Monday, October 31, 2005

The Dark Ages or something?

So my post on the 17th of October was really long and if u wanna read it and comment anywhere on my blog, then click the october link to open ALL of october. So anyhoo, the main jist of what happened since my last wordy post can be seen by the pictures. So on Saturday, we had our fist not-loss of the soccer season, tying 2-2. Petter (not sure of spelling) did a saweet job of coaching. Steven got a blog now, so he can bother me with comments which more of you should do and this weekend I had over 8 hours of homework, but luckily my math homework went fast because my cousin who is a senior in Calculus was learning the advanced version of what I was. So today's halloween and I'm bored which is obvious since im posting. Later y'all.

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