time by staying with this kid to make sure he didn't get hurt, which turned out to be her son. D'oh. I made her happy at me, which I was able to undo later though :). So I also got to see my cousin Melissa, who I never see that lives in California. She brought along her firefighter boyfriend, Lee, who was cool. So after everything, we all went home and chilled, then had a dinner to say goodbye to all my mom's relatives before they left. We ate at this restaurant called sport at Fisher Plaza (where they film Komo4 news). There were TV's in like every direction and I enjoyed watching some Seahawk Pownage over the Cowboys 42-10. Yeah, so now I need to correct the steven comment. While he is a Pro at being a noob, since that's his name, he is perfectly capable of beating me unless I have Sai and Keir backing me up and giving Steven Davis. Then we pown them with reaver and tank drops. Some dark templars too. Hee hee. Well thats it for now.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I think it's good to have a little reminder now and then. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 09, 2005

This is Steven. He is a pro at being a noob. I can pown him at StarCraft. He fails at that. He wanted to say that nobody cares about my cats and that my belt of pownage pics are terrible, but he doesn't have a blog, so he couldn't post a comment. Well here ya go Steven. Now the whole world can know what you think. If anyone wants to say something about my blog, but can't, then send me a picture (i need to know you) and (hot girls: less clothing = better :) I will post it and ur comment. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, October 08, 2005


As you may have guessed from my title, something bad happened. Well it did. I got my 100th loss on It shortens the win/loss gap to about 50. (149 wins). So in other news our team scored a bunch against a sucky team, but the coach convinced the ref to cancel our game even though people ou adjacent feilds played on. LIGHTNING TEN MILES AWAY IS PERFECTLY SAFE. IT WASN'T GONNA PASS OVER US AND NOW THE GAME DOESN' COUNT GARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


BELT OF POWNAGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted by Picasa

The truth is out! Posted by Picasa