Wednesday, December 28, 2005

That little box says: Would you like to start Age of Empires 3? Yes or no. It kind of brings a tear to your eye Posted by Picasa

here is the new mustang belt layed out. It is recycled of an actual old mustang seatbelt. Posted by Picasa


The belt fits and I had to tighten it a lot to get it to fit so it made me feel good about myself. Posted by Picasa

Winter Break Post

Well I haven't really accomplished much with my life so far in winter break. The first week of it was pretty much on a nice little shedule. It would go:
Somewhere between 7:00 and 9:00 - 11:00: wake up.
11:00: realize that steven and keir have been playing starcraft for a while.
11:01: play some starcraft.
1:00: get a quick lunch in about 5 minutes and try to eat it while I play starcraft.
5:00: starcraft playage slows down.
6:00: dinner.
7:00: my family watches a lame movie while I play more starcraft.
Between 10:00 and 11:00: stop playing starcraft and go to sleep.
But what about my homework? Oh yeah I haven't done it. I think that schedule covers me until the 23rd. On the 24th, my aunt and grandpa, who have season tickets to the seahawks couldn't go, so my dad and I went. It was an awesome game because we owned the colts. They barely got their one touchdown. Shaun Alexander even tied that record for most touchdowns in a something. I think it was season. On christmas, I opened some good presents, like MY NETHERLANDS SOCCER JERSEY. I will post a picture of it. I also got an american eagle gift card from my aunt and uncle in the tri cities. Unfortunately I dont like american eagle, so I always sell them to my sister. Two of my presents had to be delivered. One was my mustang belt that came today. The other is a shirt with the ford logo on it. I was also relieved that my aunt from Kent didn't knit me a vest this year. Two years ago, it was a pale light orange and pale light blue vest. Very very ugly. Last year was a shorewood themed vest. It was blue and green, but it had a t-bird logo on it and my last name on the back so that if I wore it, the bullies would know who to beat up. I would love to post pictures of both, sadly, I dont know where they are, but I will try to find them. On monday, we all went to see fun with dick and jane which was actually a really good movie. After that, we watched the longest yard, which was also good. Yesterday, I started my homework. I finished one class, and half finished mr witt. I only need to finish that stuff and then its just history day. We also watched hidalgo, which was an ok movie. Now I guess I should get going on my homework so I can play AGE OF EMPIRES 3. I really need to start that game, so I'm going to post a few pics then homework it up.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

SC Pownage

Yay. I got my 300th win on today. I'm playing now so I'll post more later.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Rest of my week

So on wednesday, after school, I went to get my driver's permit, which came in the mail today. I had to use the paper version until now. Me and my cousin are also trying to outdo each other on the pictures. I definately won because mine was nice and bad. So I've done some driving and I even crossed Aurora and didn't realize it until just now. I also am mad at anyone that says driving on the freeway scares them. I wasn't afraid and it was pretty cool because I didn't have to worry about me speed. On the second day of driver's Ed, we watched this stupidly funny movie. Some good parts of the movie were when the robot was off topic making stupid remarks and at the end when he directs traffic and suddenly lifts up his leg, then the other, then falls down, to which I said, "that is unsafe standing techniques." Today, I had to go to my sister's dance recital, but I felt good about it because while I got dragged along, so did Zach and Joel with their families. That's about it for now.

Is Keir slower than me?

This conversation took place on November 27, 2005:
brittlebrit187 (7:57:49 PM): ok
brittlebrit187 (7:57:51 PM): heres the deal
RunningInSquare3 (7:57:51 PM): ko
RunningInSquare3 (7:57:59 PM): laed eht sereh
brittlebrit187 (7:58:03 PM): every time davis is online we ask him if he wants to play starcaft
brittlebrit187 (7:58:06 PM): circulate it
RunningInSquare3 (7:58:14 PM): ok
brittlebrit187 (7:58:19 PM): sorry, i must have interrupted your satanic ritual
brittlebrit187 (7:58:26 PM): "RunningInSquare3 (10:57:54 PM): ko""RunningInSquare3 (10:58:02 PM): laed eht sereh"
RunningInSquare3 (7:58:31 PM): howd u know?
brittlebrit187 (7:58:33 PM): continue summoning the dead to do your bidding

This conversation took place on December 17, 2005:
brittlebrit187 (12:47:49 PM): heh
brittlebrit187 (12:47:57 PM): i just now understood what you were doing

For those of you idiots that still don't get it, I'm not going to bother wasting my time.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Well today was the first day of driver's ed. It's really boring, but the teacher is ok. Alex Breaden is in my driving group too so that will be cool. If all goes as planned, I shall have my permit tomorrow. By the way, I did hear right on whether steven can play. He can't for a month. The cause is still unknown. In the meantime, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Seahawks pown as much as the Dutch

So guess what? Nothing happened until everything happened at once. Yes, that was gramatically correct. So on that wednesday, the lazerbeams played our last city tournament game against willie's cousin's team that was the first place gold team. Needless to say we lost. Jake was in goal and they scored about 7 goals on him the whole time. In the last 10 minutes, Richard put Eric in and we're all like wtf? So I have Eric's position of center-midfield-with forward tendencies. I had to do the kickoff, which I've never done before, which if you had seen it, would have been apparent. So anyway, Jake gets 7 goals on him in the whole game minus ten minutes, then Eric gets 3 in that time. And he can't dropkick the ball either. He pretty much totally really badly sucked. So we wind up losing 10-0 against the best gold team, which is pretty good since we lost to the Toros 9-0 that one time and they weren't 1st in our division. On thursday, we had the band concert, which symphonic band was the only really bad sounding one and the worst one. That was redundant but whatever. The final piece of the pain was hearing our recording today. AAAAAAAAAA. So on sunday, I went to the Seahawks game because my aunt and grandpa have season tickets but didn't wanna go. So on the way back, some guy driving while talking on a cell phone runs a red light in front of us as we are pulling forward and we smack him. Yes I didn't tell you. No it doesn't matter. Yes I'm ok but if you are a hot girl and you wanna comfort me...... we'll talk. Now here's a physics lesson. Mr. Honda accord is very much bigger than Mr. us in the plymouth breeze. Now the Accord since it also was the hitter, I believe that that means Mr. Honda should have wasted us. Well, no. You see, Mr. Breeze is an older car that has the frame with heavier material (before they figured out there was a light metal for car frames). Anyway, long story short, that guy slightly misalligned our hood, so the windshield sprinklers are crooked and we have some ugly green paint that scratched onto the drivers side under the headlight. HIS car, however, got the front arc over the wheel screwed up. He learned that if he ever cuts off a plymouth breeze again, it might cost him more because them's some heavy cars. So alo today, steven said he cant play on the computer for a month. I hope I heard him wrong, but in case I didn't: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Friday, December 09, 2005

Oh hey I think that this card would so be perfect to give my friend for her birthday. We got some pretty interesting cards out there Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Everything big really does happen close I guess.

Ok, so there wasn't anything for monday last week. Tuesday, everone expected it to snow, except Steven and I. It didn't. On wednesday, we watched a disturbingly gross parasite video. It was really bad and i can take some bad stuff. Later that day, the Lazerbeams had our first City tournament game vs. the Toros. They beat us 9-0 on the first game of our regular season. So we won by -7 (lost by 7), which was good, because we improved by 2. On thursday, nothing much happened again, except the refrigerator finally got fixed and we had that fall sports assembly. It snowed too, but you don't need to hear about that. On friday, nothing happened that I can remember, except everyone was hoping it was a snow day, but it wasn't, which was funny.. On saturday, the Lazerbeams had our 2nd City tournament game vs. the Bombers. They were a man short, so we could take them. We wound up winning in a shootout. That is how bad our team is. Today, I've been playing Age of Empires again because I figured I should beat it so I can give it back to Davis now that he can play video games again. That's all for now I guess.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

It's a thing of beauty and the american way of being too lazy to throw away old coke cans for 2 months. By the way, in 2 months, I drank these cans. It's not a lot, there are only 14 in the stack. Posted by Picasa

Yay, the stack is done. It's right up against the ceiling Posted by Picasa